An old but often asked question that should cause us to humbly admit our short term memory, "Is God (big enough, strong enough, wise enough, willing) able to help you?" Are your problems too much for the God of the universe? Did they catch Him off guard? Off His game so to speak? Of course not! Then why do we as His beloved children so quickly forget or discredit His word and track record? I too am guilty of this, but give thanks to His patience in my ignorance. I pray you ask for help, ask according to His will. I find that several things happen when we do. First we can recurve comfort in knowing that He has heard us. Second that in hearing, we have humbled ourselves this exalting Him, proving our faith in Him. Lastly that no matter when the answer comes that until our deliverance He is by outside, strengthening us as we grow with Him. God is willing and able, if you are His child you have His word. Ask in faith, stand strong on His word, and continue to fight the good fight of faith. I hope this has encouraged you to ask, or at the very least challenged you to ask why you haven't or won't.
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