It's at times when I'm sick, or a family member is, that I remember "after doing all I can do, stand (in faith, believing)". Whatever you may be going through, it's not that we deny the circumstances, rather we trust and believe that no matter what may happen God is in control, God loves you, your family and friends, and if we are His children, than as Romans says, all things will work for good, for those that believe...hold on, stay strong, God is good.
Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22 37-40
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Like you could, like you should
Quick question: Could it be that we are not living like we could because we are not living like we should?
Let me quickly explain, I am not talking about "works" resulting in blessing, but rather "drawing closer to God and letting Him produce the fruit of His spirit in us, forus and others...could we spend more time "sitting at His feet"?
Remember this is not me condemning you or myself, I believe it is God calling us back to Him, to His throne of grace...
Forgive yourself
Do you want to know a hard truth? "To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you". This includes those in your past, present, even those who may hurt you in the future...this also includes YOURSELF! Allow God to forgive you, forgive through you, and love you and others unconditionally . There is of course more to this, but it does begin with forgiveness, start there...I hope and pray this encourages you to grow closer to God...and then healing can begin and continue.
Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad. So remember Gods goodness, and don't be troubled.
The truth is always right. Think about that for a moment...if the truth is that God has given you His peace, then it is right for us to accept it, believe that His word is truth, and then act accordingly. I'm not saying that what's right is easy, but that the truth, once you accept it as truth, makes the "right" things easier. I hope and pray that that makes sense. I hope that you know His truth, the truth about Him, from Him, for you is right...His peace He has given you.
Need to forgive
I Needed to be forgiven, so He forgives and restores. They need to know that they are forgiven, help them see that He forgives and restores.
Perfect peace
Gods peace is perfect...a simple truth that once we lay a hold of our lives in Him become a reflection of His goodness.
Psalms 19
Psalms 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. ". I need to remember this, and also live this, Lord help me do so...
No prayer, little prayer
Alexander Whyte said the following; "No prayer!--No faith!--No Christ in the heart. Little prayer!--Little faith!--Little Christ in the heart. Increasing prayer!--Increa sing faith!--Increas ing Christ in the heart!. Much prayer!--Much faith!--Much Christ in the heart! Praying always!--Faith always!--Christ always!" I can almost hear his Scottish accent screaming directly at me when I begin to question, whine, or complain and wonder why things are the way they are...I'm not condemning myself, but rather allowing myself to be called back to Him who first loved me, and still does, who will...
He doesn't forget
Has He forgotten you? Could He? Certainly not! He wouldn't and couldn't, if you are His child then you can and should know that He cares for you.
How to pray?
I have a dear friend ask me how she should pray, what, when, something powerful, real, comforting, something that she knew would work...I was immediately humbled that she would even ask me something that was that important to her, dare I say vital to her. My help, my answer to her was simple, yet true. The answer I gave may not have been what she wanted or expected, but non-the-less I gave her what I believe is biblical truth. And what was my answer? Pray from your heart, be bold, be blunt, lay it all out before Him knowing He hears His child's cries... Charles Spurgeon put it this way;
"A true prayer is an inventory of needs, a catalog of necessities, an exposure of secret wounds, a revelation of hidden poverty."
We all know that OK needs help, we can see gaping open wounds, yet have no idea of the secret hidden pains, and true poverty is literally at what's left of their doorsteps. Let us as brothers and sisters join in prayer, in word and deed...
I remember many years ago that "wwjd" bracelets were all the rage, yet now although I still believe that is a great question, I would add "hwjdi" How would Jesus do it? So not only "what would he do?", but also "how would Jesus do it?" A subtle difference, together I would hope they inspire not only knowing, but doing...
Hope, the anchor
"Hope is called the anchor of the soul (Hebrews 6:19), because it gives stability to the Christian life. But hope is not simply a 'wish' (I wish that such-and-such would take place); rather, it is that which latches on to the certainty of the promises of the future that God has made."
Sunday, May 19, 2013
If I don't continue to change, to press on, to grow closer to God...I already know what He has brought me from, why would I ever become slack and go back? He asks me to be diligent, to stay on watch, on guard, to be wise, grow in wisdom, etc. All things pertaining to godliness and holiness as I continue to know Him more and more
Relationship with God (and man)
Praying for a goodnight
Praying for a good night, and no matter how it ends I will praise His name...he may have to hear my cry, and bottle my tears, His word still says joy comes in the morning...that can be true for you as well. Here's praying for you and me
Knowing scripture?
Knowing scripture is not enough. Pharisees and Sadducees knew scripture, they even tried to do everything it said, yet knowing and doing aren't enough...yes, we should know and do, but it should stem from the relationship with Him. He has shown you his love, he has given you His word, now will now will you go and grow with Him? *Then will you tell and show others of his goodness? As cliched as it may sound, an I don't know who said it, but "you May be the only Bible (love of God) some people may read (experience)"
Why don't we pray more
Early post with a question, why don't we pray more? Whether it be for Devine help or intervention, or just to feel as though we are behind heard and someone cares, we should know by now through His word that prayer is powerful, has a purpose, and a privilege that we take for granted...sigh
Peaceful night
Praying that you and I have a peaceful night. I started the day in prayer and thanksgiving, and can think of no better way to end it.
Psalms 18
Psalm 18: "I love you, O LORD, my strength. ". 3 major truths are hidden in plain sight, in that verse alone. I also notice that the 3 mini statements, are together in one sentence. They could be separate, but in this case they are together, almost presenting a cause and effect based on who He is.
Hope for everybody
There is a hope for everybody. Hope found in Grace and truth. Hope found in Him. Who is He? You already know, and he's constantly revealing himself to you, through his word, through others, even nature screams of His goodness. He is the son of God, and I would love to show and tell you more, He would love to show and tell you more...will you let Him? I'm praying you do.
Close to God
Wanting to feel closer to God, yet I am not supposed to live by a feeling, His word is enough, more than enough, even when I desire more, He is close even when I don't feel like He is close, He is whether I feel Him or not He is near, He is here
David's post
It's amazing how a good talk, with a good friend and brother can get you right back on track. No matter how far off the beaten path, God is always there! Thank you for listening, sharing and giving words of encouragement
There is a special Bond between brothers...brot hers and sisters in Christ in which we can openly and honestly speak with each other our highs and lows and only end in prayer, praise and thanksgiving. God is good, and when we share in his love his goodness abounds.
Hear me
O LORD, you hear the desire of the afflicted; you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear
Prayer works
Prayer. I've heard it said that prayer works, and it does when it's Gods will, but the problem I had for the longest time was that I didn't know Gods will on most things I was praying about...yet as I continue to grow closer to God I find it easier to be more and more confident that not only does He hear me, but also that I am asking in accordance with His will. Let us pray.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Prayer works
Prayer. I've heard it said that prayer works, and it does when it's Gods will, but the problem I had for the longest time was that I didn't know Gods will on most things I was praying about...yet as I continue to grow closer to God I find it easier to be more and more confident that not only does He hear me, but also that I am asking in accordance with His will. Let us pray.
Before she ever was a mother, she was a woman. Her motherhood stems not from not how many children she has had, but how many people she has been a mother too. How many has she loved? How many has she helped learn? How many has she helped laugh when they wanted to cry? She was a woman first with a purpose, and out of her purpose she became a mother. To all the women on Mother's Day, thank you, we love you, you are appreciated.
He is king!
"Let me tell you about a king
Who gave David a sling
Who gave Martin a dream
Who turns winter to spring"
I heard this and really liked it. I think I like it so much because it starts with the emphasis places on His kingship, followed by what He has done in the past, then to the preset, and finally the fact that He is even king over the seasons!
He is king over everything!
His perspective
When the struggles and the troubles of life come along and knock you off your feet, get on your knees and thank God that you were only knocked down, and not taken out. It's all about perspective, yours, theirs, or the most important one, the only one that is always true...HIS.
Trust God
"Trust the past to God's mercy, the present to God's love and the future to God's providence." Anytime I feel undeserving, unworthy, unsure, etc...I can always look to Him for His truth about me, because of who HE is not because of what I did, who I am, or what I hope to be...when I can do that, whether through prayer, bible study, or fellowship with others I am lifted up
Get to know Him
"He [God] offers you the privilege to know Him, to enter into a relationship with Him, and to follow Him with everything!" What more can I say? I'm not sure, but I will continue to grow in godliness and holiness as long as I have breath in my lunges, and do my best to spread the gospel in both word and deed. I do all of this...for the simple fact that He is worthy, he showed me mercy, and didn't have to, he extended grace and I didn't deserve it, he now loves me even when I feel unlovely, and he gives me peace that many cant or won't fully ever understand, and the list goes on and on...he can I not live for Him?!
Hear my prayers!
"Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have given me relief when I was in distress. Be gracious to me and hear my prayer! "
Now I lay me down to sleep
"I lay down and slept; I woke again, for the LORD sustained me. ". Simple yet powerful. I find 3 important facts in that passage alone; 1. He slept 2. He awoke 3. It was and is The Lord that allows both to be possible. God made you to rest in Him, by His grace and mercy He provides you more and more time, and finally the days He gives you are to grow to get to know Him more and share in His goodness and faithfulness.
You are my shield
In psalms it says "But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. " we can clearly see the pain and comfort of the author, and with that the one he (we) can and should call on in our time of need.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Grace and truth
Grace and truth are found together in the same "person", yet one can know the truth and not accept the grace. Moreover if we are to walk in the truth we must accept "His" grace. To walk in the truth we must also learn "it", and be obedient to "it", or should I say "Him"? I pray this makes sense. I hope that this encourages you to continue in growing closer to "Him", and who is this "person"?, the "it" I mentioned previously?, the "Him" to whom we should grow closer to? Jesus.
You are not alone
Can I just keep it simple before I go to sleep? "You are not alone" God hears your prayers, the bible days He bottles your are not alone though, come home, He loves you, we love you, you are not alone.
Faith and works
Faith and works are bound together in the same bundle. Faith works, and we should work with our faith.
Our peace is at stake
I never really understood how important repentance is. I was always taught to say sorry when I did something wrong, that I should feel remorse for hurting others, but even at a young age it was always a "so what's my punishment going to be?" "How long am I grounded?", "does dad have to know?!" You know, the important questions to a kid/ teenager... But now, as a growing adult, I realize that my peace, peace with God is at stake, our relationship... it's as though I'm being dishonest with Him, does that make sense? I mean even when my wife doesn't know (and she knows everything...yo u know what I mean). The secret sins of my heart literally eat at me, at my peace and its not until I repent, go to God humbly...I don't know, maybe I'm rambling, maybe somebody else feels like me? Here's the good news, Jesus didn't die so we could feel guilty, no, he died to redeem us from the wrath, the separation from God, from His love, from His peace, friends, family, HIM. I know this is a long post, but I pray that we return to what should be our first love, because we can, you can, I can, because of what He did, because of who He is...He does love you if you are His child, and if you are His child, why would you let anything or anyone hold you back from going back to His loving arms? Even yourself?! Come back...I pray this helps you and encourages you as it is me.
Awesome God
"Our God, is an awesome God He reigns, from heaven above, with wisdom, power, and love, our God is an awesome God". What a beautiful truth presented in the form of a song...let your heart song His praise today! Let me join with you in thanking Him for all that He has done. *remembering that to us this includes past, present, and future that we have yet to experience! Hallelujah and amen.
Growing wiser, learning more
Proverbs says "Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance, ". Many times we say we hear, possibly truly hearing, and yet can we really say we grew in learning? Do we understand what has been said? Did we take the good advice and after testing it for truth and soundness, did we incorporate it into our life in a productive way that honors God?....whew, that's a lot to take in, but its almost cliche now when I hear or get to ask "it's not whether or not you read the bible, but do you study it? Do you have a relationship with God in such a way that as you hear His word you obtain guidance?" No one wants to be a fool, but do we do what is necessary to become wise? Hear, increase in learning, and obtain guidance from God...I hope and pray this encourages you to dig deeper, to draw closer, and to grow wiser.
He is our hope
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."
1. God is a creator, sustainer and giver of HOPE
2. He can, and will fill you with:
I. All joy
II. All peace
3. We are told to believe
Watch how it all comes full circle," that by HIS power (Holy Spirit) we can ABOUND, be lavished upon in HIS HOPE!
Bottom line:
The God of HOPE, gives us HOPE so that we can HOPE in Him. Then His HOPE gives us more and more HOPE!
He brought me this far
Blessed to know God has brought me this far in life. Grace made it possible, and His mercy kept me safe. Through it all I can, and do say, that God has truly blessed me more than I ever thought, even dreamt. Lastly if I can be of any encouragement, even through struggles and troubles I am convinced my life both here and now is far better with mr by His side, than me by myself.
I am not afraid!
"God has not given me a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and a sound mind." I've said it before, but this was the first verse I ever memorized, yet even to this day it is the comfort that God provides by this word that allows me to hold on, stay strong and know that God is good during life's adversities. I encourage you, as many of you have encouraged me, to study the word and not just read it. That we remember what we have heard, and not just listen for awhile. Finally that we remember it is our relationship with Him, not the religion that we profess. Have a great night and rest freely in His loving arms...
Endurance and encouragement
Ready for change. Thank you to all who prayed for me, and encouraged me with words of wisdom and love, you are appreciated. Let me know if and when I can return the favor. Until then, remember Romans 15:4-6 God our father is the God of encouragement, and endurance. Ps, I love my wife for being so supportive and understandings urging me closer to God, standing by my side, I love you.
He's never going to leave
"He will never leave you, nor forsake you." Can you recall when He first began to draw you to Him? Was it not when you were at what you feel was your lowest? Why then now after he has called you do you feel as though He has somehow left you, or forsook you? He can not and will not contradict Himself. So if you feel as though He is far away, it is not Him, might I suggest that it is you? Come back to Him, to His loving arms and find rest
Real rest is found in Him
In 1 Corinthians 2:5 Paul writes "so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God." Normally I would first preface this scripture with the "so" being better defined and explained as a continuation of what was said prior, yet tonight what I need to read, be reminded of, and hopefully you too, is that my faith is in the power of God, and with that I can "rest" It is not that I do not seek wise council, which biblically we are told to do, but please notice that Paul says that our faith can an should rest and is directly linked to the power of God. I pray that as we grow in relationship with God that we place our faith more and more in His power, the promise of His word.
Do you tell Him?
Do you tell Him you love Him randomly? Often? Consistently? Do you tell Him "just because"? It's not that He needs to be affirmed, or reminded, but telling Him reminds us of His goodness and faithfulness. How often do we take the little things He does for us for granted to remind us, like breath in our lunges, another beautiful day to enjoy? All of creation screams of His love.
Growth in 4 areas
Luke 2:52 the 4 areas of growth that are mentioned that I discussed with my boys tonight ; grow in wisdom, growth in stature, growth in favor with God, and growth in favor with men. While we were talking about those four things I found myself considering what areas The Lord was addressing with me in my life, where do I need to grow with Him? I pray you too are being drawn closer to Him, growing in godliness and holiness, it can and should happen anywhere and everywhere.
Setting the stage for greatness
I once read that "discipline sets the stage for greatness". I have really liked that for a long time, yet only recently have I discovered, uncovered the biblical truth which that quote could be based upon. On the other hand "procrastinatio n is...I will tell you later"...I think you get the point:) I pray that you and I grow in godliness and holiness, by which "discipline" can help
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