"Having the answers is not essential to living. What is essential is the sense of God's presence during dark seasons of questioning." a noted apologist said that, (an apologist is a defender of the faith). If you stop and think about what he said, you like I will think it is brilliantly put. I don't claim to have all the answers and in times of struggles and trouble, taken to the extreme, even when doctors and all the time and money in the world can't help, I must go to God. He is my only comfort, my only strength, my helper in a time of need. There is a peace, not in what my knowledge or anyone else's can tell me, they all fail and fall at the feet of God. It is there I can rest, I can breathe again. The relationship I have with Him...it is in His grace, love and peace I find life. I pray you...I'm praying for whoever is reading this, I pray you find Him, receive peace, love and grace through and in Him tonight.
Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22 37-40
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Grace and mercy
Asking God for mercy is kind of like crying "uncle", it's like giving up when things get too hard. When what we should do is cry out "Father" I know you love me, and that your grace is sufficient, your word is my strength...that's the difference between mercy and Gods grace. Ask for mercy and you may get it, pray for grace and watch His love coat your life...both are good and well, and both are readily available, but first and foremost you must ask either as His child, or as one that is in dire need of Him and His mercy. Don't e discouraged, get to know him, grow with Him, seek His face and watch it shine lovingly on your life.
Love in action
There's time when I struggle with the right words to say, more often then not a simple but sincere "God loves you and I love you, what can I do to help?" is more than enough...usually its at that point that they either say "thank you" and begin to spill, or they say "thanks" and walk away. In either case I have done my best, and God will do the rest if they open their heart. I know this because...
many a time, I have been the one, and still am on occasion that just needs that simple love in action. I pray that we all walk in a manner worthy to be called Christians, we shouldn't have to tell people all the time with our words first necessarily, we should only have to reaffirm that we are when they notice something different about us. I hope this encourages you and calls you back to righteousness...
Learning to be content
Charles Spurgeon said "It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.". Almost sounds like the definition of contentment. God gives us His wisdom through his word specifically on this in the bible, but how many of us can just enjoy what we have. I know I struggle with not coveting, and that's what it is, I can't sugar coat it, I wouldn't if I could. They used to calle...
d it keeping up with the Jones', only now several years later do I see what my parents were trying to teach me. Good news though there's hope for all of us, by the grace of God and what should be our ever growing love of Him, he will give us the strength to carry out His wisdom. Two things though, first you must read he word to know what He is saying, second we are to be obedient to it if we are ever going to experience the victories therein. I pray and hope this helps someone tonight, with what ever struggle you may be going through, don't lose hope, have faith, God is good.
The "seed" is the word of GOD
The "seed" is the word of God. If and hopefully you are (I'm praying that you are) meeting, fellowshipping today, that you do three things. First that you are good ground, willing and desiring to receive the word. Second, that you "water", or rather meditate, mull it over, think about it, pray about it, study it for yourself all week (it's a start). Finally that as the word grows and produces fruit in your life, that you share it with others. I hope this made sense and was a good analogy for what the "seed" of the word of God.
Love Him, He loves you
"I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me. " this quote from proverbs 8:17 does three possible things, convicts you of righteous, to go back am start living more godly. Secondly it reassures you that you are loving Him and are walking worthy. Lastly it means and does nothing for you. The last point I can say nothing about other then God does what you to be His child so you can experience his love peace and mercy. For the other two points only that in either case you can and should be even more encouraged because His grace is abundantly present. Be encouraged! God loves you, keep seeking him diligently, and be sure that with our faith your good and godly works correspond. Pray this strikes you as it does me.
Good, Great, GOD
As I sit here and read Spurgeons lecture to his students, the sweet serenade if Madelyn's screaming/crying makes me slowly put down my book, move closer to her and choose the best thing to be doing right now...spending time with my girl. Reading is a great thing, work is a good thing, but loving your family above everything else is a God thing. I hope you take a moment today and just show and tell your family and friends that you love them, no greater love has a man than this, that he would lay down his life (for his friends and family) lay aside what you are doing and love them first, love them most.
Wrong side of the bed, right side of God
Starting off on the wrong side of the bed can easily changed by hitting your knees. Before you go out and face today's problem, go and receive Gods blessings. The blessing promised are this, love patience Kindness, goodness and all the other fruit of the spirit in Galatians 5:22. I hope this helps give guidance to someone that was looking for answers. The only reason I do this is not for the blessings per se, but to keep my fellowship top place, our relationship healthy, and to help others. I pray it does all three for you as well. Have a blessing filled day.
Wife and Husband, love each other
Although not a biblical quote, I do want to put this out there from Martin Luther, "Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave.". Some viewed him as a problem maker, a trader to the church, and countless other things, whole some hold fast to his words and teachings. I for one try my best to gather biblically sound teachings, messages, and just overall encouraging sayings. I know not everyone is married, but when god given it is an amazing blessing, and to be honest at times I take it for granted. Ladies an gentlemen that quote is twofold and I do believe biblically founded. Men, be real men and love your wife like she needs and wants to be loved, and women you must do the same, but remember that it is love, and give each other grace as we grow and get better. Sometimes we will mess up, slip up, forgive us, as we forgive you...God loves you both and gave his grace for both...share in his love an grace for each other. To the unmarried, don't be lied to a good marriage is possible and really THAT good, if god is at the center. I pray this helps and encourages
Chaos, God is in control
As I was reading last night I came across this passage that to me seemed to define my life at times perfectly. "Suddenly the world doesn't seem so orderly and natural but random and even heartless". It is from a book about grace by David Jeremiah. To my friends again that feel this way there is one important thing you and I must both remember God in His grace and love presents us the truth thro...
ugh his word that He will never leave us not forsake us. Despite what we see and feel, God is still in control, and is willing and able to help if and when you come to him and allow him to bring your comfort and even joy. I said before that in theory I would hope that everyone including myself could get past the "in theory" part and instead have more faith and help us believe in our non belief. I hope today that you pray for strength, wisdom and love more abundantly. He will give you and I all of those generously and gladly.
Hold on
I just want to take a moment for my dear friends going through hard times and encourage them to hold on. Hold on to God and the truth of His word, even though it may seem like all is crashing down around you and your family, His faithful to His word. If you who are reading this are also going through something, i will gladly pray for you too, I will agree with your prayers and together ask God for guidance, and peace even we may be shaken to the core. That's what family does, you're loved remember that, by Him, and by your spiritual family. I hope you let Him to give you rest, peace and show you the love and inner comfort that only he can provide.
Help in your time of need
Do you realize the pain of your unforgiveness is tied to someone or something that may not even know it hurt you? Or worse yet that does know and enjoys to see your misery...give it to God, ask Him for the strength to forgive. You may have to constantly ask for help, but He promises to help you in your time of need.
If you are anything like me there are times when you like you need saving. Saving from your job, from your money troubles, etc. and it is then when I someone that is able to help, able to comfort me, able to reassure me, someone that is wiser, stronger, loving. I run to my Father, my God, my savior, my helper in a time of need. You can and should do the same, but will you? I pray you will.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
"If/Then Forgiveness"
Forgiveness is an option...but as we look closer at what the bible says about this topic, I pray that you allow God to move upon your heart so much so that you don't view as such.
Matthew 6:14-15
"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will you Father forgive your trespasses."
To begin with we actually need to look back at verse 12 which reads "and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors."
Verse 14 seems to go into greater detail, thus leading me to believe that Jesus wanted to needed to explain forgiveness further for those listening to better understand. With that being said, lets look at how verse 14 actually starts...
"For if"
I. The choice is yours
A. He obviously states that it hinges upon us either doing, or not..."if"
II. Let's not deceive ourselves, because He was not deceived
A. This does not in any way say that is "okay" for us NOT to forgive
B. He knows everyone hearts, thus some as he knows will not choose to forgive
So since we have a choice... what are these trespasses Jesus is speaking of?
III. From what I have gathered trespasses is anything and everything that may happen to you by way of others.
A. Emotional
B. Physical
C. Mental
D. You name it, etc...
*Lets be open and honest for a moment, you have trespasses against someone...
just admit it, even if you don't know who or when, you have, deal with it.
All joking aside, it is true, so remember Gods grace and forgiveness is for everyone...
Moving on
You do not have the strength or natural human desire to forgive, BUT as you grow in your relationship with God, His word says that you can and should forgive and in doing so He will give you the strength and power to do it.
So "if" you forgive, what are the benefits? good question
1. Your relationship with God grows and you are humbled and His word exalted, peace comes
2. You become a walking and talking living example of Gods grace, peace, mercy, and love
3. It also shows Gods right and proper Word of Grace and Truth
But this is all the "IF" but what about the "Then"?
IF you forgive others, THEN God will forgive you, in His forgiveness is rest, grace, mercy, peace and love.
But what about IF you do NOT, THEN...He does not forgive you and the relationship becomes strained(in humam terms mind you)...It is that fellowship that God begins to show you lead you anad guide you and give you the strength to do His...If you love Him, then you will obey Him.
A few quick points:
He didn't say when you feel like it
He didn't say if you feel like it
He said "if you forgive"(do it)
He didn't say it would happen instantly
He didn't say it would be easy
He said "if you forgive" (do it)
There is a reason why He is called our saviour, we need saving.
From the heart the pain and the anger, "if you forgive"
I pray you address that person or thing that needs forgiveness, go to God, ask Him for help, He will help you!!! Start with prayer...
Matthew 6:14-15
"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will you Father forgive your trespasses."
To begin with we actually need to look back at verse 12 which reads "and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors."
Verse 14 seems to go into greater detail, thus leading me to believe that Jesus wanted to needed to explain forgiveness further for those listening to better understand. With that being said, lets look at how verse 14 actually starts...
"For if"
I. The choice is yours
A. He obviously states that it hinges upon us either doing, or not..."if"
II. Let's not deceive ourselves, because He was not deceived
A. This does not in any way say that is "okay" for us NOT to forgive
B. He knows everyone hearts, thus some as he knows will not choose to forgive
So since we have a choice... what are these trespasses Jesus is speaking of?
III. From what I have gathered trespasses is anything and everything that may happen to you by way of others.
A. Emotional
B. Physical
C. Mental
D. You name it, etc...
*Lets be open and honest for a moment, you have trespasses against someone...
just admit it, even if you don't know who or when, you have, deal with it.
All joking aside, it is true, so remember Gods grace and forgiveness is for everyone...
Moving on
You do not have the strength or natural human desire to forgive, BUT as you grow in your relationship with God, His word says that you can and should forgive and in doing so He will give you the strength and power to do it.
So "if" you forgive, what are the benefits? good question
1. Your relationship with God grows and you are humbled and His word exalted, peace comes
2. You become a walking and talking living example of Gods grace, peace, mercy, and love
3. It also shows Gods right and proper Word of Grace and Truth
But this is all the "IF" but what about the "Then"?
IF you forgive others, THEN God will forgive you, in His forgiveness is rest, grace, mercy, peace and love.
But what about IF you do NOT, THEN...He does not forgive you and the relationship becomes strained(in humam terms mind you)...It is that fellowship that God begins to show you lead you anad guide you and give you the strength to do His...If you love Him, then you will obey Him.
A few quick points:
He didn't say when you feel like it
He didn't say if you feel like it
He said "if you forgive"(do it)
He didn't say it would happen instantly
He didn't say it would be easy
He said "if you forgive" (do it)
There is a reason why He is called our saviour, we need saving.
From the heart the pain and the anger, "if you forgive"
I pray you address that person or thing that needs forgiveness, go to God, ask Him for help, He will help you!!! Start with prayer...
Monday, September 24, 2012
Wednesday Notes 9/19/12 "He will comfort and establish your hearts"
2 Thess. 2:16-17
"Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word."
Verse 16 seems to be the "set up" of sorts, where Paul is restarting and reinforcing the position and relationships, with regards to we the believers, and the benefits, if you will, associated with it as a consequence of relationship and position.
Verse 17 (Remembering as to why Paul is writing the church at Thessalonica.) Paul is telling them, instructing them to "comfort your hearts".
I. They ere and some of us are going through trials tribulations etc and we are to comfort our hearts.
A. Comfort = "encourage"
Next Paul tells them(us) to...
II. Establish (our hearts) in
A. establish = "strengthen"
B. establish in EVERY good WORK (actions, whether BIG or small, work for His honor and glory)
C. establish in EVERY good word (Faith in SOUND DOCTRINE)
1. Learn what God says about "it"
2. Test everything you hear and read
All of this hinges/depends on your RELATIONSHIP with GOD. God our Father, His son and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Just in case you didn't know or weren't sure Verse 16 tells us how, it clearly spells out Why God is doing ALL He had done
1. Because He loves us
2. He gave us GRACE
In His GRACE is comfort, Encouragement, Peace, Hope, Mercy, and love. This is not an all inclusive list, but a few of the awesome blessings that are IN HIM.
I pray that your hearts to night seek and find the COMFORT of God and that in Him you are ESTABLISHED for every good work and word. In Jesus name, AMEN.
"Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word."
Verse 16 seems to be the "set up" of sorts, where Paul is restarting and reinforcing the position and relationships, with regards to we the believers, and the benefits, if you will, associated with it as a consequence of relationship and position.
Verse 17 (Remembering as to why Paul is writing the church at Thessalonica.) Paul is telling them, instructing them to "comfort your hearts".
I. They ere and some of us are going through trials tribulations etc and we are to comfort our hearts.
A. Comfort = "encourage"
Next Paul tells them(us) to...
II. Establish (our hearts) in
A. establish = "strengthen"
B. establish in EVERY good WORK (actions, whether BIG or small, work for His honor and glory)
C. establish in EVERY good word (Faith in SOUND DOCTRINE)
1. Learn what God says about "it"
2. Test everything you hear and read
All of this hinges/depends on your RELATIONSHIP with GOD. God our Father, His son and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Just in case you didn't know or weren't sure Verse 16 tells us how, it clearly spells out Why God is doing ALL He had done
1. Because He loves us
2. He gave us GRACE
In His GRACE is comfort, Encouragement, Peace, Hope, Mercy, and love. This is not an all inclusive list, but a few of the awesome blessings that are IN HIM.
I pray that your hearts to night seek and find the COMFORT of God and that in Him you are ESTABLISHED for every good work and word. In Jesus name, AMEN.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Be the church
What happened to us actually being the church, instead of being part of this one or that one? the big one or the new one? The small one or the old one? We are the church! When we meet at gather to fellowship, pray, praise, and take the lords sacrament, we are honoring Him, but even when we leave the building that people should still BE the church. Christlike temples housing the Holy spirit. If ...
you are going somewhere today, have that on your mind, in your heart, you are the church, not just going there. I hope this helps and encourages you to live in a way worthy to be called that outside of where you fellowship today, wherever you are at and may be doing. I pray for the strength and the wisdom to do so myself.
Old habits
Anyone else wonder why it's so easy to fall back into old habits? Even ones that you know where wrong when you did them the first time? I find it funny and also highly encouraging, motivating even when people see me, the new me, but still try to fit me into my old persona. I know it is a testament of God, His grace and life changing love in my life. Am I perfect? Of course not, but Im growing ...
closer to the one that is...an for that I am eternally grateful. How about you? Are you growing closer? Can others see a change in you? A change for the better? Are they surprised by the new you? Don't be discouraged if you mess up though, God will call you back to righteousness...this is not meant to be discouraging! Be encouraged.
I wanted to take a moment and endorse any and every good sound church group/ building place where Christians gather and fellowship with one another, pray, praise and share willingly and openly the hardships and victories in life. I pray for you also, in all hope that you continue to be the church, remember you are the beautiful bride. Some may not get this post I fear, but I ask all of us to pray not just for our leaders, but also fellow Christians both here and abroad. I just felt like it was on my heart to encourage us to pray and to continue to fellowship. Remember the bible says to forsake not the fellowship of others...we are all apart of the same body, you are needed, important, loved
We are the church
I am not saying it is wrong to invite people to church, but we are by definition the church itself. Invite them to fellowship, become their friend of for no other reason then to be there as a true example of love in action. John MacArthur says it this way and I like how he puts it "I am convinced, by the way, that friendships provide the most fertile soil for evangelism. When the reality of Chri...
st is introduced into a relationship of love and trust that has already been established, the effect is powerful. And it seems that invariably, when someone becomes a true follower of Christ, that person's first impulse is to want to find a friend and introduce that friend to Christ.". I know many have said this and it may be cliche, but you may be the only bible people read...I hope and pray that this is encouraging to you, to talk to those you love because if you do love them, you will want to talk to them:)
Where are you running?
As I read the story of Jonah( you know the guy and the big fish) something struck me as very odd, yet very relatable. When God told him to do something, and jonah decided to run, where exactly was he going? I mean in the story it tells the city he was planning on going to, but did he really think that somehow he was going to hide and God wouldn't find him? I don't personally think think I've act...
ually ever tried to hide from God from getting on a boat and running away, but I most confess that many times I have said that I wish I could just runaway...runaway from what? from whom? Jonah was running from God had called him to do because he simply put, didn't agree, (I've been there) run away from whom? My family?! I love them! My friends! Love the them too, what about my enemies, yes, my enemies, my job, etc?! Wait a second, could God use me there?...uh...is he trying to use me there and I'm putting up a silly fight, a temper-tantrum if you will...argh...God please forgive me for thinking that I could run, I know in doing so I would be missing out on the life you have called me to, and the one you have saved me from. I hope those of you who read this are encouraged today, not just because it's Friday, but because it's Gods given day to you, it really is, take advantage of his grace,peace, love and mercy.
Here ducky, ducky pt.2
Earlier this week I gave an analogy of a duck on a pond and how frantically it kicks it feet under the water, but barely seems to move. What I failed to mention, and what I feel I need to add, is the beauty and splendor or the pond. It's glassy mirror like surface, not to mention the almost picture like green trees and surrounding flowers, simply amazing. My point by now should be becoming clear. We toil and struggle and often forget to recognize the God given beauty, the fact that all of our needs have been met, and that He alone is worthy of the praise. I hope and pray you who read this may stop in all your work
Instead of talking about them...
Instead of talking about others we should be talking to God about others. Prayer may be the only chance they have at change. Along with that though, not that we are perfect, but when you go to God in prayer about someone else make sure you are receptive to what he will tell you. More than often than not, He will ask you to love them, speak nicely to them and help them, because in all reality that's what He's doing with us daily. Grace, not just mercy. Mercy saves them, grace helps them along the way. I pray that you and I become more mature in Him, for Him, with others.
Here ducky, ducky
Not to long ago my wife and I took the girls to a park to see the ducks, and to my amusement I came away from that experience thinking how I feel like them sometimes. If you have ever seen them swim, you can see their little feet just flying underwater, but they hardly seem to get anywhere. Anyone else feel like that? In fact sometimes I feel like I'm trying SO hard, and I know I haven't moved an inch, metaphorically speaking. Or worse yet there's times when I once again feel like I've been trying super hard, and I'm actually going backwards! How is that even possible? But...and there's always a "but", lately I have been realizing more and more, that my "progression" if you will, was always based on MY perspective, not a godly one. I kept looking for good things, or something to verify my "good works" or my "trying really, really hard"...and what God had to show me was that the progression, or growth should be in my faith in and towards Him. The "things" may feed my initial desires for satisfaction, but only He can completely satisfy. So with that being said, I may still work really hard, and all the a fire mentioned things may happen, but if I am working for Him and His glory, to get closer to Him, I can KNOW that I am progressing, even when I may not feel or see it. The just shall live by faith. So don't be discouraged today, grow closer, pray, read study and share...he has given you another day to rejoice and be glad in it.
Comfort and establish your heart
2 Thessalonians 2:17 "(God will) comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word". Are you looking for comfort? Get in His word and grow in a relationship with Him, and watch His blessed promises begin to comfort your heart. Not only that, but He also then establishes them, plants them firmly, and you then too begin to see yourself grow in His good works and words. It is from His grace and love that we can be apart of this wonderful relationship, forever. I Pray you will ask Him to show you, and He will, because His word says so.
What's worse than death?
I do not like death, but worse than death is time right before it. Whether it be quick and unexpected, or long and drawn out, the "what is happening?" before death is what seems to bother me most. I do not fear death because I have hope of where I will be afterwards, but in those crucial moments right before, does my wife know how much I really loved her? are my kids alright? Was I a good father? A good friend to others? And then I also ponder that for my family and friends. Were they afraid of death? Did they look to God and have hope? Or and I would like to think this highly unlikely, did they think of the money, the cars, the clothes, the prestige? Yes I just recently lost a loved one, and another is extremely sick, but it is not death that I fear for them, it is have they truly lived. I know this may seem a little dramatic, but it is and will be a serious thing for all to consider. I pray that you live not for things, but for those things which money can not buy. God does love you an he had surrounded you with people to share that with, and in doing do lead them closer to Him, so that they too may have hope... Jumbled as this may be, I do believe that God is moving in your heart, do not let the things that are truly precious pass you by for a fleeting comfort, or a moment or anger and pain. Be encouraged, celebrate His goodness, enjoy your night and life in Him.
A fool and his mouth pt.2
Another one of my favorite proverbs, although in the past it was for all the wrong reasons, is proverbs 18:6" A fool's lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites a beating. ". Now I know that has more to do with us personally not being foolish and inviting the beating. In any case it is never wise to "bump your gums, as I used to say, because how does that give God glory? Show His love? Or bring others closer to Him? It doesn't, so i pray this brings a smile, but also cuts to all of hearts as to the importance of being careful, wise, with the words we say...I'm getting better, pray for strength
A fool and his mouth
This is one of my favorite proverbs "A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.". People have asked me why I am so peaceful, or respond to pressure and such with peace, this is a proverb that comes to mind on several occasions. To be honest, and the scripture supports this, it's not that I don't want to respond, but rather my love of God and wanting to obey Him th...
at helps me and makes me want to restrain my lips. It is ALL God, because I know if you are anything like me, people and situations give you more than enough reason to vent my spirit...But God would rather have his love, grace, peace, and mercy be shown instead. I pray you remember this, practice this and remember that it will take only you submitting to God, and then He by His spirit will give you he self control. Pray on this, and rest well.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Called and equipped, not equipped then called
At times I feel as though I may be doing this in vain, but I know that my feelings deceive me, because I know that God is pursuing those of you that do read these. I am humbled and honored that I, knowing who I once was, would feel called to spread the gospel in such a way. Grace has made the way for His love love to be shown to me and through me, and you too. A friend of mine once told me that God doesn't call the equipped, but rather He equips the called, and I believe him, because I believe everything that I have seen in His word, the bible. It is this that is my hope, that I put all my faith, knowing that His grace is sufficient and His love evident, i pray you come to know Him, know Him more
"The rain"
The rain falls on the just and unjust unlike...Gods grace even to the smallest degree provided, provides and will continue to provide. But what strikes me as odd, is that so many people seem to take it for granted. We can look at the "rain" if you will, and when your child it's beautiful and filled with wonder, sometimes scary, but still fascinating. Then we become adults and gain a little understanding of the process and what's involved, some are still amazed, while others only become annoyed. As both child and adult, the rain is still a gift, it still is a wonder of epic proportions. The question then becomes do you enjoy it, and receive it gladly? or are you the later, which only tries to explain but in doing so still cannot explain the how or why? See scientifically I know it takes pressure, hydrogen, oxygen, etc...but even taken to its end, I have yet to find out how or why, but as a Christian I can tell you who provided it...and again either way, I'm left going "wow, God is amazing". He sends the rain on the just and unjust unlike, but can and will you accept it? I pray you understand what I am trying to convey. God sent His son, full of grace and truth "the rain" if you will, for everyone... the question then becomes will you accept Him? He has been given freely to all, he is beautiful, filled with wonder, sometimes daunting and all together fascinating. So whether childlike faith, or scientific intellect...we can not deny the rain, only question, and either way it does not take away from the truth, it only clearly points more to God and His presence. I hope you are encouraged to know him more, to draw closer, and if only beginning, discover him and his grace and love for you.
Accept grace, share love,and walk in power
I have been reading and have heard so much about the grace of God, which I completely acknowledge and hold fast to, but what of His love and power? Can I, or anyone preach or teach of Gods grace with out also sharing His love and demonstrating its power? We all, if breathing already have a measure of grace, grow in it, but do not forsake His love, share it, give it to all, whether you feel they deserve it or not, that is grace in action, that is a power that the world is waiting and longing to see. Love...because He first loved you, even when you did not want it, felt like did not need it,did not feel like you deserved it, He loved you(grace). Accept his grace, share his love, walk in the power of His spirit.
Happily content
If I'm rich, I might say it was hard work and saving, and you might agree. If I'm healthy and strong, and I say its because i eat heathy and workout, it seems a logical conclusion. But what happens if both of those are fading and failing fast, and yet I tell you I am happy and content, joyful even? What then? Would you not ask me? And man answer point nothing of myself or works, but rather my hope in Him, my love of God, and His spirit in me holding fast to His promises. The first two questions I might be able to help you with but there is an element of "luck", while the question that follows is God, His grace and love alone. I pray this encourages you, draws you closer to Him, Im praying for you.
*I felt I should say "luck", it is still God and His grace, but the world may not see it and deem it as such.
*I felt I should say "luck", it is still God and His grace, but the world may not see it and deem it as such.
Heart ache and heart break
I hear of the heart ache and heart break and i think back of the multitude of times that I've only have my faith in God to hold on to. Things unspeakable, brought on by myself or others matters not, only that despite the hellish journey God was there, He is still here, and He will continue to be here with me, and with you. I can't stop there though, because of His love towards me, I now feel it my honor and privilege to humbly try to lead others to His feet. Charles Spurgeon said "I would go to the deeps a hundred times to cheer a downcast spirit. It is good for me to have been afflicted, that I might know how to speak a word in season to one that is weary" and I tend to agree. I pray you are drawn to Him, whether near or far, just like the reasons for pain, matter not, only that His love be given and His glory shown
Time is precious, give thanks
Short but sweet. It is Friday, but remember time quickly passes; years, months, days, hours, minutes are all vapors in the wind. Enjoy everyday, not just for the day, but for the days blessing, the opportunity to pray, repent, give thanks, to praise, to love others(including yourself), to draw closer to Him than you did yesterday. I pray this comforts, encourages, and reminds you of His grace
Loving your neighbor as yourself, it is possible
Warning!: long post ahead I think I see why the second commandment was to love your neighbor as yourself...this is in no way an all inclusive explanation but rather a brief observation. Here is a fraction of what I gather; we are for the most part prone to preserve ourself, our lives. We have the natural instinct to try to survive by all costs. But what are the costs? What would it cost you or others? If I love my neighbors as myself I will do everything in my power to help them, as I would help myself. I would do everything to protect them from the evils that they may encounter, just as I would do myself. I would pray for them, as for myself. And I would love them in words and kind actions, as I should be doing for myself. So the question then may be, "who is my neighbor?". I cannot answer that specifically, only that no matter whom you are around, talking to, etc, you can and more than likely should consider them your neighbor. I am not saying that it would be easy, but God doesn't say it would be easy, rather that they burden you are given He would give you strength to care out. So don't in your own power try to be nice to someone, instead pray and ask God to give you the strength to love them as you love yourself...and if you don't love yourself, I would ask why? If His spirit is in you, then you have something more than beautiful inside you that you can love...after all that I actually am going to to ask that those of you that read this, are my friends and family if you would pray for me, with me, that I too might have the strength to love those that I am struggling to love...ps its not my wife! I love you baby.
What to do after you have prayed
There are times when all I know to do is pray. Whether for me or for someone I know, their hope and my hope can only be strengthened by praying. Do I pray though? Of course. Unfortunately I forget what I should do after I have prayed, yes their is a requirement, and that is to stand strong on His word. I must then wholeheartedly, not wavering, stand. Then while I am standing, praise should be leaving my mouth, bubbling out of my heart, not for the problem, but for the problem solver that has promised to deliver. Whatever you may going through, you or a friend, and you have prayed, stand, praise, and trust in God our Father, whose Son has delivered us...there's only one catch, you must be a child of His to know He will deliver you. So if you are a child, be encouraged, if you are not, I would pray you would become one do that this hope might also be yours
"Our Father", and what it means
Tonight we will be going over the importance of the revelation to us of the words "Our Father". Simply put, when Jesus teaches his disciples, i.e. us how to pray He opens with that statement. The simple change from God, to Our Father is an amazing thing. Almost everyone acknowledges that there is a god, or several gods, but in His teaching us how to pray He says "Our Father". He is not just a god, or one of many, but the God and Our Father. So when we pray we can view Him as such, a father that cares, loves, guides, protects, and wants the very best relationship with him. I pray, that you pray, read and study, an allow those two words today, bring you peace love and hope.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
TITLE: "I can't take credit, it's God, and God alone"
INTRODUCTION: All too often I have heard people ask, or just plainly state that they don't feel like they are supposed to preach, teach, or whatever...and for the longest time I too thought this, BUT, as I continue to grow, God continues to show me my errors in thinking that before I had felt were true. I am not condemning wrong thinking, only that it is wrong if we never get past immature thinking. I humbly am going to try to tonight to present an overview of Paul and Apollos and his defense logically to "our" requirements to the kingdom. That may seem like a daunting task, but I promise that in my basic understanding and presentation, that I believe the Holy Spirit will take these words and give all of us a greater insight and all the way comfort us be the revealing of His word. We are all called to give God praise, honor and glory. We are not all called to "Preach, teach, or whatever" now those things are very important, but your loving cultivating relationship to God is top billing if you will. Paul was a "planter", but he did not brag about that, in fact he most strongly Preached Christ crucified and everything else was meaningless to a certain degree. Apollos stayed and watered the seeds that Paul planted(church folk), but Paul once again, states that was Apollos calling. Will the third, but again, not any less or different was the field, that were to grow. Not all people will be like Paul...and that's okay! Not everyone is going to be like Apollos, or insert any big named preacher(something that I have personally struggled with)...and that's okay! and sadly but truthfully not everyone will receive the word of God...that's not okay, because if you're hear tonight, than you can and should, but honestly...it is okay...God knows, loves and judges. Moving on. My first question and statement, is which one are you? are you in the field and your growing? GOOD! are you called to start talking to more people? GOOD!, and finally are you called to go and plant seeds and let others help water? GOOD...if you are a Christian your calling is one of those, I assure, ask God,...let us pray.
I. The Lord assigned to each
a. I planted-Pauls job...What's your job/ministry?
b. Apollos watered...Maybe you're called to do this?
II. God gave the growth
a. points (a and b) previously actually mean nothing, they are strictly God given graces
b. Only God can give growth
III. Both (a and b) have the same value
a. Both should get their wages
b. The wages are according to their labor
IV. There are 3 main things we can draw from this text.
1. There are workers
2. There are planters
3. There are the field("regular people" and there is NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!)
CLOSING: I hope that I have by God grace shown you and encouraged you, and that you are not condemned...GOD does have plans for you and all of them involve you growing closer to Him. Start there, don't ever think that you should be like someone else, unless that person is Christ. Which one are you? You are one of those if you are a Christian, so be glad, you are a vital part of Gods family, and you do have purpose, even if it doesn't seem like much, or even if it seems improbable God loves you. So when you start to walk and talk and realize that you are a child of God, remember you do have purpose, find out what you are to do, and do it by His strength and power and then gladly say
"I can't take credit, it's God, and God alone"
I must end this with a simple statement, no sinners prayer, but that if you feel that God is calling you to Him and you don't know what to do or where to start, ask me, I can lead you closer but it will be up to you to choose Him. You don't have to say a prayer with me tonight, but if you want to I will first make sure that you really understand what all it implies. BUT you can talk to Him anywhere and ask Him at anytime from your heart and He will enter, after that I pray you continue to seek council, seek help and guidance, seek Him. I love you, God loves you, have a good night.
I had my son pray in closing and for everyone to have a safe journey home:)
INTRODUCTION: All too often I have heard people ask, or just plainly state that they don't feel like they are supposed to preach, teach, or whatever...and for the longest time I too thought this, BUT, as I continue to grow, God continues to show me my errors in thinking that before I had felt were true. I am not condemning wrong thinking, only that it is wrong if we never get past immature thinking. I humbly am going to try to tonight to present an overview of Paul and Apollos and his defense logically to "our" requirements to the kingdom. That may seem like a daunting task, but I promise that in my basic understanding and presentation, that I believe the Holy Spirit will take these words and give all of us a greater insight and all the way comfort us be the revealing of His word. We are all called to give God praise, honor and glory. We are not all called to "Preach, teach, or whatever" now those things are very important, but your loving cultivating relationship to God is top billing if you will. Paul was a "planter", but he did not brag about that, in fact he most strongly Preached Christ crucified and everything else was meaningless to a certain degree. Apollos stayed and watered the seeds that Paul planted(church folk), but Paul once again, states that was Apollos calling. Will the third, but again, not any less or different was the field, that were to grow. Not all people will be like Paul...and that's okay! Not everyone is going to be like Apollos, or insert any big named preacher(something that I have personally struggled with)...and that's okay! and sadly but truthfully not everyone will receive the word of God...that's not okay, because if you're hear tonight, than you can and should, but honestly...it is okay...God knows, loves and judges. Moving on. My first question and statement, is which one are you? are you in the field and your growing? GOOD! are you called to start talking to more people? GOOD!, and finally are you called to go and plant seeds and let others help water? GOOD...if you are a Christian your calling is one of those, I assure, ask God,...let us pray.
I. The Lord assigned to each
a. I planted-Pauls job...What's your job/ministry?
b. Apollos watered...Maybe you're called to do this?
II. God gave the growth
a. points (a and b) previously actually mean nothing, they are strictly God given graces
b. Only God can give growth
III. Both (a and b) have the same value
a. Both should get their wages
b. The wages are according to their labor
IV. There are 3 main things we can draw from this text.
1. There are workers
2. There are planters
3. There are the field("regular people" and there is NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!)
CLOSING: I hope that I have by God grace shown you and encouraged you, and that you are not condemned...GOD does have plans for you and all of them involve you growing closer to Him. Start there, don't ever think that you should be like someone else, unless that person is Christ. Which one are you? You are one of those if you are a Christian, so be glad, you are a vital part of Gods family, and you do have purpose, even if it doesn't seem like much, or even if it seems improbable God loves you. So when you start to walk and talk and realize that you are a child of God, remember you do have purpose, find out what you are to do, and do it by His strength and power and then gladly say
"I can't take credit, it's God, and God alone"
I must end this with a simple statement, no sinners prayer, but that if you feel that God is calling you to Him and you don't know what to do or where to start, ask me, I can lead you closer but it will be up to you to choose Him. You don't have to say a prayer with me tonight, but if you want to I will first make sure that you really understand what all it implies. BUT you can talk to Him anywhere and ask Him at anytime from your heart and He will enter, after that I pray you continue to seek council, seek help and guidance, seek Him. I love you, God loves you, have a good night.
I had my son pray in closing and for everyone to have a safe journey home:)
Don't give up, pray for strength
Anyone else mess up and think "forget it, I might as well keep messing up!"? I can even know its self destructive at times, and just almost convince myself that it's too hard to fight...why? Why do we ever give up, knowing that things won't get any better? Not today my friends! Not today! I pray you start today with the mind an heart after God, knowing that because of His grace you can and should fight against it, even yourself...pray for strength.
He wants a relationship with you
I find that people shy away from God afraid of the rules, of the things they think He will take away, but what they fail to realize is that first His wants you to accept the relationship, He wants you to get to know, love and trust Him. He wants a relationship with you, He wants you to have that relationship, that's why so often there is a longing to Him, whether you haven't accepted Him, or if you believe that somehow you have sinned so bad against Him that He won't accept you back, both are false. He loves you, He had paid the price, closed the gap that once separated you, and now no matter where you are, He is calling...ask Him, talk with Him, not just at Him or to Him, but rekindle the relationship that cost so much...He loves you, don't be afraid.
What is the He saying to you?
It's not only what you read in the bible, but what it's saying to you. Moreover, it's not just what He is saying to you, but now what do you believe. Then finally after your belief, how has your life begun to change because of your faith and trust in Him and His word? I pray you continue to grow in your relationship with Him, because it is life changing, life rearranging, and life saving.
You are not a hypocrite when you sin
I'm not a hypocrite when I sin, when I mess up or even when I do something horribly wrong. How can this be? I have learned and shared with others that it is only when we try to hide it, cover it up, or blatantly deny it that we then become hypocrites and liars, and our sin, like a cancer eats away at our insides. Worse still if we let it grow, we become numb to it and are no longer ashamed of it, we begin to justify, and reason the lack of severity...but God, Gods grace, His love, His mercy...how great He is to forgive, to love. When we stumble, fall, mess up, make a mistake, commit the most heinous of sins, He is still God, He is still good, and He still loves you. Don't let yourself, take yourself away from Him, no matter where you have been or what you have done, ask yourself these questions; is He able? Is He willing? And finally, will you let Him? The first two despite what you may answer have in fact already been answered by Him, and the answer is "yes" to both...but the final one, that final question...will you let Him, can you humbly admit? can you push pride aside? can you come to Him in all your pain and hurt? My answer in the form of a question to you is, "why wouldn't you?". I pray you do, I hope and pray that you come to Him, pouring out your heart, let Him comfort you, I pray you do.
Draw closer to Him
I pray that you today would draw closer to Him, to His Word, to His Heart. Don't you know that you are beautifully and wonderfully made? That you are lovely? Some think that it there appearance that makes them more attractive, not to Him. While others believe that that it is there looks that hold them back, and again I say not to Him. By your good works? Is that what makes you more beautiful ...
or wonderful? Maybe to others, maybe even to yourself at times, but to Him? Or once again, are you so poor, poor in mind, spirit and works, does that rob His view of you? Of How beautiful, wonderful, and lovely you are to Him...foolishness. If you are His, you have His word, and His Word does not change. You are beautifully and wonderfully made, you are lovely to Him. I know that might sound too mushy, but the God of love must love, and if you are His child then you need to know this truth, His truth. Even the hardest or workers, most physically pleasing people can be just as empty, maybe even more so than those who don't have these benefits, because at some point, those things will fade, and what then? None of those are wrong or bad in and of themselves, but I only say that to remind us all, only God and you know what you truly feel inside. So what do you believe about yourself? Ask Him to help you today to see yourself and others as He sees
his children.
his children.
Not everyone likes you, SHOCKER!
I unfortunately have come to the conclusion that not everybody will like me. I know, shocker, but do you know that I am loved by someone that makes me feel like that despite the fact that not everyone likes me, His love is more than enough to compensate the ones that don't. Some people say that they don't care if anyone likes them, and I am not disagreeing with them or their belief, I am only say...
ing that I can say the same thing to a certain degree, but that when I say it, it is not because I don't care, or that I am not a little hurt by that reality, rather I say it with a different foundation. That foundation once again being that He loves me and He loves me so much that whether or not people like me or not, I am more than satisfied with His love of me. Here's the kicker, He loves me even when I don't love myself, even when I feel like no one should or could love me, He does. God is THAT good, He is THAT loving, and He wants you to feel the same way...may His love towards you become more and more apparent to you.
The battle between Flesh and Spirit
The battle between your flesh and spirit is real, and a real determining factor of your growth in godliness and holiness. The more evil and sin "bothers" you and is difficult to see happening around you is a begin, but it is when you also continuously go to God for knowledge, wisdom, understanding and the power to combat against it that your growth becomes evident. We should be moved with compassion when we see others hurting, when evil has won a battle so to speak, but let us not forget the war that should rage within our own lives. The difference within us, is that we should know we have the victory according to Gods word. So pray, pray for guidance, pray for strength, pray for a heart of compassion, a heart that longs to help those in need, even yourself, and know that He hears you, will answer, and will empower you to move. Be encouraged, be strengthened, because you are loved. Now share what He has imparted in you, with yourself an others.
Learn to be content
I read if a man that would go the market just to see what things he could live without. Paul says that a secret to happiness is to be contentment, I find both statements to be true. I did not say that they are easy in application, but of God has willed us to be content in Him, then whenever I feel like I don't have enough, I can look to Him. Then at times when I do feel like I am satisfied, let...
me be reminded that it was He that provided, not I, thus again deferring to Him and giving Him all the honor and glory. If you are on either end, remember it is His grace that is sufficient, He loves you and will provide all your needs...I pray you think these things over, test them, apply them an share the truth with others.
Worship Him, then work for Him
"We're here to be worshippers first and workers only second. We take a convert and immediately make a worker out of him. God never meant it to be so. God meant that a convert should learn to be a worshiper, and after that he can learn to be a worker...The work done by a worshiper will have eternity in it."-towzer
I am still struggling to remember at times that my work is work, yes, but how I do it, my heart towards it, is part of my worship to God. I will be grateful for my job, and choose to joyful serve God by it...I hope and pray you will do the same today. Worship first, supplemented with good Godly work. He gives us the will and strength to do both.
I am still struggling to remember at times that my work is work, yes, but how I do it, my heart towards it, is part of my worship to God. I will be grateful for my job, and choose to joyful serve God by it...I hope and pray you will do the same today. Worship first, supplemented with good Godly work. He gives us the will and strength to do both.
One good word will make a difference
One word of encouragement, what a difference...as soon as you posted that I had to give thanks to you and to God. I also then had to apologize to Him for thinking that in some way I wasn't doing/helping enough. It is a struggle I too face, wondering if my works are somehow the be all and end all...let me set it straight, it is all Gods love and all Gods grace. Thank you for your sweet words, please continue to share them with others, His love and His goodness towards all who are His...you have both encouraged and confirmed me. I hope everyone can and does feel the same way and does the same thing; encourage one another. I hope I do the same to all who read these posts. Have a wonderfully blessed night, resting in His arms full of peace and comfort, amen.
Gods judgement of you, beautiful
You can judge yourself, you can be judged by others, or you can let God be your judge. But that statement cannot end there, if we allow God to judge us, then we must look openly and honestly at what His word says, it will show us, lead us and guide us. His judgements are good, and His promises are with them. One promise is that He says you're beautiful, but you must be His, that way whenever you don't feel like you are, His judgment has already deemed it so.
Remind me again, part2
You may have to read my post from earlier this morning, but after reading 1 corinthians 3:5-9 I only want to add this changing the quote ever so slightly. It would be this "we may need to be watered more than have new words planted in us", meaning do many of us know so much, or rather have heard and forgotten so much we truly just need a gentle reminder of the goodness of God. You don't have to tell me something new per se, only speak a word of truth. If you are that person, let me remind you of Galatians 5:22, in there you will find seeds that have come to maturity in the life of a believer and it will bring you much comfort and joy. Thank all of you that came over tonight also, I pray that all of continue to grow closer to Him, by His love peace and grace.
Remind me again of His goodness
"More of us need to be reminded more than we need to be taught." what an oddly strange comment. This phrase is echoed throughout the bible. When I tell myself, or others about the goodness of God, His promises, His mercy and grace...we only need to be reminded, remember, today of you are struggling, remember His word.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
The bible is my standard
"The bible is the standard upon which I live my life." It never changes. I myself, am striving to know more and allow God to help me live it more and more. Am I going to make mistakes, maybe even big ones? Yes, but His grace is there even then. I live, I learn, and I love my life in Him. It all sounds so easy, but do not think for one more there is not a struggle. We suffer sometimes, we can endure it, it should build a stronger godly character, which in turn points back to Him and gives us hope. Don't be discouraged, keep holding on, staying strong, God loves you even when you or others might not. His grace is sufficient.
My apology, and plead to pray biblically
I don't want this to seem like an attack this early in morning, but there may be no other way to interpret it and for that I apologize. I have heard, read, and seen personally a plethora of things taught; how to get gods blessings, have the best day ever, etc. but so little on actually growing in godliness and holiness, so much so that it literally hurts my heart. I am not saying that those things are bad to ask for, even pray for, but where do fin those things being prayed for in the bible? Sometimes they were a result of praying for strength to endure, for mercy on a people, but even then it is only sometimes. I know that may sound discouraging, but the real question is what are we supposed to be living? Pray about it, test it, see if its right. Do I pray you and I have a great day? Of course, but I find biblically that I should be praying even more for his will to be done, his life to be shown through me, and for me to rest in Him. I hope you can see what I am trying to convey. Pray for the strength today, for Him to be exalted, glorified in your work, at your job, with your emotions, for your emotions, and pray for ways to show His love to others, let Him show you what to pray for, than let His power in and through you accomplish His will. I hope you are encouraged and keep growing in godliness and holiness.
Test everything you hear or read taught to you
I feel lead to update a little earlier in the evening, in hopes you may have more time to "test", study to see if what I have been posting is true to scripture. I pray that you do test EVERYTHING, no matter how bad or how good it may seem, test it against the word. With that being said I only actually have a small quote, but extremely potent in its potential impact. " Men can do many good things and yet not be holy in heart and righteous in conduct...they lack the spiritual quality of the heart called holiness". We all love gifts, and so many people, myself pray for gifts, blessings, etc, but who prays for holiness, to grow in holiness, to stop doing what is opposite of Godly holiness? We are called to be holy, but who preaches, teaches, and leads by example a life of growth in holiness? I am not ashamed of the gospel and my growth in it, I have not yet attained perfection, but I still strive to emulate the one who is...I pray this both convicts an encourages, only His word can do both, and work for good
Living with our problems?
AW Tozer said that"What then are we to do about our problems? We must learn to live with them until such time as God delivers us from them. We must pray for grace to endure them without murmuring. Problems patiently endured will work for our spiritual perfecting. They harm us only when we resist them or endure them unwillingly". This is when prayer is vital, because how will you know what to do, and how to handle your specific situation.
Prayer and trouble are closely related
An author by the name of EM Bounds said that prayer and trouble are closely related. I would only add that prayer is what most people do when they are in trouble, it drives them to pray. While many Christians, like myself, don't view ourselves in trouble enough to pray. I am getting better at praying as if my life depends on, because in all reality it does it. I made a list of over 100 names of people that I am praying for, and I thought about putting each your names on here so you could see and be encouraged that I was praying for you. I'm not going to, but just know I am praying for you, for you to grow closer to God, just as desperately as I am. I am and I want you to know that. Let me by saying this, it is not that somehow my prayers are "magical" or more important than any other, but that I am openly joining with you, pleading for you...I only ask that you would do the same. If you ever need something, anything and I can help please let me know, text, message, smoke signals I don't care, we are family in Christ...I pray this helps whoever reads this, you can have a good night, resting in Christ.
The hurting child(you and I)
When a child is hurt and cries out, does not the father come running? Yes, He may ask what happened?, who did it?, and why? But the fathers heart and concern are first shown by His quick arrival, or presence, if you will. Then after comforting the child, does the father address the reason...I hope and pray this too encourages you to "cry out", to call for your Father, the Father. He will come to you. To be completely upfront and honest, He may ask you what happened, talk you through how and why you should not have done what ever you did, He will counsel you, give you His wisdom. He is listening,
He does care, and He does love you.
He does care, and He does love you.
Serious business
Am I being too serious in what I post? I can only say that I must post what's in my heart, and use my God given mind to intelligently examine His word and present it to others in a way in which I hope His spirit moves also upon your hearts. So no, I don't believe I am being too serious. Case and point, I found myself more often than not praying prayers of comfort, selfish prayers, so I asked God finally to search my heart, to take whatever I may not be addressing for fear of what may happen next, and heal me. This may not make complete sense, but I pray His spirit enlightens you. Needless to say, I prayed that He would make me the man He needed me to be to best show His glory. Have I attained that? Not yet, but it had been addressed and He is leading me day by day...I then prayed that He would allow me to work harder, whether I like it or not, thus saying goodbye to my former prayers of an easier high paying job.(remember these are my prayers, not necessarily yours) not that praying for that is wrong per se but that my reason for doing so was. I hope you see my heart and what I am trying to convey. So at any point during the day I am constantly praying or strength, pray for me, at any moment I am struggling to choose life, the life that brings God glory, or death, the comfortable life where I can just get whatever I want and never have to really do anything outside of myself for Him, pray for me. I hope this is encouraging, I really do, but I also hope you are challenged, and that prayerfully that challenge will lead to change...please see my heart
Psalm 119-cling to GOD
As I read Psalms 119, I was unsure what exactly I was looking for, a quote, a topic, how a verse might relate to my life so that I could think about it and be encourage all day, but at the end of reading it, and only at the end, did I find what I was looking for. This may sound odd, but what I discovered, and I hope you also can relate to, was I found what I believe is the heart, the position in which David was crying out as he wrote it. He had already been through so much in His life and yet He knew that there were even more struggles he may have to endure, but the good news is that he clung to God, he knew he had no other choice. He went straight to God in prayer and praise. He cried out for help, he confessed his own weakness, blessed and honored Gods name, he poured out his heart and vowed to continue on with God no matter what. After reading all of this, I had to pray again, I had already prayed, to praise again, to pour out my heart as David did. I too need to cling to God, not my own strength or power, but to God and God alone. I pray that you do the same, what ever you may be going through, come to God, cling to Him, don't let go, whatever has happened, is happening, or might happen, whether good or bad, hold on to Him.
When you pray
I know I have posted a lot tonight, purposeful, but this final post for tonight I pray brings more hope. When we pray, let us pray not only from deliverance from evil and sinning, but from sin itself, from being, its power and its pollution. Let us pray for more holiness in our heart an lives. We can be bold in our prayers, even more confident in Gods Grace towards us, and be assured of His love poured out in our hearts...
What is the Bible saying to you?
So many people read the bible to see what is says, but so few read it to see what it is saying to them. Since God is speaking to us through His word, we should be actively asking "what are you saying to me Lord?". I pray that the next time you read your bible that you first pray and ask God to speak to you through his word. He will, and it will be life to your soul. Have a great night
A basic logical explaination for what I believe
I apologize before hand, this may be the longest one yet.
Is there good and evil in this world? Yes. Then we can look at how and why we determine cretin things in such a way. I believe God has set a standard upon which I refer to His judgment of things whether they are good or bad. I have a basics for what I believe. I find it interesting that people will deny God, deny His standards and yet when they are questioned about how they can judge things as good or bad, they can not give good solid ground upon which they stand. I have had many great discussions about this, so I don't take offense at anyone comments, and hope everyone else is doing the same.
I have heard so many people say "don't judge me" or even "only God can judge", and my answer is "true, but I am only telling you of what He has already judged". I myself am not the judge I know this. But let's say for instance we talk about something as "bad" as punching a baby (I'm trying to keep it a little light) we would hope that everyone would say it was wrong? Silly, but yes of course. The question is now presented: who judged that action as wrong, bad, evil, and how? I would say the bible tells me so, because men inspired by God, wrote down and conveyed that innocent life is to be cherished. Someone that doesn't believe in God is now presented with a stumbling block if you will. Is it wrong? Yes. How do you know, where did your standard come from? Where can they start? With people, the past cultures that have set up government, laws, etc. Who then gave those People the right to say what is good or bad? What authority do they stand on that makes their judgement or belief stronger or better than the one "punching babies"? Well maybe then they say, "it does not feel right, to know that a baby is getting hurt". Hmmm, how can one scientifically prove feelings without going back to fact that they are tied to either what you have learned, or that there was a point and time upon which those feelings where "imprinted" into our DNA. The former only brings us back to people again setting a standard, while the latter leads one to the question "who imprinted this upon our hearts and soul"?
I am only trying to say that whatever you believe, even I it doesn't agree with me, we can intelligently debate, discuss and search out the truth, but please don't stop looking if you are not sure. God is real, God contrary to what some believe, is not wishful thinking, a dreamt up concoction, etc...we can and should use our abilities to search Him out, if you do, if you will, you will find Him.
Friends I would ask that you are not upset with me for my posts, but if you are so be it, more than being "liked" I want you to know that YOU are loved, even when everything seems bad, bad to you, evil from others, there is Hope, my hope is in God.
Is there good and evil in this world? Yes. Then we can look at how and why we determine cretin things in such a way. I believe God has set a standard upon which I refer to His judgment of things whether they are good or bad. I have a basics for what I believe. I find it interesting that people will deny God, deny His standards and yet when they are questioned about how they can judge things as good or bad, they can not give good solid ground upon which they stand. I have had many great discussions about this, so I don't take offense at anyone comments, and hope everyone else is doing the same.
I have heard so many people say "don't judge me" or even "only God can judge", and my answer is "true, but I am only telling you of what He has already judged". I myself am not the judge I know this. But let's say for instance we talk about something as "bad" as punching a baby (I'm trying to keep it a little light) we would hope that everyone would say it was wrong? Silly, but yes of course. The question is now presented: who judged that action as wrong, bad, evil, and how? I would say the bible tells me so, because men inspired by God, wrote down and conveyed that innocent life is to be cherished. Someone that doesn't believe in God is now presented with a stumbling block if you will. Is it wrong? Yes. How do you know, where did your standard come from? Where can they start? With people, the past cultures that have set up government, laws, etc. Who then gave those People the right to say what is good or bad? What authority do they stand on that makes their judgement or belief stronger or better than the one "punching babies"? Well maybe then they say, "it does not feel right, to know that a baby is getting hurt". Hmmm, how can one scientifically prove feelings without going back to fact that they are tied to either what you have learned, or that there was a point and time upon which those feelings where "imprinted" into our DNA. The former only brings us back to people again setting a standard, while the latter leads one to the question "who imprinted this upon our hearts and soul"?
I am only trying to say that whatever you believe, even I it doesn't agree with me, we can intelligently debate, discuss and search out the truth, but please don't stop looking if you are not sure. God is real, God contrary to what some believe, is not wishful thinking, a dreamt up concoction, etc...we can and should use our abilities to search Him out, if you do, if you will, you will find Him.
Friends I would ask that you are not upset with me for my posts, but if you are so be it, more than being "liked" I want you to know that YOU are loved, even when everything seems bad, bad to you, evil from others, there is Hope, my hope is in God.
Point of fellowship and good works
Today as some of us gather to fellowship with others, to "hear a good word" let us not forget that it is not just a check on our list of "good things" to do. As weird as it sounds even good works won't mean anything when we get to heaven. His only statement will be "yes, I know you" or "I do not know you, depart from me...". Good works can and should be evidence of our growing relationship, but ...
there are many a people that think it is the good works, or even just being good that get a person into heaven. So I ask, and hope that if and when you meet with other christians, that it's not a
Check, but rather purposeful, and productive in growing closer to God, growing more in holiness, and yes, doing good works. But the greatest of these is love. May grace, peace and love abound more today in your life then you realized yesterday:)
Check, but rather purposeful, and productive in growing closer to God, growing more in holiness, and yes, doing good works. But the greatest of these is love. May grace, peace and love abound more today in your life then you realized yesterday:)
Enjoy your family, they are a gift from God
With the seriousness of my posts, and what I believe is the gospel, I will continue to post even though there are those that are opposing what I am doing. I must, because it is not for me, but for His glory. Let me add this, although serious in nature, family and friends are also God given gifts, do not neglect time with them! We can enjoy life in Him, for Him, with Him by outside, I will never teach or preach otherwise. Even though trials and tribulations will come, we can and should have peace and be of good cheer...live, laugh, and love your life in Christ
Give thanks, thank Him!
Christ is my casual conversation. He is in everything I do. When I woke up, I thanked God. When I look at my children (even when they misbehave), I thank God. the food I eat, the job I have, the wife entrusted to me, God, God, God. Is there literally any area in our life where we can't thank him? But when is the last time you thanked Him? Maybe your soon so well that it has just slipped your mind, stop and thank him. Maybe things are so bad, that you can't even see or feel Him...He's still there, He still loves you, you're still here, you're still waiting to be loved, thank Him. Finally you might be saying "ha, i already did thank Him", THANK HIM again, can we ever thank Him enough?! Be encouraged as you face today, you are not alone, you are part of a large family that loves you, and our father, God loves you
Beautiful life
Once again I am left in awe at the beautiful life we are given(by Gods grace) and so often take for granted. No one can argue that our days are few and can disappear without warning. Life is precious, rare and valuable even, for you only get one. Here in lies the point and question, anything else that is precious, rare and valuable we cherish, we protect, we guard with our own lives. Then why is it that our own life, even more previous, rare and valuable than any material good, we are so careless with? God blessed us with life, and then out of His love and grace gave us faith to know Him and enjoy our life all while getting to know Him. I pray you reach out with faith and grab ahold of His love by His grace, in Him is the peace, love and strength we all desire and need. You are beautifully and wonderfully made and precious in His eyes, He loves you, what more needs to be said? Pray, praise and give thanks. May grace, peace and love abound more and more in our lives!
A good word makes you glad
"Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad." This quote from Psalms, rims true today...some say that the bible, that the words of God aren't relevant, but I have discovered that one good word can make me glad, His good word . So if you are plagued by fear, desperate for hope, let me say this again as simply as I can, reminding myself also, God loves you. Can you trust and believe in that? Will you? If you can and do, it will make you glad
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