Sunday, April 28, 2013

The enemy doesn't fight fair!

Why would we ever think think that an enemy against us will fight fair? some that read that question may think I am speaking in physical terms, and that is included, yet I am also speaking of those things of which we cannot see, spiritually. In physical warfare we discover everything that may be used against us, that has been used against and even the tendencies of the enemy, why then are we so slack when it comes to spiritual matters? Why am I? I pray we grow in the knowledge and truth, standing together against our enemy. Let us fight the good fight of faith.

Light in His sight

While reading 2 Kings this morning I came across a passage of history that brought such a smile to my face. Wanting to keep it in context I have posted it below, but it is verse 18, and the words "...this is a light thing in the sight of The Lord". It's not that I forgot how great and awesome God is, yet I do, this reminder filled me with joy, knowing whatever needs to be is an (easy) thing in (His eyes) "

17 For thus says the LORD, 'You shall not see wind or rain, but that streambed shall be filled with water, so that you shall drink, you, your livestock, and your animals.'
18 This is a light thing in the sight of the LORD...

Fill your day

As I read "The Life and Diary of David Brainerd", I find myself becoming more and more inspired. I came across this quote of Mr. Brainerd and felt lead to share..."He seems, though the whole of this week, to have been greatly engaged to fill up every inch of time in the service of God, and to have been most diligently employed in study, prayer, and instructing [others]" that spoken by John Edwards about David Brainerd, Wow! Now I do not idolize these men, but as I said before, how can someone, anyone, read that and not be inspired?! I hope and pray we would be so moved and to continue to draw closer to God, so much so that others would also take notice and moved to do the same

Continue on

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

Happiness hinges on...

C.S. Lewis said "Do not let your happiness depend on something you may lose... only (upon) the Beloved who will never pass away." Although not a strict biblical quote, the truth found therein is amazing simple and profound. First, the things which can lead to comfort and happiness are and will fade either with time, or relevance, yet God and His promises, blessings, the truths of His word will never cease to amaze and increase. I pray you continue to grow in godliness and holiness, as I strive to do the same. I'm praying for you, anyone that wants to, or feels lead to pray for my family and I, it is of course greatly appreciated. Have a great night, rest easy in His loving arms tonight.


"False Evidence Appearing Real" or "fear" as it's more commonly known, is a symptom of not relying wholehearted on the faith, grace, and love of God. "Be ye not afraid", "only trust and believe"

What to say, what to say?

I did not post this morning for the simple reason that I did not feel as though I knew what to say, if I should say anything. But no, there's a desire, a passion that burns deep within, I hope that in my silence those of you that read these posts continued on, searched out Gods presence...prayed, repented, and gave thanks. 

I do not do this hoping that perhaps somebody will of his own free will return to Christ. My hope lies in that my God himself will lay hold of someone reading and say, "You are mine, and you shall be mine. I claim you for myself." That you would come to know of Whom I speak of daily, and why, that the awe and wonder of The almighty God our Father would be more and more real in your life.

Put your past behind you

One of my favorite bible verses that I can actually quote and speak daily in faith is this; "Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,". I literally have had days when I feel like that's all I can say. I ask God for forgiveness, repent and trust in Gods grace. And as I stated last night, some of you may already know this verse, and to you, as unto myself, let us be reminded of Gods goodness and faithfulness by His word.


Work as unto The Lord...not unto yourself for selfish praise, not unto your boss for hopeful gain, for no other but unto The Lord. Lord help me keep this and display this today for your glory.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Real blessings

I love my wife and kids, family and friends...why then do I at times take them all for granted?! The real blessings in life are the ones that you didn't earn, can't buy, and that only God can provide. To all those afore mentioned people in my life I love you and thank you God for you.

Happiness, but how?

"Happiness is caused by things that happen around me, and circumstances will mar it; but joy flows right on through trouble; joy flows on through the dark; joy flows in the night as well as in the day; joy flows all through persecution and opposition." I can say, believe and live that because "the joy of The Lord is my strength"

Run, fight, hold on tight

"Run, fight, and hold on tight". sound familiar? paul puts it more eloquently, but in his words, or mine the context is the same, we as Christians are to run the race, fight the fight, and keep the faith. Don't give up, keep running! It may seem as though life is beating you up, keep fighting! Finally, you may even come to the point when you just want to let go and give up, DON'T! Keep the faith!

Remember, remember, remember

2 Peter 1:12 Peter promises (in such a way) that he will always be ready to remind other of Gods goodness-paraphrase. Bottom line is that sometimes will just need to be reminded of everything God has already done for us, His promises, and His love. Remember, remember, remember.

Just be quiet

"Never miss a good opportunity to just be quiet." Put another way, if you don't have something nice, good, edifying, helpful and pleasant to say, then don't say anything. How many of us know that person gag bloke just be quiet, how many times are WE that person. Ask God for help controlling that, because we all know we can't do it by ourselves.

Let me remind you

Last night I posted the qualities that we should strive for found in 2 Peter 1:5-7, so tonight I want to just quickly post what follows in verse 12

"Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have."

I find it the most opportune time to remind others, even myself of these words. It can be difficult to remain steadf...ast, endure, be patient when you see and hear of so much hurt and pain, wondering "how?" and "why?" But then to say "still I will love and trust in you God". Only he can provide peace in times like these, and then use his children to share his love. Maybe your life hasn't been shaken to the core like those of Boston and West, yet still your life and its issues and problems are worth noting...BUT remember Gods goodness, his truth, grace, peace, love and mercy in your life, and through your life...

Prayer time

With all that has been going on, it is definitely eye opening (to me at least) the amount of "prayer time" I feel like I've wasted on silly little trivial things. In the past few days I have seen so much pain and suffering, people hurt, sick, and dying, Lord let us reevaluate what is truly important and return to you. Protect us by your grace, let us share our faith, and let us remember to love our neighbor in both word and deeds.

Friends and family meet

so tired, but it felt great to meet with friends and family and discuss 2 peter 1:1-11. Our focus was : "5 For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge,
6 and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness,
7 and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love." I hope and pray that you too who read these would allow God to so love upon your heart that He would show you what you can grow in, all for His glory.


Sleepless night, prayerful fight

Called out by a friend

I got "called out" by a friend today at work. I said something that contradicted what I usually post and say. When I say "called out" it was a good thing! It would have been wrong of her as a good godly women to continue in saying something that doesn't honor God. But do I slip, sin, make a blatantly bad choice and don't guard my mouth I was openly rebuked and I had to immediately address what... I said. I'm sorry, I'm not perfect. That's not an excuse for me to keep sinning, or for anyone else, but who has been guilty of such?! I pray that you who are reading this have true Christian friends that when they see you slip, or hear you, that they will lovingly tell so. Then if and when it does happen, don't make excuses, humble yourself and repent...restore the glory that God should be getting through your words and actions...See More


Prayer keeps us connected and humble.


Praying for hurt and broken families tonight, and not just those in Boston, yet they are first and foremost on my mind. Can we in times such as these trust in God, and believe that He can, and will show His love, grace, and peace to all in desperate need and despair? I hope we do, I pray we will...because He can and will

Enjoy God

"When I really enjoy God, I feel my desires of Him the more insatiable, and my thirsting a after holiness the more unquenchable."

Sunday, April 14, 2013

3 John

A quick bible study; after reading 3 John...a personal letter, the shortest book, and the only one that doesn't state the names "Christ" or "Jesus". Yet even with those said qualities, the underlying theme of Christ being glorified is ever... present. In fact at the conclusion of the letter we find that the author had "much more to write, but that he would rather say them face to face". Why is this so important? In my humble opinion I believe it shows how we as believers need to be understood when we have matters to discuss based on what God says on a particular subject, and not just "heard" or in this case "read". There are many things I would love to say and discuss on Facebook, but I would rather say them personally. If you ever have questions, comments or concerns please don't ever hesitate to ask me personally, I would love to help in any way that I can.

Opinions and Facts

I don't make the bible fit my opinions and then masquerade them as facts, but rather I take Biblical truth and take any opinions I might have and test them against that truth and present that to myself and others. Opinions come and go in an instant, but the Word of God has stood for generations, how silly it is that we so quickly forget the foundation that has been in place since the beginning to... justify current trends and opinions. I myself am guilty of this in many areas, but as my ignorance is brought to light in view of the Word I am constantly trying to humble myself and help others along the way. This is also why I pray that these posts as simple as they maybe will help someone, anyone, everyone possible draw closer to God, amen.

Holy, Holy, Holy

Throughout the bible to place emphasis in certain sayings and meanings words were repeated. The only word repeated more than twice in succession? The word "holy". And in that particular instance it is used to describe God. Even then it is not limited to description of Him, it's as if it is the only thing that they can say about God. Think about it; He is holy, but also all He does is holy. H...e is set apart from everyone, and everything, yet in His "set apart-ness" He reconciles, joins us back to Him, wow! Please think about have been called o be holy, even as he is holy. In all you say, do, and even think, strive to be Holy...not of the world, but in it, constantly showing the change He has created in you, because of who and what He is...I pray this all makes sense and draws you closer to the understanding of Him, who He is, and who you are when you are His, and He in you

Peace of God

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus...still need this now more than ever

Think about your thinking

As I sit and read The Life and diary of David Brainerd, I was moved by this;" I became very strict and watchful over my thoughts, words and actions; and thought I must be sober (minded) indeed..." This he said when he was only 19! Amazed, ...and slightly angry with myself, I felt convicted (in a good way) about how lackadaisical I have been with my own thoughts, words, and actions. Quickly I repented and prayed for God to help me, to continue to grow in godliness and holiness. Please remember that I as I share this with you, I too, pray this over you as well...I also ask humbly that you would pray for me as well.

Do unto others

"Do unto others..." Most of us know the rest of this bible verse, yet how do we talk about others? Think about others? We all for the most part are not malicious to others to their face, but...I pray we "practice what we preach"


Trust in The Lord with all your heart...

Stir you up

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,". I was reading this in Hebrews and came to the opinion that many of us " consider" stirring up people, it's just not in love and good works. Let us prayerfully consider how we "should" act and then do it, rather then how we "could" act knowing what we should have done instead...think about it.

What if?, even if!

If you have been reading these posts for any amount if time, or check you will often find that I play the "what if..." game. "What if this", or "what if that". Well tonight I would like to propose a different... type of question, or game if you will, and that is the "even if..." question, and it goes like this; will you love God and be faithful to Him, even if...things don't always go your way? Even if it seems at times that the works is against you? Even if you lose your job? Even if you lose a friend? A loved one?

I have been reading a book by RC Sproul called the holiness of God, and coupled with reading my bible I forced to ask myself those very same questions. Now I can't answer them for you, but I hope that you would stay strong even is all seems wrong. God does love you if you are His child, that's a biblical truth. Yet there will be times when you faith, your peace, your very life as you know it will be tested, and the question in soul will cry out "Why?!" And you will be left with the dilemma "will I love you even if..." It is my hope and prayer, that although this is a long post that you read it and prayerfully consider your relationship with God, do you have a hope? Have you built your foundation upon the Rock? Will you love The Lord your God with all your mind,heart, and soul...

Grace for granted

We can't afford to take Gods grace for granted, as if it was somehow owed us. He owes us nothing, and we deserve nothing, yet in His love and mercy, He provided His grace to give us something, Himself completely for eternity.

I don't care where I go...

"I care not where I go, or how I live, or what I endure so that I may save souls. When I sleep I dream of them; when I awake they are first in my thoughts.". -David Brainerd

That quote is what I aspire to actually do, not speak of doing and then only live vicariously through this medium...I do feel that way, I truly do. I desire to see all my friends and family come to know Christ as I have grow...n to know Him, continuing I grow with Him. To have peace, love, joy and a hope. That's why I post, that's why I speak, that's why I pray, but there is still so much more. It reminds and quickens to my mid the words "I could sing of your love forever". Will you join with me? I hope and pray that you do, that you will.

Your body is a temple

"Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?" Paul asked this rhetorically to the saints at Corinth, and yet now we are to ask ourselves that very same question. So how do you treat His temple? Do you take care of it, both inwardly and outwardly? I pray that you and I honor Him today by taking care of His holy temple.

Consider your weren't wise

In the letter that Paul wrote to the Corinthians he makes a wonderful statement that I take to heart, being inspired by the Holy Spirit he writes this;

"For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth."

At first glance this is almost insulting, but upon further inspection and reflection, being taken in context it is a highly encouraging and comforting statement. How you ask? Simple, how many times do we feel like we don't know what to say? Moreover, we don't feel qualified or educated enough? I know I have! But read it again, see what Paul says? Kept in context, read the proceeding verse and the ones following...God will guide us, give us the words to say, His word, and His word is the wisest, best words you can ever say, so don't worry about your qualifications, if you're a child of God you'll know what to say and how!

I hope this helps you as much as it is helping me. I have updated with a of last weeks posts. Sorry this particular post was so long, but I pray it helps.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Every knee

Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. Every knee WILL bow, either now under His grace, peace, love and mercy as His child that will continue humbly, or you will bow and confess and then unfortunately be separated in despair...oh that we would lead all to be children, loved ones, family and friends, that none would perish under His judgment, but that they would join with us in eternity as His prayer for you, and hopefully with you and others

Just pray

I find myself at times concerned that what j am praying for is too big to ask for, not necessarily too big for God, but my expectations? My hope is hindered by the outrageousness, the audacity for me to even ask. At other times the opposite seems also as disturbing in my mind, is what I am praying about too small for God to be bothered by my pettiness? In both cases I am wrong! I have no shame... in sharing that because I believe at times you the reader, my friends, have felt the same. This brings up the very reason for this post, and it is twofold; first we have been reconciled so that we can pray, and second, as many of you have heard, we are not to live by are feelings, as in this case of prayer and whether or not what we as know too big or too small. So pray, ask big, ask small, you now have access to the throne of grace...God our father is listening.


When the pressure of the world is trying to knocking you down, bend your knees, fold your hands, look up to the clouds, hold your ground. Somehow, someway when you pray Gods word makes everything okay, it's only by grace through faith that you'll make it today.

So when the pressure is pressing in on you, there is no excuse to stay bound, break loose from those chains right now, speak truth, now you know what to do, praise his name, say "Amen!"with a shout!

A humble heart

A humble heart seeking to be forgiven, a thankful heart desiring to sing of Gods goodness, and conscience will to do good, will leave you and I to live a life "praying without ceasing". Please notice that all attention and focus is off of us, and on the one true God worthy of our praise.

My first scripture

The first scripture I can remember memorizing was "God has not given me a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and a sound mind". It was memorized for the simple fact that I had been having nightmares so bad that it had been weeks since I could actually sleep at night. So when I told my mom she said immediately "let's see what God says about this". Here's the deal though,have I had other nigh...tmares? Yes sporadically, but I now go back and stand on what I know is true, what I've found in scripture, His word. Moreover, now that I'm unshakeable in that area of "bad dreams", when I'm lead, asked, or questioned, I am able to help others with the measure that I have been helped...long story short, "God has not given you a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and a sound mind" so what are you afraid of? You now know the answer, and the promise behind can have a fearless day.

The Spirit of the Lord

The spirit of The Lord, the Holy Spirit, will cause you the believer to grow in His word, to thrive spiritually, and to increase in God graces, graces that are victorious against destructive fruits/deeds of the flesh. (Paraphrased from a mortification of sin in believers by John Owen). As I have read this book, supplemental to my bible I find myself all the more humbled, and in awe of the grace Go...d has constantly provided me, undeserved, even at times unknowingly by me...I discover the need to apologize to others (mom our discussion is coming) friends and family, anyone that at any point by my actions I have led astray or worse still not reflected Gods goodness, BUT!!! Gods not through with me yet!!! And if you humble yourself too, your apologies to Him and others isn't a sorrowful moment, but a joyous one of restore on of fellowship with Him and others! Glory!!!

First and greatest commandment

And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. For the longest time I've known this verse found in Matthew, but if I am honest with (and I am) the application of "Lord your God" was not evident in my life. I loved God, but did I treat Him as my Lord? Did I try my best to do all that He asked of me? No. Am I now getting better? I pray I am, I hope that others see it and believe what about you? Are you and I growing in godliness and holiness? That's very good evidence that He is hour Lord and you are treating and believing He is

Positive words ONLY?!

Here's a "what if..." What if we didn't say anything that wasn't positive? Here's what Ephesians 4:29 says; "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." I know I need Him to do this through me, "what if you did the same?"

What are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of? The past, the present, the future? Why? Circumstances? Money, or lack there of? Jobs, friends, former friends? Enemies? Or how about coworkers? Can you see how this started off as a simple question? And for all intents and purposes you and I both are probably able to take it and just run with it, keep adding and adding and adding until God forbid it all seems hopeless? ...Now can you turn to God, draw closer to Him and as my parents taught me long ago, begin to just count your blessings? Which one should you chose? Life or death? Heaven or hell? The problem is most people don't realize that hell is eternal separation from God, from hope, love, peace, most people don't realize they are really living in hell already to a certain degree here on hearts desire is that they would, we would go to God, draw closer, be still and know that He loves us, and that in His love is fullness of joy.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Consider the following

Have you thought about the sin that so easily besets you? Not the sin itself, but HOW it so easily "gets" you. Do you stay on watch, stay on guard, and finally do you run to God when temptation comes knowing he is the only way to not be easily caught by sin.

God's Promises

Holding on to the promises of God...but which ones? Which ones do you know? You can only hold on to that which you know, so do you know Him? How much? What do you know about Him? I know it's a lot of questions, but these are the ones I am constantly asking myself. How else will I grow closer to Him, if I don't know anything about Him? How will you? I pray you and I do get to know Him more, know Him better, amen.

Cry out

"And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" So when I cry out to God the creator, I'm also crying out to my Father who can comfort me in my times of trials and tribulations. I hope and pray this for you who read this as well. Cry out to God, cry out to "Abba! Father!"

3 Simple things

Know it, value it, obey change "it" to "Him", and live "it"...short, sweet, lovely in simplicity. Have a blessed night, as I pray your day was, and will be tomorrow.

HIS tory

This morning you more than likely will hear HIStory about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but it is what happens next in your life because of what He what happens next for you? I can't answer that, but I hope and pray that you decide to live for Him, with Him.

Changing Prayer

Prayer can change you, it may not always change your circumstances, but when you trust in God and stay close to Him through prayer, than you too can and should pray "not my will, but yours be done". Pray for change, then be ready.

What if?

What if I don't have the faith to completely believe for the very thing that I am asking God for? Do I have the faith to just trust Him? to trust IN Him? That if I can't do it, or receive some sort of miracle, that He can still bring me through my ordeal and closer to Him? I pray you and I will come to the place where we put complete faith in Him, and not just in a saving hope alone. Please don't misunderstand me, hope IS good and godly, as is faith, but as I've stated before, cliched as it may be, "we are to love the gift giver, and not just the gift" so whether the gift comes or not, we know we are loved, safe, sound, and secure in His loving arms.

Full of Gratitude

Starting off the day with a heart full of gratitude and a mouth singing of His goodness. Thank you for your grace, peace, love, hope, and joy. My responsibility now is to give Him glory, honor, and praise.

Christian Rapper?!

"These bad habits I can't handle so pray them gone, I trade my pain for grace, I'm on my face, which makes me stand up strong. " Yes, even a "Christian rapper" can be quoted with theologians if what he is saying lines up with the word of God. Bible states clearly and plainly that we should listen to that which edifies and builds us up. "Got bad habits?" Pray, trade your pain for Gods grace, repent if need be, accept His love then walk worthy of the grace you've been given. You'll never feel more free then when you trust in God to forgive and live.

Honoring God

Decided to honor God with my body as well as with my mind, and start treating it as a gift, as a holy temple, and not as a trash can with which I feed my pity, anger, and slothfulness. And "no" I'm not going to post updated pictures or what not (not that I have anything against anyone doing that) only that my reasoning once again is based on what I know the bible, God says about how temperamental our body is. Life is a gift to begin with, and should be viewed and treated as such until we are called home. Will you too stand by what you know is right and honor God on all you say and do? I pray that we all continue to grow in godliness and holiness, amen.

Walk Worthy

Going to do my best to "walk worthy"

Ask me about Him

God has blessed me tremendously, need I say more? Just ask me and I will be happy to tell of His goodness.

Keep it

Keep all the material things of this world, but give me peace with God, the peace of God, and peace in God. Having peace will keep you unshakeable, unbreakable, and well protected. Yes, please let me receive His peace and it will be well with my soul.

Heart full of Love

"When the heart full of God's love can draw on the mind full of God's word, timely blessings flow from the mouth." A thinking Christian will be a considerate person whom knows that Gods grace and mercy were provided and are available to all... those who are or were lost, including him or herself. Out of this revelation of Gods abundant love will we share the blessings God has so lavished upon us, his promises through His word, his Son. Simply put, cliched as it is "you are blessed to be a blessing"


To attack the day, we must continuously pray

True Grace

"True gospel grace...charges those beasts (sin) within us that seem untamable and fierce, and changes them... It is grace alone that changes the heart of the man." We all want change, change to make changes and possibly even for a short time do change certain things outwardly, but given enough time, given enough pressure both internal and external, and those changes that we thought we made, that ...we thought would really "stick" this time..."poof" the vanish...but Gods grace, His indwelling residence, that my friends, that causes change from the inside out, complete transformation, and that is what I long for, desire, pray for. I hope and pray you as we'll, if you are a child of God, also rely solely on Gods grace to change you.