Sunday, March 24, 2013

Before and after pictures

I will state this about me personally and hope that others ask this of themselves also; "for the longest time an issue I had with Christians in general, myself included, is that there was no before and after picture", if you catch my drift? Again I just recently asked this of myself wondering why? Was there a specific point and time where I can say that the outside began to match the change which ...had occurred internally? No, BUT as I will continue to say to others and myself, "am I growing in godliness and holiness?" Are those things which used to not bother me now cause a issue with my soul? Can I no longer go where I used to? Say what I used to? Think I how I used to? That was THE before and after I was so desperately seeking for...then as Paul states, "not that I have attained perfection...but forget the past and press on" I you're a child of God, you are loved and you are not, nor will you ever be that person you were before, let it go, and let God love you.


Fear invades, conquerors, even dominates relentlessly where Gods pure and holy love is not present. Where His presence is, His perfect loves is, and His perfect love casts out all fear. Is your hope in Him? Then too should you know His love. Moreover, fear has no more dominion in your God given life, He reigns victorious.


If you only knew how inadequate, how unworthy I felt at times when I longed to post, desired to say something, fearful, and then I am reminded; it's not my word, but The Word that helps, that is the comforter. My wife has said, or maybe me..., that I would preach to a wall, guess what? I would. I would because I would still end up saying something from The Word the would encourage, comfort, correct and help me in some's never about MY words being the right words for you or me, rather it is His Word that is always right for you and me. Never be afraid of saying something because He said He will give you the Word to say.

Love or hate

When you realize that people are going to love you or hate no matter what you do, that no matter what you say or do you cannot please everyone, you then have a series of choices. I will not list all possible choice, but suggest only one, "Why not live fully for God?" At least then you have a good reason, the best reason for others to love or hate you, and also in doing so you are at least please to the most important, GOD... This then gives you purpose, power, and a new perception.

Standing tall

"If you want to stand tall, start on your knees" as much as I don't like cliches, they are often great little poetic reminders of Gods grace and mercy towards us by His love...prayer and thanksgiving are great way to give Him glory And honor for all that He is, and has done


Want to know if you can be forgiven for what you've done? You can, you are, but will you accept it? Will you now turn away from what you did and live for Him?


It's interesting how much my boys know about the bible, as we watch The Bible. The fact that we can discuss how violent it was back then, the reasoning behind the attacks, etc. More importantly it gives all of us a desire to go and study the bible more ourselves, to couple that with how to live for Him, and I'm not just talking about my boys, but anybody that may use this particular show to search out Gods truth...I hope and pray you grow to know Him more through His word, that He would be clone more real to you and I daily. Growing in godliness and holiness.


"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." There is only one who can bring true joy. There are many things which can provide a temporary happiness, but a "joyful heart"? Only one. I pray you know Him and draw closer to Him.

Will it be okay?

"I just want to know that everything's going to be okay". Have you, like I, ever thought that? Said that? Meant that? How about desperately prayed, begged, and pleaded with God over that very notion? Have you ever felt like you needed a sign, something tangible, something that you could look to, hold to, even cling to? What would it take? What will it take? My hope is in His Word, His Son, in C...hrist. That alone is enough, all I need, it is in Him I have been given grace to live, to love, to have faith in Him. That is the hope I hold to, that allows me know "everything's going to be okay". Now my hope and prayers are that you too would come to this revelation and know Him, hope in Him, and know peace as only He can assure.

Praying for a good day

Praying for a good day? So am I, but what specifically does that mean for you? What are we asking for? Just a thought, that I hope you think about...pray with purpose and allow for power

I'm sorry

I feel that I need to apologize for not posting this morning, needless to say things in the Petersen house were quite hectic. So in order to keep this post semi short, let me just confess that spending the day working with my wife was an eye opening insight to how hard and stressful her job can be. Biblically I find it all the more true that we are family, and being so, we new to be ever mindful of each other and the trials and tribulations we all go through. Seeing her in action, working so hard, and loving all the children gave me such a greater appreciation for God blessing me with a wife that I have never heard complain, listens to me and my problems and not once has asked anything from me other than to love her...sounds like I got a good deal, no, sounds like I got a GOD deal, sounds like grace. I pray that as you grow closer to God that you too learn to look for and appreciate the grace He has provided you.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


No child likes discipline, but the bible says He disciplines those He loves...could the problem be that we don't view ourselves as children of God? We become adults, or should I say older, a little bigger, a little wiser, and we forget that we are still He children that need discipline. It's not to say that we should like it, but rather a wise person, a real mature adult will listen and adjust accordingly to what a good and loving Father tells them, tells us, but what is He saying to you? Find out by spending time with Him, through study, prayer and meditation(constantly thinking about Him and His word).

Meet at His feet

Am I taking my God given life too lightly? Have I neglected how great His grace is? If so, where, or "how do I make up ground?" (so to speak) The simple answer is "I can't, but God can". I must let the past go, it's passed, past me by, past you by, it cannot be changed. But as I used to say, "your past is only one second away, yet so is your future, so allow God to change you right now." It's... not enough to want to change, to even know how to change, we must go to the one that can change us, or as Romans says "be transformed..." I don't want a band-aide, the come off, fall off, get ripped off, etc. I need complete healing and restoration back to God. You can't change the past, the futures not here yet, in either case God can and will help with right now, the question then is will you come to Him? I will meet you at His feet:)


While rocking my sick daughter the thought of how similar it is when we don't feel well and we go to our Fathers loving arms. Immediately the idea of comfort and peace flooded my heart. Although we may not feel any better psychically, spiritually, in our heart and soul we are relieved. Why? because of faith, knowing that we will be alright because "Daddy said so".Yes I still take my medicine, ...and yes in the natural I still don't feel well, but you know what? "Daddy said I would be alright", and even though I don't see it yet, all I have to do is trust and believe in him and I know I'll be okay. Can you see the similarities? I pray you can, that you do. I pray that whatever you may be going through, that you have faith, and trust in Gods goodness, and all you need to do is draw as close to Him as you can and know that He is God, know that He is your "Father" God.

My prayers

As I go to bed tonight I pray over my children, with my wife and for all of my friends (whether Facebook or face to face). I thank God that despite my numerous mistakes, sins even, the times I didn't praise Him, thank Him, or rely on Him c...ompletely, His grace still provided me breath in my lungs and for that, that I know He loves me. We must learn to appreciate His goodness even when we aren't lavished with what we would deem blessings, He has and is still blessing us. I hope and pray this reminds everyone of His goodness An draws them closer, or back to Him.


"We must not be concerned only with that which troubles us, but with all that troubles God. God's work is to have full victory, and universal obedience, not just victory over the sins which trouble our soul."

My answer, what's yours

I woke up asking myself,"how much time have I really spent in prayer, and studying my bible?"(not just reading it, but true biblical study). I won't tell you my answer, because it is MY ANSWER! But I will say this if you have the courage and willingness to ask yourself the same question, be prepared for a threefold answer. First, probably not as much as you thought, and second not as much as you... wanted and needed to. There is a catch however, no matter which conclusion you get to, do not be condemn, or beat yourself up over it! Worst case it will be God calling you back to more fellowship with Him, and best case, it's God calling you back to fellowship more with Him!!! Take the time, give Him quality time, and repent if you've been gone too long, but in the famous words of Winnie the Pooh "the past is gone, the future is not here yet, today is a gift, that's why it is called the present". Be encouraged, be forgiven, really start living what you've been given.

I am what I am

I am not a pastor, preacher or ordained minister, but what I am is a Christian man, husband, father, son, brother, and friend that God is allowing to share in the lives of other His goodness he has provided me, and you as well, those of you... who are his children. Who are you? The first Christians didn't call themselves christian, did you know that? It was others that saw them living in such a way that they saw them and by their lives they recognized that they followed Christ. It was by how they were husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, and friends to others...will or do other stay the same of you? Are you growing in godliness and holiness in such a way that others see something different? I pray they do, I pray they will...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

No more grumbling

Here's a little insight to my personal struggles and also my prayer life, and it is this;

"14 Do all things without grumbling or questioning, 15 that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,". This is found in Philippians 2, and I have come to realize that I do more internal g...rumbling than I should. There is no way to candy coat dishonoring to God and his grace he has provided...I know that He doesn't want me to live a life of ingratitude, but rather one of praise and prayer...if you struggle with this too I encourage you also to pray, return to Him, draw closer and as His child shine in the goodness of His glory and grace.

My wife

I'm just going to keep it short and sweet tonight; "I love my wife". Not for what she had done for me, can do, or will do, I love her because she is truly a gift from God that I didn't, I don't, and never will deserve, and it is with that mentality and "heart-itude" that I so carefully try to honor, respect and preserve our Christ loves the church...I hope this helps and encourages someone out there tonight, blessings.

You want purpose?!

You want to wake up with a purpose, to have something meaningful and fulfilling to do? Matthew 22:37 says to Love God with all your heart, soul and mind.(Old Testament says strength also) Then because of your love of/for God turn around and fight evil in all it's forms. Ephesians 6 says "For we do not wrestle(fight) against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." That's purpose my friends. Begin with praying on your knees, then praising on your feet, next walking by faith, that he will supply all of your needs.

Praying over everything

I pray over everything I post and can say that for the most part I only speak of Gods goodness and holiness. With that though when someone does speak with me privately I will give them the open and honest truth from the word of God. That can be taken harshly at times, and at other comforting, but it will be the truth verbatim, my dearest friends do the same with me. They have earned that right speak into my life and give me good sound counsel. When people offer up their "two cents", we must treat it as such...not much. I recently had a friend get questioned about her marriage and the person asking was out of place and quoted scripture correctly, but since they didn't know the persons heart or circumstances, my friend was concerned. Here's my point, the bible says to let them see your good works and glorify The Lord, that we should be ready on season and out to give reason as to our faith, but it does not say attack others scripture, in fact it says we fight not against flesh and blood but against every (evil spirit). If my friend wasn't a Christian do you think her "attacker" would have drawn her closer to God, or repulsed her? I will do my best to love everyone, and try to live at peace with whomever...I want to help all that I can in any way that I can(biblically), but I won't attack you, I will defend my faith,family, and friends. sorry for the length, and curtness...stay strong, hold on, God is good.

John owen

The mortification of sin by John Owen is an amazing book, and I'm not even done with it yet. The premise is explaining how we need to basically"kill son daily" I know biblically that that is true, as I am sure that you do too, but ge is explaining it in such a way, with verse after verse investment that you can tell that he has prayed at struggles with it as I have. Bottom line is this, first ask forgiveness, draw closer to God (sound familiar?) next ask God for the strength, His strength.(it's His will that we should not sin) Third when you do sin, or have sinned, realize that there is nothing you can do to fix it or make it seem right again(works) only return to Him, and let His grace and power through love and faith restore you.

We are family

Cameron and I went to half price books and while we were there we met a man working there with whom I struck up an awesome conversation. While helping me look for a book by John Owen, he surprisingly said that he had been a pastor and now worked as an associate pastor in prosper. Needless to say I was highly interested in what he recommended and what he thought about church in general, and guess ...what? He said that in his honest opinion the church as a whole lacked discernment. Now at first glance that may seem like an insult but it is more of an observation of what is needed. He agreed that the "church" is the people, not the building or denomination, and with that he, like me, an hopefully you still reading, are constantly looking for truth, and also need to test it(discernment) So I said all that to get to this, it is wonderful to meet someone whom you immediately have a bond and can share openly and honestly about the word of God. I left encouraged, smiling, happy even knowing that I had just had a great conversation with a brother. "We are family, I got all my brothers, sisters and me".

Love, pure heart, and faith

"The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." This is what Paul writes in his letter to Timothy, I long to be able to say the same thing to those that read these posts. "God loves you if you are his child, I'm telling you from my heart, and I know that I know that He is real, and that I have put all my trust in Him for eternitys sake, won't you please do the same?" The only thing I can ever hope and pray for is that God will reveal Himself more to you, and with that the faith to draw closer to him follows. His grace has provided you and me this day, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Honor everyone

I have been studying the book of Romans for the past month or so and I am finally in chapter 13. I tell you that only to quote 1 Peter 2:17 which echoes Romans 13:1. It is this;"Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the em...peror."

Tonight I only want to speak of the "honor everyone"...simple plain, commanded. Give true consideration to what everyone says. It doe not say you have to agree or even like it, but give it strong consideration whatever. ANYONE and EVERYONE says. My children when they ask "dad can you come play?" Do I brush it off, or truly consider it. My wife, when she strongly encourages me to do something:) do I honor her and give her words weight and meaning?! Friends? My boss? Coworkers? Do I honor them? Will I? Should I? Should you? Will you? God says to "Honor EVERYONE"

Religion or Relationship

As you get ready for church this morning, remember that you are the church. Your body is the temple of The Lord, God made for God to display.

We meet with others at a building for a short time for fellowship, but as soon as you leave the building you are still the church. I still go back to my favorite question that someone asked me,"where do you go to church?" See they knew something was dif...ferent about me, how I spoke, and acted and they were really wondering what place, person, or thing had influenced me to such a degree. "I am a Christian". I know it wasn't the answer that they had hoped for but it gave me the opportunity to share that it was my relationship with God, not my denominational affiliation that had changed me so. Should you go to "church"?Yes! Does it matter what denomination ? Yes, they must teach the truth and the full counsel of God, but the only way you'll know if they are biblically sound is to read, study, pray, and converse with God for yourself. It doesn't say in the bible that one denomination I going to "get in" or not, no it says He will either say "yes I know you", or "no, I never knew you". Please keep that in mind as you "go to church" today, you are the church, you are a Christian, not a denomination.

Bright future

Your future is bright if you're looking to the Son. Check the wordplay, hidden truths can still reveal what we've been longing to see.

Made for fellowship

Enjoying family's a wonder how anyone couldn't it wouldn't want to enjoy time with others that they love. God made us for fellowship with Him and others, especially family.

Rest easy

I pray for those of you who read my posts that you know that God does love you if you are His child. How can you not rest easy tonight knowing that He cares for you? Trust in The Lord with all your is their that you will have t...he peace to rest...just breathe that is a constant reminder of a his goodness and, check out for all my older posts. Whether you're looking for encouragement, comfort, peace, hope or answers I pray that in someway I am able to help even in the smallest of ways.

Quick to forgive

If we really love someone, aren't we quick to forgive them? And along those lines aren't we quick to ask for forgiveness if we've wronged them? Do we not try to stay in harmony with them? This is the love we ought to show one another, even more so with your spouse. Yet we (sometimes) fail to do this even to the highest degree for God. Do you agree? So we do you start? First the love of God is vital, must be there in order for you to love others how they ought to be loved. Secondly, since he commanded it, he will give you the power to do it. Finally, give him thanks for the grace supplied, the faith applied, for the life revived until Him.

Still love my wife

If I say I love my wife but never show her would you believe me, even if I really said I meant every word I told you...does it matter to her what I say if my actions don't match?! Of course my actions should and do match my words, they must. Now I speak of worldly love shown here, as a man loves his wife in a godly way, yet how much more should out actions match our words of praise towards our loving father God? I pray this challenges us, encourages us to love Him in spirit and in truth...

God's in control

I can make it through today, not because of happy thoughts, or positive thinking (although both those things are good and godly). No, I can make it through today because of my faith, and knowledge of the fact that God is in control, and His grace is more than enough for me today. The same is true for you also, if you one of His children...will you put your faith in Him?

I love my wife

If I say "I love my wife", what do you think? And If I say "I love God", what do you think then? I once heard a pastor ask "does the world have enough evidence to convict you as a Christian?" That still resonates with me until this day. It is not that works or the worlds perceptions should dictate how you live, but rather that what flows out of you from your relationship with God should be eas...ily seen, even recognized as a person whose life has been dramatically changed and is in the constant process of transforming, from what you were to what you have been called to be. I do love my wife, and with that I hope and pray that I am growing more and more, becoming the man of God that He has called me to be with her. This too, is ever more true with your words "I love you" line up with your actions...I ask this of you, because I ask this of myself. Lord help us love you as we ought to, then let us love others with your love.

Live in harmony

Do you want to know a very difficult passage for me personally? "Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight." Think about it, how many times do we feel insulted when we are told what to do, or when we tell some one to do something and they don't know what you mean...we need a tender heart, showing mercy to others because mercy was first shown to us...pray about it, ask God to turn your heart, to have His will be done in And through you.

My friend Kathy

First let me thank my dear friend Kathy for in the way she reminded me of my faith and the fact that God has a plan and its all in His hands. It's amusing how she almost angrily yet politely, scoldingly, yet encouragingly told me...a true ...friend should and will do that. You may not always want to hear it, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be heard. The question then became was I humble enough to receive what he said, to hold fast to the goodness that God has promised me in His word, or would I shy away? Needless to say, she refreshed my heart, as a sister would, I misspoke earlier when I said friend, that does not compare to the family bond in Christ that we share, that we all should share. So once again I'm left first saying thank you to my godly friend, than second repenting to God for forgetting, not trusting and believing wholly. If you, like me, have ever felt this way, let me encourage you to go to His word, to stay in His word, come back to His loving arms...until tomorrow, I have a loving wife and children to share Gods goodness and love with.

Love one another

Romans says that we should "Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor." Problem arises when we think we should, as of its a good suggestion. No, it is clear string statement, yes even a command. I have been guilty of this more than I care to admit, I know what God says about a certain situation and I treat it as though He merely would like me to do more. He says it, I do it because He'll do it through me, and He will get a the glory honor and praise. That's the way it "should" be, "will" be. Will you do the same? I pray you will.

Work of Grace

I've come to realize that unfortunately I don't view every aspect of my life as the work of grace. Meaning God has already predetermined, provided, supplied, given me enough grace through faith in Him to return all glory for everything He's provided me, not just my life. Even then, is not my life a miraculous sign of grace? Did I have doings or workings in producing my own life? Yet I turn righ...t around after that and seem that everything I have I've worked for and have earned...does that include everything bad thing? Maybe I've gone on too long with this post, but I declare here and now to him me myself to the grace of God in every are of my life, and if it doesn't bring him glory, the He will give me the strength and power to let it go. It is by grace and grace alone.

What kind of person are you?

There are two types of people; those who wake up and say "Good morning Lord!" And those that say "Good lord, it's morning?!" Which are you? can you praise Him for the grace He's provided, or take for granted the same grace...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Questions and answers

I have come to the conclusion that having all the answers is not essential to living a good godly life. What is essential is knowing God, or rather bring known by God. Growing closer to Him, cultivating our relationship, yes, He does have ...all the answers. In fact it is the sense of God's presence during dark seasons of questioning that allows me to have faith that He alone will provide the answer for my every question.

Fruit of the Spirit

One of my favorite bible verses that I first memorized is Galatians 5:22-23" But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." But not until many years, even now am I discovering, or rather God is showing more and more how it applies to my life, and is meant to give Him glory. Bottom line, if you are a child if God these fruit should be becoming more and more apparent as we grow closer to God, growing in godliness and holiness. "And you will know them by their fruit"...I pray this challenges you, calls you back to righteousness...

Father to father pt.2

Brandon's team didn't win, but he still did great, and as a father I couldn't be more proud...think that's How our Father in heaven feels when things don't quite work out in our favor...did we do our best? Did we honor him with our words and actions? Hmmm

Real happiness

Real happiness is free to us, its found in the Grace of God. And based on the fact that it is a free gift that cost another His life to provide, it becomes a "stumbling block" for those that want to "buy it". What is harder still to believe is that we try to purchase counterfeits hoping they will be real enough to sustain our appetite for the authentic.

Father to father

Youngest son won his tournament game, playing for the championship tomorrow! It's always interesting how much you long for the best for yourself and others but when it comes to others all you can really do is hope you've been a good example, told them the truth, and continuously pray...

Listen to Him

"but whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster." -proverbs 1:33. Which leads me to ask,"am I listening to Him?" Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. We won't ever truly feel secure until we actually listen to what He is saying to us.

Can I brag?

Can I brag on my God?! Listen, I have never been so uplifted and humbled as I was today. A coworker of mine, nay, a friend that I work with came to me and just blessed me so much with her kind words. She will have no idea how much I need...ed to hear that, longed to hear that. I, in turn was able to give all glory back to God. To just thank him and praise him, not for any material blessing that will pass away, but for his love that he showed me through another person. I guess the point and purpose is to remember; that as we have been give grace, peace, love, and mercy, so too should we give grace, peace, love, and mercy to others. Kathy, thank you, with feelings too inexpressible to convey, I sincerely thank you. "You were given to live, now live to give"

Don't worry

Gods grace is sufficient for today, so don't worry about having enough.

Refresh your hearts

Great night with friends and family talking about Gods goodness and faithfulness...such am uplifting night, I can see why in Philemon Paul speaks of the hearts of the saints being refreshed. Remember Gods love, peace and joy and watch Him refresh you. Look to God, I pray he draws you closer to Himself. He is God, he is Good, and He is full of grace

Make your love real

In Romans Paul writes this; "Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good." (I wish I could preach or teach on this for longer than I will now.) let your love be REAL! Not based solely on emotions but rather on the God who first loved us so we now love other. And with this Love, because it is real love we are to abhor(hate) evil, in justice, anything and everything that goes... against Gods love and commandments, yet while doing this holding on desperately to what is good. And there is only one who is good, God. Discover more about God, get to know Him intimately, then while in this relationship with Him take His side on everything, believe and act, know that everything He has said in His word is right and true. And finally don't let go of Him. Hold on, stay strong, God is good! Remember. You can always checkout my blog for all my older posts. Keep growing closer to Him.

Collective concern

"Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind." What a beautifully tender statement in 1 Peter. The collective concern and support should still ring true for us today, and as much as it is up to me, I'm here for you. Will you be there for family? Whether young or old, male or female, new convert or old, "all of you" for all of you, towards all of you.

Faith counted as righteousness

"That is why his faith was "counted to him as righteousness." This taken from Romans speaks of Abraham's faith, but also ours if you continue reading. But what's its importance? That its not our works that determine our righteousness. Good works should and will follow our faith, but they are not the determining factor in our faith towards salvation. (Thank goodness for that!). That is the most important fact that I hold on to, because Lord knows He wouldn't have chosen me based on my works. I hope and pray this comforts and encourages you to lay hold of Gods truth, faith.

Don't be conformed

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Lord renew my mind, so I can be better representative of you, your goodness, kindness and mercy.

Pursuing God

I have never saught The Lord more until someone, whether myself or a loved one, was in horrible pain and desperate need of help, whatever the reason. We all need to feel His presence, to know His love and goodness, its unfortunate that we not always pursue Him with such passion all the time. Some call it brokenness, and I do not seek or long for brokenness but rather that I would have a heart that we would seek Him honestly when circumstances aren't dire...Lord forgive me for not pursuing you passionately constantly, I'm coming back home to your loving arms, in your presence filled with grace, peace, and love.