Sunday, December 30, 2012

A beautiful day, watch the sunset

"If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God."
Author: G.K. Chesterton.

I read that and was so encouraged, enlightened, and willing and wanting to engage others all for the glory of God. I pray that you and I today, and here forward grow closer to God and draw others to Him as well, because everyone should be able to see "the sunset", and also "The Son-set" at the right hand of God, amen.

Signs of a true friend

"It is one of the severest tests of friendship to tell your friend his faults. So to love a man that you cannot bear to see a stain upon him, and to speak painful truth through loving words, that is friendship." This is one if the greatest... realities of why I so desire to know and love God. He also gave me a beautiful living wife who is my truest friend, and a family, and extended family that are all true friends. Even those of you who read these and will tell me the unbridled truth as I try to do with you, you are my true friends as well. This above all else is Gods love and friendship with and towards us who believe and trust in His son. I pray this encourages you as it has me, to reflect, inspect cherish your real friends, and more importantly your relationship with Him.

Big Picture

Another late update, won't make this a habit. Good news, I got to wake up by the grace of God(big picture). I pray whether your circumstances are good or bad that you too can look at the big picture. God is good. That hasn't changed, it won't change, and it never will.

Can't go back, won't go back

I've been thinking, praying desperately for the right words to say, just the right quotes, something...but why? I have been asking myself that lately, "why am I doing this, posting what I post, saying what I say and doing what I do, why?" The answer is actually very simple, I must. Since I have come to know God, or rather he know me, I can't go back, I wouldn't want to. A life with little or n...o hope, all self effort...on and on. Why do I post these posts? Because he first chose to love me, to extend his grace to me. I pray that although I can not make anyone open their eyes or see what I see, I will constantly strive to try, for you and it his name, his glory. I do hope that anyone and everyone that reads these, that knows me, believes that I truly only want to help, I pray I shed some light, point the you his love. Remember you can see any older post at

What to do? Keep it simple

Romans 12:12 "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Yes I do believe it can all be so simple. Our hope is in Him, and while we are living and enduring various trials and tribulations, we patiently trust in His word and believe in His blessings, and finally by staying in constant communication and communion with Him we know we are loved, and can and should love others. It all begins an ends with Him. Rejoice today if for the only reason that He is good and has given it to you.

Check yourself

As I have been reading and studying about "election" in the bible, or being "chosen", the "elect", etc. the question that keeps popping up to me is this; "Am I living like I'm Gods chosen/elect?" I'm not speaking of material things, or an...ything of the physical nature because that is fleeting, but rather spiritually am I growing in the fruit of the spirit? Call it a spiritual check if you will, and from what I am learning it is something that we all should do on occasion. Please remember that this is not meant to condemn, but rather is a call to righteousness. I pray this challenges you as it is me...also you can always see all my older posts at I've tried my best to categorize them, and they are all open for comments, concerns, whatever. If there is ever anything I can do personally to help you, clarify something or that we can look at, look up, pray for, anything, just message me, I would love to help and also be encouraged!

Don't worry about what you're going to say

I don't think I've been this late with a post in the morning. I actually slept, didn't get up in the night at all, feels good, feels weird. Anyways...I actually am going to read my bible and pray after I post which is something that I don't do either. BUT in the bible it says not to worry about what you are going to say because God will give you the right words right when you need them for the right people(my paraphrasing of course). So let that be your and my encouragement or today; when you have the opportunity to share the gospel with someone today, don't be afraid, He will give you the right words, just speak to them in love, grace, and peace. God is good, and Jesus is for everybody,

Don't worry

I just wanted to post something light and refreshing tonight, maybe not to theologically deep, but good and true none the less, here goes; "Don't worry about tomorrow, God is already there" that taken from one of my wife's many signs that hang in our house. As much as I give her a hard time for them, they are a constant reminder of Gods goodness and faithfullness.

Ask according to HIS will

"14 And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him." That is probably one of the most abused passages of scripture I hear and read about today...yes I know it's early, and this isn't starting off like a positive post but ...stay with me. The key word or words in this teaching is "according to HIS will". There have been many a time, and still now when I ask something in confidence, but to be brutally honest I dot really know if it was in line with his will. Might I suggest to you, as it was pointed out to me, "if your prayers aren't getting answered, that maybe you should check to see if it lines up with his word." I also believe if you can't find it for yourself in the word, you might need to start there. Again this may sound very discouraging but stop and think about it, what would happen if you could and would always pray according to his will? It, what ever you prayed for would happen! Get in your word, get to know his will, and grow closer to him.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The beginning and the end

Jesus birth was the beginning of our reconciliation, while His death and resurrection finished it for those that believe. I hope and pray that the real meaning of Christmas is remembered as it should be.

This is for our friend

I don't find it odd that when a great friend of mine, a cousin whom I look at as a brother, begins to go through something horrible, that I desperately ask God for something that I can do to help him. I only hear Silence. "God did you hear me?" Silence. "God, I'm not asking anything for myself, I'm asking how I may comfort and help my friend, how I can show your love and peace to Him while he struggles through this. God?" Silence...wait, "Is that the answer? Is that what your telling me? A subtle peace in my heart. I can and should tell him those things, show Him where I find peace love and comfort, not preach to him, but as his brother as a friend whose heart hurts when his heart hurts. God can and will get you through this, He does love you, we are family and we are here for you. God had already shown me what to do, what I am going to do. To all of those out there like my friend that are hurt it hurting, God does love you, he hears your prayers, he really for care. And to my friends and family that have been praying and asking what we can do to help, get up and get out there and just try, God will move and empower you to say and do the right things for them, with them. Lead them to his arms where they can rest and have peace. I pray that this isn't taken as a sad post, but a challenging and encouraging one that leads all of us to continue to pray an act upon what God shows us in and through His word. Sorry I this was a long read. To my best friend and brother Brian, love you man, I already told you privately, but publicly I'm here for you, I'm praying for you.

Quick thought/question

If I could leave you with one thought tonight might I ask you one simple question; "Do we approach God from a beggar's perspective or as His cherished child?"

Can't sleep?

This is for the people who didn't go to sleep last night, those of you who woke up early, and everyone else that may read this, (more the former than the latter) God does care about you, even your sleep. He cares about how you sleep, where you sleep, when you sleep and who you sleep with. Why I felt led to post that? Hopefully to let someone know that He does hear your prayers, and does care, and He is always there. Don't be discouraged, but encouraged by His word.

What will you believe?

"Why believe the devil instead of believing God? Rise up and realize the truth about yourself - that all the past has gone, and you are one with Christ, and all your sins have been blotted out once and for ever. O let us remember that it is sin to doubt God's Word. It is sin to allow the past, which God has dealt with, to rob us of our joy and our usefulness in the present and in the future." I a...m doing my best to balance; my thoughts and quotes, older theologians and pastors, current pastors and teachers, all based, rooted and grounded in and on the bible. Above all else I desire to point the way to His feet by my words yes, but also my life. Not for one moment do I think myself perfect, but in my failings, struggles and troubles, did I get up? Did I shake the dust from myself and press on? Do I live for Him...I hope and pray that you too strive together with me, with other like believers, all for the glory of God. Stay strong, hold on, God is good and Jesus is for everybody.

Broken Hearted

"God will mend a broken heart if you give Him all the pieces." The question then becomes will you trust and believe in Him, and wholly give yourself to Him. I know I am late posting this today, but I wanted to be sure that after my last post I built upon the common need and theme of our lives.

Jesus is for everybody.

True Story

*The following post is neither a joke nor meant to stir controversy, but it is the truth. Only the names, dates, and places have been changed...not really though.

Two Catholics, a Jew, and a Christian walk into a Mexican restaurant...and have a wonderful lunch filled with heart felt communication, laughter and a sense of overall peace. My team at work, although very different in all aspects, ar...e not so different. We share in the same issues pressing on our families, friends, and all other relationships. We also acknowledged the ever present need for God and only the love, peace and joy that He can provide. Doctrinal differences aside, if only for awhile, we are friends on an increasingly difficult journey in which our common pains are the same, and the answer even more needed, Gods grace.

Jesus is for everybody.

Sustainable Joy?!

I have yet to see any material thing sustain a persons happiness. I have witnessed times of being happy when something is introduced, but sustainable joy? No...but this is not a negative post, on the contrary, I do know how one can grasp that elusive sustainable joy, our lord and savior. He has proven time and time again, in my life and in the lives of countless others I know and have read about,... to provide that which everyone needs, "comfort and joy". By there is a catch I you will, this is a reconciliation of a broken relationship. You may not fully understand what all that encompasses, but pray, speak with someone and search Him out, and lord willing you too will find what we all are desperately looking for, in need of, Him.

My Friends Burden

My friends burden, his pain and his anguish is mine. He cries for his brother, for his brothers happiness, for his brothers soul. we all have a "my friend", a "brother" or "sister" will you pray with me, with him, for the lost souls that we all know, can you? will you? my friend and i will beg, kick, scratch, and scream on our knees, we pray with a passion as if our souls were hanging in the balance, lord open his eyes, heal his heart, hear our prayers, bottle our tears. The hope of reconciliation, for him, for you, for us, all for the glory of God.

A mustard seed?!

"No faith is required to do the possible; actually only a morsel of this atom-powered stuff is needed to do the impossible, for a piece as large as a mustard seed will do more than we have ever dreamed of."-Leonard Ravenhill. Part of my problem and possibly yours is that we've gone so far and grown so comfortable on our own efforts that the thought of needing more, or even asking for more seems u...nnecessary. That does not make it true! We need God more then ever when our physical needs appear to be met, I fear that our spiritual ones have been so neglected that our relationship with God is strained, on our end, that we need that little grain of faith, not to move mountains, but to bring us back to Him, to move our mountain of "stuff" out of the way...this is just on my heart, I hope an pray it helps someone, not sure how, but I will leave that up to God. We just need a little faith.

Overwhelmingly amazed by grace

I am overwhelmingly amazed at the grace of God. That he would do so very much when I deserve nothing. That all I his love, peace, joy, comfort he willingly gives to those that receive Him, through His son...awestruck. I can't thank him enough, I can't try hard enough to show you...oh but I will try, I pray you too will join in his love, be reconciled...let us pray, in faith, with hope...I know this may seem rambled, but I pray my heart, His love comes pouring out through these jumbled broken words. He loves you, come home to him.

A New Relationship

Reconciliation + restoration=new relationship. This is a staple of a strong biblical view between God and man, and also for us with each other. We should be seeking an striving for this daily, I pray we would allow God to accomplish such a work in us.

What will you chose?

Will you chose to rejoice and be glad in the day that The Lord made for you? Will I? Can we rejoice and be glad despite the numerous other opportunities to do the contrary? I pray we will. Pray we do.

Strain for love

"Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained."-C.S. Lewis. The only thing I might change, or rather add is the word "only" and I would include it right after the word "not". Although not a biblical quote I do believe it is grounded and rooted on the knowledge of God and His will. I would encourage you to read it over a few times, pray about it, find how it aligns and applies to scripture, and above all else, be led by His spirit, be encouraged, and know that you are lives by Him.

His grace is enough

If He didn't love you...his grace wouldn't be sufficient for today

My prayer

This is a little insight to what I think, feel and say daily.
"Help me to know I'm redeemed, help me to grow and believe. Help me to know that I'm clean, help me to show that I'm free. Help me to know that I need to be going closer to you... Father God please forgive me because I know what I do. In your name I pray and give thanks, amen. That's the truth-sincerely, jason

That may have been corny to some, but I hope and pray it may give someone the hope and strength to pour out your heart to God in your own inspired way He's waiting to hear from you, from your heart.

Gods still in control pt.2

"God is still in control, and He loves you." That may be the hardest thing to say, to hear, and even believe when horrendous things happen, but the fact remains that "God is still in control". I have updated I hope that someone may read these posts and be encouraged. That someone will pray and return to God, that despite whatever you may be going through that you... still have a glimmer of hope, that someone, me, will say "God is still in control, and He loves you", that by my simple words, though inspired, will draw you closer to Him. That's why I write morning and night, that is why I pray for anyone and everyone that asks, becuase its not about me, its about Him. Again, feel free to check out for any and all the older posts, from last week and more. And as always, have a great night, hold on, stay strong, God is still in control and He loves you.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

God is still speaking to us

"for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."-Paul interestingly enough being inspired by the Holy Spirit always has a word specific for those in need. It is not mere coincidence that His words, Gods through Paul are still true today.

I'm sorry

At times words escape me. For example; when I need to say sorry, I knew I was wrong but some how had convinced myself that it was all their fault, dangerous thing pride is. If you're feeling proud be careful because the fall is soon to follow. It takes a lot of unnecessary work to hold a grudge, so let go of it. Finally peace should be out constant desire, especially if you're married, peace fo...
r your sake, and theirs. If your stubborn, pray and ask God for help, humble yourself. If you have pride, again pray and ask for help, humble yourself, and if you've been holding on to unforgiveness, not letting the peace of God reign, pray and ask God for help. Notice a trend? Guess what I'm about to do? Baby I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me. Even though I've said it privately, I felt lead to share it public with the hope that others will be lead by God to so the same. Not public ally mind you, but to pray and ask God and then do whatever he says.

More and more prayer is needed

"Pray" it was amazing how many people on every media outlet, myself included, asked or mentioned prayers for families and friends of the victims, and yet I am still grieved that the evil has not stopped in the world and broken hearts still abound. Moreover the question that I ask you and myself is ; why don't we always pray? Pray more? We know the evil is out there, and it has touched our lives i...
n one way or another, and yet we do not ask for prayers constantly. The bible says to pray without ceasing...will everyone that asked or prayed yesterday, still offer up their prayers today? Even if there were not an absolutely awful event as yesterday, we all know that there are plenty of things, people, situations that we can and should be praying for. I will continue to pray, and hope that everyone else does as well. Can you see why God is our hope in our time of need? Let us pray

What do we do now? How can we help?

Do you consider life as normal now after the current tragedy? Do you continue on as if nothing happened, as if it does not have an immediate impact in and on your heart? We can not deny the present evil, yet to do so we must also address the Good now necessary to endure and overcome. We are the church body in this instance, and not a church building where we meet. See the difference? The importance of living the loving life of a Christian and not only associate and claim a denomination. Be the church, we are the church, reach out through prayer, more people need Gods loving touch more than ever...let us pray

Sin looks good in the beginning

sin looks so enticing in the beginning, but that's because the consequences aren't shown until later. Thank God we can ask for forgiveness, be forgiven and develop new habits and pattern for living...not by might not power but by His spirit.

What would you say?

Had an interesting conversation today at lunch. I was asked what denomination I was, followed by "I know you have a bible study and stuff". It was the perfect opportunity that I seized (I hope) to stress that my first reply is not what denomination whose doctrines I support and practice most often, but rather that my relationship with God and my family and friends...I think I caught her by surprise. Do I support organized religions? Cetain ones, of course! But above that when you get to heaven God will not ask what denomination you practiced, but does He KNOW you?! Do you know him? I pray you get to know him, and that He knows you. Be strengthened by his love grace peace and mercy.

"If I had a wish"

"If I had some wishes we'd be perfect, we'd all go to heaven we'd be worthy" k-dub, but since I don't, and I'm not perfect I'm going to do my best to share the gospel, what I know in hopes that we all grow closer to Him, revival.

God is real

Please don't ever try to convince me that God isn't real, it won't work. He has done so much for me, to me, with me that His track record speaks for itself. Point and case, he blessed me with the most wonderful wife, so perfect for me that tomorrow will mark the day she was born from him for me, grace and love in action. I don't deserve her, and nothing I could do can ever repay him. So my life...
's hope and desire is to please him by loving her with all my might. To those of you who aren't married, don't be discouraged even if you have been wronged in the past, whether your fault or not, Gods grace and love is abundant from him, for you an with you. Pray, read, study, praise, He is God, He is good, and He is real, this I know.

What is prayer?

Prayer, aggressive, peaceful, empowering, humbling...pray

Don't forget His word

I'm not afraid that people don't know what I'm going through, we all go through something. What does scare me(if I can use those words) is that others will see my fear, struggles, moments if weakness and not see the hours in prayer, the encouraging words of friends and family, above all else, Gods promise by his word that I desperately cling to, then the triumphant victory that I eventually walk in because of his son. I implore you all do not forgot that God will never leave nor forsake you...if you are his can trust on him, have faith in him, and because of him walk worthy.


I shouldn't have to remind myself to pray, I should be looking forward to the time and chance I will get to .

Stop and Think

This next quote may seem like an attack but I pray you take it as a challenge, and it is this; "Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think." The bible is adamant about asking us as Christians, as children of God to think, to test everything we hear, everything. I have been and hopefully won't be again blissfully ignorant willfully unfortunate of taking words from teachers, pastors, preachers and the like without ever testing what they said. This is not a "knock" on them, for I would like to believe that they were always doing their best, as I am now, but only Gods word is perfect in its presentation and application. I implore you and I to take everything we read, hear, even do and test/prove it with the word of God. Be encouraged! This is a call to godliness and holiness, let us answer as real men and women of God, proving our faith. P.s. thank you all who continue to encourage me through your love and support ( love you Danielle, family and friends)

How do we show Him?

How do you show someone that you genuinely love them? Talk to them? Spend time with them? Think about them constantly? Should our live for God be any different? I submit to you that it should not be, in fact it should be even more so...I remember writing poems for my first worldly "loves", making mix tapes, staying up late talking on the phone waiting for them to hang up first...if I did this for person, how much more should I do this for my God

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Information, Revelation, Application

Many of us have a vast amount of information about God and what he did. Then there are those of us that have a healthy dose of revelation of what He can do. Lastly there is a select few that know the information, believe the revelation, and have started the application...if don't know what to do first, gather information about Him, with hopes that he will show you more. If you've been gathering i...
nformation, pray and await for revelation. Finally if he has revealed himself and ways to you, it is only right and true that you start walking in a manner worthy, the application. All three of these are a sure sign of your most righteous calling. Notice they all involve a constant movement forward to him, by him, with him. I pray that you strive to know him more. Keep growing, be encouraged, keep your mind and heart set on Him.

I need His peace!

The beauty if the following verse is evident, yet I lose sight of it in times of distress, why?! "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." So I read it again and again, planting it deeper and deeper in the fertile ground if my heart knowing that through prayer, study and meditation(pondering it over and over in my mind). God will bring it back to my recollection the next trials and tribulations arise. This is true for every believer, for every true child of God. Lay the foundation of His word and stand strong against life's storms, be encouraged.

Don't go away, draw closer

Why do I at times say "Father forgive me for I know not what I do"?! I know what I've done! He knows it too, I'm not tricking Him, or making myself more humble by quoting some scripture out of context...why do I say it then? Moreover,why do I make a dumb choice, have a bad thought, or just blatantly sin, and in passing offer up a flippant scripture quote? It's like I'm so frustrated and disappointed in myself that I don't know what to say, so I say that in hopes that He hears His word...guess why? he knows what he said, and this may seem like a negative post but stay with me. Sin done or in a Christians life will make you feel like God doesn't love you, or that he won't hear your prayers, we've all thought that, but if you are his child and he knows you, then truly repent from your heart, ask for help, guidance, strength to get to the root of the sin, does He want to help you? Can he help you? Will you let him help you? Yes. Don't let yourself be drawn away and think, worse yet believe that you can't come to him. That fact is even on your best day you and I aren't perfect, that's why we need him all the more to never leave us, which he won't if you're his child, he won't forsake you, never ever...but will walk away from him? I pray you don't! We all have struggles and troubles, trials and tribulations, He is still God, and He is still will and able to help you through them to get back to Him. Sorry this was so long, I hope it encourages someone, anyone to come to your fathers loving arms of forgiveness.

I need encouragement

"Sometimes the one who does most of the encouraging, needs to be encouraged! Just following my heart that leads to God." A dear friend sent me that today. I pray that you have a friend that encourages like this, if not let me encourage you through His words.

Do you realize?

Do you and I even realized how extremely blessed we are? I encourage you and I to remember Gods goodness and give Him glory, honor and praise for breathe to see this day. Rejoice and be glad in it.

Kind words

First to Mrs. Tripp, thank you for your kind and loving words dripped like sweet honey on my heart from the mouth of God. To those of you who also comforted my family and me through direct encouragement and through quiet prayers spoken in secret, "thank you". Being transparent, authentic, "real" is extremely humbling, yet highly encouraging because you soon realize that no man is and island. We are made for fellowship with one another. I pray that I comfort and encourage you as you have me through faith by the word of God, amen.

Not done yet

I pray that you are encouraged, strengthened by Gods word, by what His son has done for you and me. You are forgiven, yes he still loves you, and no he's not done with you yet.

Tell the truth

Tell the truth. Sin and lying is so appealing in the beginning, but in the end it leaves you and I in a sad condition. Pray for what to say,or don't say nothin

Comfort and Joy

I'm glad we don't have to try to find comfort and joy from external things, because there are enough external problems to steal that comfort and joy.

Let the doctor operate

When we read the bible, study it out, and pray that he takes his word and changes us, Paul's words in Thessalonians echoes what we should know and be encouraged by. "And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers." First We need to accept the bible as the word of God, secondly that it(the word) should be at work in us. So the question I asked myself and ask you now, is what word, what has god shown you an told you that He needs you to work on, that should be at work in you? In me? I pray you allow him to operate:)

Don't runaway

There are times when you want to runaway, God says run to Him. You may not be able to change the place or position your at, but in and through God, by running to him...I pray we run to him when we feel like running away.

Stupid Cancer

Stupid cancer. That's all I can say. I don't like it, I don't like what it does, I find nothing good of it...but my God is bigger, stronger, willing and able to heal and draw a family closer to each other and to Him. We can find all the fruit of the spirit in Him, and it is in him we find peace, love, and joy that surpasses understanding. I pray that whatever you may be going through, or a family member, or friend, that you draw closer to God, draw them closer to God if at all possible, draw all men unto His loving arms, he will comfort the tired the weary the broken hearted...have faith in Him, for he is our hope, amen.

You should know

"For we know, brothers(and sisters) loved by God, that he has chosen you,"

do you and I understand the beauty of that? We should "know", we are loved by God( even when we don't or didn't think we were lovely or worth loving, he loved us. Lastly he proves it if you will by "choosing you" You were chosen, you are loved, and you should know it.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Wednesday night "What are you looking for?"

Romans 6:22
"But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end eternal life."

Galatians 5:22-23 "the fruit of the Spirit are..."

1.  "But now" is drawing the line in time, between what you were, what you are, and even what you will become, but Paul is stating that RIGHT NOW!

2.  You and I have been set free from sin, the bondage, the work of sin and its power over us, what it desperately tries to lord over us.

3.  BUT NOW!!! we have become slaves/ bond servants, sold yourself and put under a NEW LORD, the KING of KINGS, rather HE purchased you from the ugly former rulers, SIN.

4. with this new bond to GOD, the fruit YOU get are: Galatians 5:22-23
1. love
2. joy
5. kindness
6. goodness
7. faithfulness
8. gentleness
9. long suffering

and this fruit leads to SANCTIFICATION


When you take all of this and study it out, pray about it, meditate on it(mull it over in your mind and heart over and over)  you then are led to a glorious revelation, it ends in our eternal life, glory!!!

Grow in your relationship with God and the fruit he gives you, lead to sanctification and ultimately to your eternal life with him, amen.

His fruit

Have you heard about what God wants to give you, what he has already given you if you are his child? If not, may I share a few things he has promised by his word that will be a result of being his child? Love, joy, peace, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, kindness, patience, self control and long suffering. Remembering also that these are perfect, in perfection, not temporary, everlasting, ho...
w could someone NOT want or need these? All of those afore mentioned "things", are actually the "fruit of his spirit" found in Galatians 5:22-23. If you're like me the only one that caused a slight concern, is the mention of "long suffering" but even then, if the others are in full effect, having to deal with the trials and tribulations of the world...we would still have a hope and peace unshakable because we knew he loved us and was with us, "and that's a fact jack"...sorry I've been watching a little duck dynasty. I pray you read Galatians, not just for what you have received, but to get to know Him more.

Knowing God

"There's a difference between knowing God and knowing about God. When you truly know God, you have energy to serve him, boldness to share him, and contentment in him." this from his book Knowing God, J.I. Packer. Remember that knowing him and following him, was brought about by him, so he always gives you the strength and desire to live for him, and love others. I pray that you are encouraged to know him more...keep growing and going with him.

Let them see your good works

"Let them see your good works and glorify The Lord." Remembering that there is onlyt one who is "good" it must be Him doing good works through you. Not only that, doing good works towards others, so that they would be drawn to Him. Let him work through you, pray that he would, that you would allow him, and then go and bless others. Can it all be so easy? When you die to self and live and love him, living and loving others becomes let us together do good works by allowing him to do them through us, draw closer to him, and others will see him and do the same...

Desperate for HIM

I don't hide the fact that it was out if desperation that I chose to follow God. I knew I was never good enough, could never reach high enough, and now matter what I "got" it was never ever enough. This is not a defeatist attitude, only a beautiful reality that led me to the foot of the cross where all those "things" I could never achieve by my own strength and will power, were fulfilled, and fr...
eely given to me, if only I believed, received and kept growing closer to him. And here's the kicker, as I keep growing closer to him, the less and less the "things" actually matter, because now I find so much more in him, And through him I can share with others. Talk about a complete change of events...I pray you see my heart, but moreover God heart pouring out towards you...towards everyone that would believe.

Word unto HIM

I pray that you would all have a great day and remember(as I must also) to work as unto The Lord. If you're doing it for a pay check, the prestige, whatever, honestly you're going to miss the value of the grace that God has given you for this day. Today is the day The Lord has made, but will you rejoice and be glad in it? I pray you will.

Train a child...

"Train a child in the way they should go..." who will step up and train these children, more over, how do help those children that are now adults and have never been trained? We all need "training", hence we should grow in our relationship with God as He "trains" us, leads us, guides us. Keep growing, yes, but then who are you helping, we all can help in some way.

Helper in your time of need

Simply put; God is your helper in your time of need, but if you don't know him, how can you go to him? Get to know him so you can go to him.

You are forgiven

You and I are forgiven, so is anyone who asks, and believers. What a comforting truth. We can't be afraid to ask, and we must learn to believe.

Fruit, the extra blessing

Just wanted to take this opportunity to thank those that came over, good times. And to my new friend, it was so nice to meet you, we are praying for you, and I hope that the message was comforting, encouraging, and helpful. To everyone else, "what are you looking for?" I submit that you are looking for the fruit of the Spirit. Please check Galatians 5:22, you can know the one that can bless you with them. In fact knowing Him is better than the fruit, the fruit is just an extra blessing because he loves you. Remember that you can always read the older posts at or you can message me anytime if there is ever anything I can do to help you with what ever.

Good works and the good man/woman

"Good works do not make a good man, but a good man does good works." And since there is only one who is "good" it is vital that we allow Him to live in and work through us, good works. I've strived in my own strength to be "good" only to burn out and give up, yet when I give myself, my mind, I'll and emotions to Him, good works flow effortlessly. I pray this encourages you to seek him more and in turn you allow Him to do "good works" through you too. He is willing and able, will you let Him?

Love in word and deed

Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in Paul so tenderly puts, seems to have been an issue even back then. So then what are we to do? Just as is written, .

Unforgiveness, the poison

I heard this years ago and really liked it, in fact I believe is accurate; "unforgiveness is like wanting someone to get sick or even die, yet you're the one that drinks the poison". I don't technically find that verbiage in the bible, but there is enough warning about unforgiveness to remind us all TO forgive. Is it easy? Rarely! But it is possible and vital to our walk of life. Pray for help, the helper helps best:)