What if...what if you prayed for that person that hurt you so bad and God turned their heart, what if? What if you drew closer to God and really started living for Him, what if? What if God used you at your work because you finally walked boldly, what if? What if your husband/wife saw you devoting your time to them because God is using you to love them as they have never been loved, what if? The life of a Christian though should not be a series of "what ifs" but one of "I am, and I am getting better all the time". Are there struggles with this? If course, but that is the sole reason God states that we can do all things by Christ who gives us strength, it is never in our own capacity, but that which God provides to overflowing even to others. I pray you are encouraged to live a life of "what ifs" but one of "I ams". Even if you are starting now, coming back, or are just continuing, be encouraged.
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