Sunday, September 5, 2021

Mercy and Love

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us“ ~ Ephesians 2:4

I don’t even know where to begin when it comes to the mercy of God, but we must strive to comprehend God’s mercy coupled with His love.  Why?  Because He loves us.    

If you are anything like me there are at times where I feel as though my sins have overtaken me, “But God…”. What a beautiful blessed statement to begin with, “But God…” 

If we were to only view God as creator (which He is). Or as the sustainer (which He is) or even as owner (which He is). We would not be wrong, “But God, being rich in mercy”. 

The fact that our sins have been paid, and paid in full should constantly be at the forefront of our minds as children of God.  Why? “But God, being rich in mercy”. His mercy comes from His love.  

So when you and I sin, which we do, it is His mercy that flows through His love that says Remember my love and come back to me.  It is His mercy and love that should have us running back to him when we sin.  

The devil will try to convince us of just the opposite.  The devil will say something to the effect of “you’ve sinned, so run”. I always picture that seen in the Lion King when Scar tells Simba to “run and never comeback”…silly analogy I know, but I am convinced that it makes the proper point.  

The bottom line is this; God is rich in mercy, God is rich in love and forgiveness, and it stems from His love for you…“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us”

If you don’t know God as your father I hope and pray this would encourage you to seek Him out. If you’ve been away from God and are now beginning to long to comeback to Him-He is rich in mercy and love for you.  If you are doing well spiritually then share this message with those whom you know need it.  

Finally, you can always message me if you have questions, comments, concerns or need help.