What if I was to say that you may not have your best life now, but I made the clear distinction between what I believe the bible declares is the best life for us Christians, and what the world says it should be for them. Then both you and I could see and decide where our hearts desire actually lines up with and is propelling is towards. Here could be our first series of questions about "What do ...you want?" Do you want to know more God intimately, personally? or do you want to know about God and all that He might do for you?" Now these may seem like simple questions but if you, like me, read them carefully, there is something added to the latter question that redirects the focus off of Him and back to you. More often then I would like to admit I've been guilty of this, and also I have heard others portray this mentality, and it goes a little something like this"God can do this...He will do that, God does not want you to be..." I am not saying that God shouldn't or doesn't do things for us, but that shouldn't be the focus of our lives, of why we strive to get to know Him. Our best lives or going to be the ones spent with Him, praising Him, just being in His presence, and now because of His son we actually have access to His throne, to have an audience with Him...Is there anything better? The money, cars, clothes, trying to be successful? Let me know God and I will have my best life now and for forever!
Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22 37-40
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Power of prayer
Can you recall the power of prayer? Of answered prayers? Let the following quote stir your soul; "The reason why many fail in battle is because they wait until the hour of battle. The reason why others succeed is because they have gained their victory on their knees long before the battle came. Anticipate your battles; fight them on your knees before temptation comes, and you will always have victory." I'm sorry I can't remember who said that, so I hope I am quoting him adequately...bottom line, pray, not just for answers prayers, but to also grow closer to the one true and living God.
A day of Gods goodness
A day of Gods goodness lay ahead towards those who are His children, not that just good things will happen to you, but rather the opportunity to get to know Him more, become more aware of His holiness and goodness, the capacity to enjoy all that He is, is here. I pray we all draw closer to Him today, growing in godliness and holiness, amen
Sound doctrine
After much study, actually, continual study(we should never stop, or think we know it all) but a striking realization I've come to is this: we are not in need of some *new* revelation from God, nor experience, but rather a relaying of the s...ound biblical foundation, i.e. "sound doctrine". For if upon sound doctrine we stood, and a strong and proper relationship we lived, we as Christians would be the salt and light that the world, our coworkers, friends, and even family so desperately need. I pray this is encouraging and challenging, and that we heed the call back to righteousness. Amen.
Still can't fall asleep
If you can't fall asleep tonight consider the following: "Instead of counting the sheep why don't you talk to the Shepard?" This quote may be anonymous but the truth it presents paints a wonderful picture of us humbly going to our Lord for ...nothing more but to hear His sweet voice and tender mercy directed straight towards our very souls. It's as though he waits patiently for those whom He has called and protected since the beginning to just draw closer and rest in Him. Draw closer, and rest in Him.
Proverbs 16:3
Proverbs 16:3 "Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established. ". Sounds like what I need to do a better job at, ugh, Lord please help me do this, your will.
Grateful and thankful
Going to bed thankful and grateful for another day to enjoy the goodness of God. If I could make a list of everything I don't deserve, his love would be first followed next by everything else that money can't buy. Family, friends and framily. Love you all, join with me in proclaiming the good news. Have a blessed night.
Relationship with God (and man)
Let me have a good day
Anyone else cry out to God this morning for Him to just "let me have a good day"? What did you say before that? Did you give him praise after you said that? Can we despite yesterday, thank him for today? I pray this helps turn my mindset around, then whether good or bad, my mind and heart are fixed on him.
Relationship with God (and man)
Not me anymore
People are genuinely surprised when they hear of certain things I said or did in the past, that when I sympathize with them I too know of their struggles, troubles, and angst even towards themselves. Is it really so shocking? What a beau...tiful testimony to share and to be. Not that I have achieved perfection(my wife will tell you that) but glory to God I am growing closer to Him every day, and not in word only, but it deed also. The beauty of relationship with Him and not just religion with him is that in law there is no growth, no room for error, while in relationship, growth is the determining factor that is urged and encouraged, we too, with God because of his son, are in that relationship. And although these are just posts I do hope that those of you ho read these are drawing closer o Him daily, growing in godliness and holiness, and sharing Him with others.
Not perfect
I know I'm not perfect, and neither are you, yet we know the one who is and He helping is go that way. I pray we continue to grow in godliness and holiness, only by drawing closer to Him.
What I hope for
The following quote is how I truly feel and have come to appreciate, not idolizing him, but knowing that he and I are very different, and just as God is hopefully using me this way, so he too used Spurgeon. Do I in anyway think of myself o...n his level? Of course not, but that is not my lot. I am called to be a great husband, a loving father, a devoted friend and son, a humble and hard worker, a child of God. With that being said I still get asked why do I post what I post on Facebook? My answer mimics the following:
"I do not come into this pulpit hoping that perhaps somebody will of his own free will return to Christ. My hope lies in another quarter. I hope that my Master will lay hold of some of them and say, "You are mine, and you shall be mine. I claim you for myself." My hope arises from the freeness of grace, and not from the freedom of the will." Charles Spurgeon
As I always try to end, I hope and pray that you draw closer to God...but I must leave that between you and Him. Please check the blog below for all of my past posts and feel free to leave comments, request, etc. blessings.
"I do not come into this pulpit hoping that perhaps somebody will of his own free will return to Christ. My hope lies in another quarter. I hope that my Master will lay hold of some of them and say, "You are mine, and you shall be mine. I claim you for myself." My hope arises from the freeness of grace, and not from the freedom of the will." Charles Spurgeon
As I always try to end, I hope and pray that you draw closer to God...but I must leave that between you and Him. Please check the blog below for all of my past posts and feel free to leave comments, request, etc. blessings.
Whether literally or figuratively 70 x 7 is a lot of forgiveness. For someone to give and also to receive forgiveness it must start with a choice. We must also acknowledge that what we so often ask to receive from God we must generously give. You are forgiven, now forgive.
"Let us remember the loving-kindness of the Lord and rehearse His deeds of grace. Let us open the volume of recollection, which is so richly illuminated with memories of His mercy, and we will soon be happy." What more can be said of Gods ...tender loving kindness? I continue to hope and pray that the posts in some way inspire you to search Him out, to draw closer, to know Him.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Test it, please
On the belief that some of you are going to "church" this morning let me encourage you when you are done to take whatever you heard no matter how good it sounded, or I it rubbed you the wrong way, that you, if you're by yourself or with your friends or family, that you: study it, test it, find out everything you can, and if it does in fact line up with the word of God, pray and ask God to enlighte...n your heart as to how you should apply it and share it with others. But what if it does not line up? Do you leave that congregation? I can't answer that, I can only ask more prying questions. How bad is the error in the message? Is this the first time, or you know that this is a constant? Biblically either way, stay or go, if you have a personal relationship with Christ you are apart of "the church", not just a "church" or place where people meet. I do 100% believe in fellowshipping with others, but I do not believe we should stay in an environment that does not teach and preach soundly, only because of good music, our friends go there, etc. as Pastor David Jeremiah says "there are no turnstiles in heaven, you go in alone, or leave alone, it's is all based on the fact; Does He know you, and you Him?"
This may sound strong but since its Facebook I guess I can be, as my friend kris would say, "Facebook bold", and I know this is a long read also, but was it worth it? I hope so, if just for one person, it is worth it.
This may sound strong but since its Facebook I guess I can be, as my friend kris would say, "Facebook bold", and I know this is a long read also, but was it worth it? I hope so, if just for one person, it is worth it.
You're spoiled to them
"Remember that if you are a child of God, you will never be happy in sin. You are spoiled for the world, the flesh, and the devil. When you were regenerated there was put into you a vital principle, which can never be content to dwell in the dead world. You will have to come back, if indeed you belong to the family."-
Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon
Not going back
Could I go back to what I used to do, think, and say? No! There has been such a change in me, gradual to some, and drastic to others, but real to me. Don't lose hope, we can only live by faith, so whether good or bad, Gods still here, and He's not through with you yet. You are His child and He is the best dad you'll ever have. So if you've lost sight I those truths my suggestion to you is to read in His word all that His son did for me and for you.
It's not always easy
I find myself deeply troubled at times by thoughts and attitudes I have and even share with others. The problem is like Paul the things I want to do I don't, and those which I don't want to do I find myself doing.(my paraphrase). Thank God I feel the call back to righteousness when I do mess up, because without that feeling I wouldn't know He loved me and called me to be his child. I wholeheartedly believe this applies to most Christians that struggle internally and externally look like they have it all together. If this is you too, like me, let us repent, pray, praise and give thanks.
"An honest heart seeks to please God in all things and offend Him in none."- A.W. Pink
"An honest heart seeks to please God in all things and offend Him in none."- A.W. Pink
Think of a tree
The deeper and farther stretching the roots of a tree the more sure of the strength of its foundation when natural disasters occur. I hope and pray that you and I see the direct correlation between this example and our true Godly experience.
He has called you, He is not mad at you
Jesus Christ did not shed his blood for you so that the very first thing you see when you walk into glory is a scowl on His [God] face because of all your failures. ~Paul Washer
Think about it, if he has called you to be with Him, being God,
Knowing before hand all the good and bad, knowing He would continue a work in you and through you...elected, loved, holy, set apart. God is good and He does love you.
Think about it, if he has called you to be with Him, being God,
Knowing before hand all the good and bad, knowing He would continue a work in you and through you...elected, loved, holy, set apart. God is good and He does love you.
Love is...
Love is...offering yourself in complete devotion(word, deed, and even your thoughts). We can love others because He first loved us.
Living the Christian life
"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship."
This taken from Romans is exactly how I feel and desire that all of us could live. Simple, spiritual, grace, truth and love.
This taken from Romans is exactly how I feel and desire that all of us could live. Simple, spiritual, grace, truth and love.
Will you let Him?
Will I let Him move mightily in my life? Will I submit and obey is the real question
Rain rain go away...yet thank you God for the reminder that you are in control, I will trust in you and your provision even the rain.
Say what you mean, live what you say
If I wrote something cliche, whether to make others feel good or sympathize and feel sorrow I would only be presenting what I thought "they" would like. But as weird as it sounds I want to leave a legacy for others, not for them to latch o...n to, but rather take as an example as to what a Godly man should be like. I do not hide my faults nor do I parade my short comings for others, yet when appropriate and necessary I share the wisdom I have learned with them for others by the word of God. If I can, lord willing, I will live a life worthy to be called a good husband, father, son, friend, coworker...please forgive me when I stumble, keep me humble if ever I am praised, and most of all I pray you see God in me, and draw closer to Him.
I hope that you too will join me in this walk, and while trials and tribulations may come, we can have peace and even joy in The Lord whom guards and protects our very lives, amen.
I hope that you too will join me in this walk, and while trials and tribulations may come, we can have peace and even joy in The Lord whom guards and protects our very lives, amen.
The Christian life
The Christian life has more effective power for holy living because of the Holy Spirit, then trying to do good works by following the Law ever can. Ever. While "The Law tells people what to do, it does not give the will or power to do it. ...Thus we are only condemned by it. But Gods spirit can and will provide the necessary power and motivation to accomplish His will. This is freedom from condemnation and recognition of Gods grace, separating us to Him...it is my hope and prayer that these humble words bring more insight in to Gods loving arms. There is now no condemnation to those that are in Christ.
I did finally update lovethelordchurch.blogspot.com yesterday and I am still patiently hoping and praying also for comments, encouragements, questions and any form of help that would be willing to join on helping me spread the good news of the gospel. I would love to create or have an official website or something twitter wise, again any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated, just message me, thanks, and blessings.
I did finally update lovethelordchurch.blogspot.com yesterday and I am still patiently hoping and praying also for comments, encouragements, questions and any form of help that would be willing to join on helping me spread the good news of the gospel. I would love to create or have an official website or something twitter wise, again any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated, just message me, thanks, and blessings.
Quality time with Him
There is a direct correlation between the amount of quality time we spend with God our Father and the level of grace, love, and peace we walk in.
I know that some are watching the Grammys, but after today I wanted/needed to end it with something I can't completely say I came up with but helped me and challenged me none the less..."Will I praise him in my problems?" I determined that "yes, yes I will".
Friday, February 15, 2013
BIBLE STUDY "I'm begging you"
"I'm Begging You!"
Tonight's topic and title is taken directly from Romans 12:1
Open with prayer "let them that have ears to hear..."
Read ROMANS 12:1
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."
Give brief description:
1. Letter written to the Romans (Christians in Rome, new converts, those questioning, possible ones that wanted to convert, etc)
2. Written by by Paul
I would love to give a funny antidote to start this study of this particular verse but the urgency in which Paul is writing I felt as though that may take away from the seriousness of tonight's message.
The letter now at this point is about to switch from laying a good sound argument, i.e. doctrine, to Paul actually giving instruction if you will as to HOW we live out our Christian walk.
"From Doctrine to Duty, From Creed to Conduct" -author?
Now to back up a step what we need to remember is that Paul is writing being inspired by the Holy Spirit, by God Himself, so what he is saying it is in fact GOD speaking to the intended audience.
I. "I BESEECH you"
In laymen terms, he is begging, but let us not forget that this is not a begging like we most commonly think of, but rather a heart felt plea to one that is in need. God, by His grace, by His love is asking them/us, to DO what He is about to state.
II. "therefore"
I have heard many preachers and pastors define "therefore in which we should think of it as "what is it THERE FOR?" and I tend to agree with that here as well. Again previously Paul had been laying, shall I say a very strong argument, or case for all the promises of God and how this doctrine, the doctrine of Christ is the one true way.
it is "there for" reminding them/us of The validity and assurety of God.
III. Brethren"
I cannot go on with out addressing what seems to be a passing phrase or word, "brethren". Paul is speaking to his christian brothers, although he is also speaking to Jews alike, he has now separated himself form the old way of life and now address's his real family, his CHRISTIAN FAMILY.
"I'm Begging you, family!"
IV. "By the mercies of God"
Here's where it starts to get interesting:) I know that I thought of Mercy to be that you are at someones "mercy! But in this case it is the mercies of God...It seems to more appropriately translate to the "COMPASSION'S HE HAS" God longs for His children to live for Him, so after Paul, being inspired by God has written "Chapters" 1-11, he is now as if God is saying it:
I feel deeply for you, please, you're my family" Think about that, God loves His children so much that He is for lack of better words "pleading to you"
BUT what is God pleading with us to do? Why is He "begging"?
V. That you(us) present our bodies as living sacrifices"
The idea of a sacrifice at the time would have understandably been easy to picture and comprehend, both Jews and Pagans had and offered up sacrifices.
How? wait, WHAT?!
A sacrifice is something that you killed, it was alive, and now, you offer it up and it is dead! How can a person, become a LIVING sacrifice? A sacrifice, yes, but a living one, what?!
To make it as simple as possible, we are to die to OURSELVES. Our sinful desires, lust of eyes, pride of life, self gratification, etc, kill it!
Then as we offer our life's as dead, we receive Christ who is alive, and so we now live for Him, with Him, because of Him. Dead to self, alive to Christ, SEE?!
VI. I end with what happens as we heed the call...
1. We are made "HOLY", set apart for Gods will and purpose
2. Because we are dead, and Christ is alive in us, we are now "ACCEPTABLE UNTO GOD".
* Remember there is nothing we can to make God love us or accept us, other than accept Christ by faith, only He is perfect and worthy. Our worthiness is all Christ and NONE of us. This is Gods grace defined. "it is all because of God and his love sent to us, not by anything we have done or ever could do"
3. Relax, if you are His child it is because you are called, now live it out. James 1:22, "be doers of the word not hearers only" This is "OUR REASONABLE SERVICE"
So as we close let me echo the words of Paul, being inspired of God, "I BESEECH you" I'm begging you, offer yourself completely unto to god as a living sacrifice. He has called you to live a life holy and worthy of His calling, and only He will "DO" it for you, to you, and through you. I'm begging you.
Let us Pray...
Tonight's topic and title is taken directly from Romans 12:1
Open with prayer "let them that have ears to hear..."
Read ROMANS 12:1
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."
Give brief description:
1. Letter written to the Romans (Christians in Rome, new converts, those questioning, possible ones that wanted to convert, etc)
2. Written by by Paul
I would love to give a funny antidote to start this study of this particular verse but the urgency in which Paul is writing I felt as though that may take away from the seriousness of tonight's message.
The letter now at this point is about to switch from laying a good sound argument, i.e. doctrine, to Paul actually giving instruction if you will as to HOW we live out our Christian walk.
"From Doctrine to Duty, From Creed to Conduct" -author?
Now to back up a step what we need to remember is that Paul is writing being inspired by the Holy Spirit, by God Himself, so what he is saying it is in fact GOD speaking to the intended audience.
I. "I BESEECH you"
In laymen terms, he is begging, but let us not forget that this is not a begging like we most commonly think of, but rather a heart felt plea to one that is in need. God, by His grace, by His love is asking them/us, to DO what He is about to state.
II. "therefore"
I have heard many preachers and pastors define "therefore in which we should think of it as "what is it THERE FOR?" and I tend to agree with that here as well. Again previously Paul had been laying, shall I say a very strong argument, or case for all the promises of God and how this doctrine, the doctrine of Christ is the one true way.
it is "there for" reminding them/us of The validity and assurety of God.
III. Brethren"
I cannot go on with out addressing what seems to be a passing phrase or word, "brethren". Paul is speaking to his christian brothers, although he is also speaking to Jews alike, he has now separated himself form the old way of life and now address's his real family, his CHRISTIAN FAMILY.
"I'm Begging you, family!"
IV. "By the mercies of God"
Here's where it starts to get interesting:) I know that I thought of Mercy to be that you are at someones "mercy! But in this case it is the mercies of God...It seems to more appropriately translate to the "COMPASSION'S HE HAS" God longs for His children to live for Him, so after Paul, being inspired by God has written "Chapters" 1-11, he is now as if God is saying it:
I feel deeply for you, please, you're my family" Think about that, God loves His children so much that He is for lack of better words "pleading to you"
BUT what is God pleading with us to do? Why is He "begging"?
V. That you(us) present our bodies as living sacrifices"
The idea of a sacrifice at the time would have understandably been easy to picture and comprehend, both Jews and Pagans had and offered up sacrifices.
How? wait, WHAT?!
A sacrifice is something that you killed, it was alive, and now, you offer it up and it is dead! How can a person, become a LIVING sacrifice? A sacrifice, yes, but a living one, what?!
To make it as simple as possible, we are to die to OURSELVES. Our sinful desires, lust of eyes, pride of life, self gratification, etc, kill it!
Then as we offer our life's as dead, we receive Christ who is alive, and so we now live for Him, with Him, because of Him. Dead to self, alive to Christ, SEE?!
VI. I end with what happens as we heed the call...
1. We are made "HOLY", set apart for Gods will and purpose
2. Because we are dead, and Christ is alive in us, we are now "ACCEPTABLE UNTO GOD".
* Remember there is nothing we can to make God love us or accept us, other than accept Christ by faith, only He is perfect and worthy. Our worthiness is all Christ and NONE of us. This is Gods grace defined. "it is all because of God and his love sent to us, not by anything we have done or ever could do"
3. Relax, if you are His child it is because you are called, now live it out. James 1:22, "be doers of the word not hearers only" This is "OUR REASONABLE SERVICE"
So as we close let me echo the words of Paul, being inspired of God, "I BESEECH you" I'm begging you, offer yourself completely unto to god as a living sacrifice. He has called you to live a life holy and worthy of His calling, and only He will "DO" it for you, to you, and through you. I'm begging you.
Let us Pray...
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Remember His goodness
Why do I fail at times to remember all the prayers He answered in the past? I should be encouraged, not dismayed. So when you or I feel like He might not answer our prayer "this time", remember His goodness and faithfulness.
The Father and His children
Sorry for the late update, but it is for good reason and will serve as a wonderful metaphor? Analogy? In any case I am late posting because I have spent the last hour just being with my son as he built with Legos. As a father just I just loved being wanted to be around for no other reason but to just be there, be close, enjoy what he was doing with him. Our Heavenly Father is the same way, now ...I do not try to cheapen the fact that he would get pleasure without us, but the mere fact that some of his children do truly just want to be in His presence, the very reason his son died for them, for you, for me...not to sound too cliche but "priceless". I pray that you and I would spend more time with Him if for no other reason but to just draw closer...
Jesus wept
Another short verse that has as much of an impact, if not more the one I posted previously this morning; "Jesus wept". If you study this out in John 11:35 you'll see he was crying over his friend...at least that's what it appears to be happening...but upon further inspection you'll actually see that he was weeping with the others that were weeping, as if he was also feeling their pain and sorrow. He did, he does, he does not enjoy our pain and sorrow, he came to relieve that, to give you a hope, to give peace and joy, he came full of grace an truth, full of love...blessings.
Rejoice always
Shortest verse in the bible that I've found is this; 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Rejoice always," chew on that for awhile...biblically and technically that's what meditation is. Blessings.
Rejoice and be glad
I was fortunate last night to speak on topics it hope and faith while commentating on the book of Romans. From that discussion with my friends an family I came away even more encouraged than when just reading and studying by myself. I said all of that to say this; true godly fellowship will always build a stronger relationship with the Father, and in doing so Psalms 70 says it best, and I quote
"May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you! May those who love your salvation say evermore, "God is great!"
It takes hope and faith to say that, and even more to believe it and live it out loud.
"May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you! May those who love your salvation say evermore, "God is great!"
It takes hope and faith to say that, and even more to believe it and live it out loud.
Work for Him
My goal from today and on "Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established. "
Real fellowship
Personally I thoroughly enjoy actual true fellowship with others. Meaning; sharing, comparing, praying, and praising God and all the goodness He has, is, and will profoundly provide. I hope and pray you too have friends and family that encourage, comfort and correct you...in a Godly way of course:)
Hope and Faith
I don't just have a hope for a better today, but rather I have complete faith that this is the day The Lord has made, and because He has made it, given it for me and you to experience Him and his love , I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Best and worst of me
Even on my "bestest" of days I've never confidently felt like it was all because if my own doing. In fact to take it a step further, in my most perfect days there is always a nagging suspicion that I could have done more, had more, given more, why is that? Do you ever feel the same way? I submit to you it is because no matter how good something maybe it is not "perfect". It's no coincidence that even in the best of times God is still asking me to draw closer...closer to his perfect love which completely fulfills...and I'm not even mentioning the worst of days, when we all feel like we need God then. Let Him search your heart, renew your mind, draw you closer...
God keeps His promise
My friend just sent me this, perfect timing I course, and in return, or paying it forward I hope and pray it ministers the same to you who read it.
It is this "God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out. 1 Corinthians 10:13"
Stay strong, hold on, God is good.
It is this "God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out. 1 Corinthians 10:13"
Stay strong, hold on, God is good.
See or feel?
When you can't see Him, you can still see His handiwork. Even when you can't feel His presence, you can still tall with Him and praise His name. God is good.
The look of love
"What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like." It is not ...that you are above those you help, but rather along side willing, wanting, hoping, praying desiring the best for them.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Prayer and faith
Praying confidently for others seems so easy, yet when I begin to ask and petition for my requests why do I feel so unworthy, as if God won't hear my prayers? My own mind condemns me even though I've asked for forgiveness...anyone else feel this way sometimes? That is the great dilemma that I must overcome; if I have the faith to ask for forgiveness, then coupled with that should be the faith to know he hears me. He does hear me, and he will hear you too, but you must have the faith to first believe in him, then that you are forgiven, and finally that he dies hear you...God is real and He is waiting for you to turn to him, pray.
Prayer and strength
Prayer and the strength we draw directly from it is rooted and grounded in the faith that we have in His Word. "Little word, little faith." That is not meant as an insult, yet knowing that our faith from time to time will be tested we should know and believe that Gods word is true. But it will be during that time when we will pray and hopefully rely on scriptures to assure us of Gods goodness th...at we soon discover or uncover just how much we know and believe about His Word. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God." It is no coincidence that the word "faith" is almost synonymous with "confidence", the boldness I have in all trials and tribulations, knowing and believing that Gods word is true, that is strength, my hope, my comfort in a time of need, because of Gods words for me.( and you)
Humble and cast
"6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, 7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you."
Most people have heard verse 7 of this passage, but read it both 6 and 7 together, know that this promise is by all intents and purposes must be kept together. Will you humbly go to Him? Will you "throw" ALL your cares to Him? If you are His child then you should also know, believe, be thoroughly convinced that he cares or you, He will take care of you!
Most people have heard verse 7 of this passage, but read it both 6 and 7 together, know that this promise is by all intents and purposes must be kept together. Will you humbly go to Him? Will you "throw" ALL your cares to Him? If you are His child then you should also know, believe, be thoroughly convinced that he cares or you, He will take care of you!
I've been recently trying to post a bible verse in the morning and a biblically related quote at night. But tonight I found two really good quotes from two "great men of the faith". I hope and pray that coupled with the study of the bible that you too supplement your reading with other good biblically based books. (just don't let other readings take first place) with out further adieu;
"To learn strong faith is to endure great trials. I have learned my faith by standing firm amid severe testings."-Mueller
"Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees, And looks to God alone; Laughs at impossibilities, And cries it shall be done."-Wesley
"To learn strong faith is to endure great trials. I have learned my faith by standing firm amid severe testings."-Mueller
"Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees, And looks to God alone; Laughs at impossibilities, And cries it shall be done."-Wesley
Relationship with God (and man)
It's Friday
For some Friday is the end of the work week, for others it's another day of monotony, but for me, today, I'm going to praise The Lord and be thankful. No matter what your Fridays have been in the past, I pray that we stop treating them as any other day, because the reality it is, it is a gift from God, one more day to get to know him more, for you to share in his love, and share his love with others. Yes it is Friday, but more importantly it's a day given provided by grace, rejoice and be glad in it.
Happiness from the world...
"If you hope for happiness in the world, hope for it from God, and not from the world." I read this in the journal of David Brainerd. I have found first that this is biblically true, and also experientially true for myself as well. Yet h...ow often do I think that this-or-that will make me happy only to find out once I have gotten it, it has lost the happiness I thought it would provide? There is only One that promises and provides happiness consistently...I pray you know of whom I trust and hope in. The answer is no mystery, the only mystery is why you don't go to Him constantly, why don't I? I pray we are reminded tonight to return to our first love, God in all His glory, grace, peace, mercy, and joy.
Relationship with God (and man)
Love is...
"4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant
5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;
6 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.
7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." I just wanted to tell all my family,
Friends, everyone that this is the real definition of love, and thank you to those of you who really love me and my family.
5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;
6 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.
7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." I just wanted to tell all my family,
Friends, everyone that this is the real definition of love, and thank you to those of you who really love me and my family.
Relationship with God (and man)
"For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you." In Philemon I remembered this section for the simple reason that I have had a few really good friends "refreshed my heart", by reminding me of how good God is despite what my family and I are going through. Thank you. To everyone else that reads these posts, I believe that is exactly why true Christian fellowship is SO important, vital, to our walk of life while we endure trials an tribulations. Be encouraged, I pray I may at some point refresh your heart as my friends an family have refreshed mine.
He will supply...
And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
How to think
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
Relationship with God (and man)
Are you praying?
This next quote I speak first an foremost to myself, then humbly ask you the same; "Are you praying?", not just "have you prayed?"
Leonard Ravenhill said is this way "To be much for God, we must be much with God. Jesus, that lone figure in the wilderness, knew strong crying, along with tears. Can one be moved with compassion and not know tears? Jeremiah was a sobbing saint. Jesus wept! So did Paul. So did John. Though there are some tearful intercessors behind the scenes, I grant you that to our modern Christianity, praying is foreign."
Leonard Ravenhill said is this way "To be much for God, we must be much with God. Jesus, that lone figure in the wilderness, knew strong crying, along with tears. Can one be moved with compassion and not know tears? Jeremiah was a sobbing saint. Jesus wept! So did Paul. So did John. Though there are some tearful intercessors behind the scenes, I grant you that to our modern Christianity, praying is foreign."
Philippians 4:8-9
After reading what my dear friend David said that he was studying, I must first thank Him for bringing back that which I had learned but too soon left buried now under anxiety and fear, but no longer, thank you my friend.
He mentioned that... he was reading Philippians 4:8-9. I encourage you to read this also, yet it is the end of verse 9 that struck me as so relevant to what I am experiencing currently. "And the peace of God will be with you." When you read verse 8 and 9 up until this point you may think that this is just about "positive thinking" but that couldn't be farther from the truth, or at least that is only half way accurate. It is to think AND practice such "things" Godly attributes and characteristics found in His word as displayed by Christ.
Have you ever heard the cliche "the more you know the more you grow"? It really should be "the more you know and apply, the more you grow in Christ (grace and truth)".
To my friends and family that are encouraging my family and me, thank you sincerely. Sorry for this long post, but I hope it helps someone that may be going through something, anything, and they need the peace of God to be with them, or at least to remember and know again. Blessings.
He mentioned that... he was reading Philippians 4:8-9. I encourage you to read this also, yet it is the end of verse 9 that struck me as so relevant to what I am experiencing currently. "And the peace of God will be with you." When you read verse 8 and 9 up until this point you may think that this is just about "positive thinking" but that couldn't be farther from the truth, or at least that is only half way accurate. It is to think AND practice such "things" Godly attributes and characteristics found in His word as displayed by Christ.
Have you ever heard the cliche "the more you know the more you grow"? It really should be "the more you know and apply, the more you grow in Christ (grace and truth)".
To my friends and family that are encouraging my family and me, thank you sincerely. Sorry for this long post, but I hope it helps someone that may be going through something, anything, and they need the peace of God to be with them, or at least to remember and know again. Blessings.
Remind me again
I had the most encouraging moments this morning with a coworker this morning, and she will probably never know what kind of impact it had had on me. She said "something must be going on, I can always tell by your posts". That may not seem like much to some but it was so reassuring to me to hear someone reflect on the dramatic change that has taken place in my life, with all glory given back to Go...d. She knows that when I post it is always scripture based, it is where I find my answers, find my strength and receive comfort and peace. Only God can and does show himself in such a way that others can't help but to notice. I am Sorry I didn't update this morning we have had a lot of family issues going on, but what a testimony of Gods faithfulness and goodness despite the "bad things" that are happening to our loved ones. Whatever you may be one through, or your family and friends, God is still good, loving and faithful.
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