TITLE: "I can't take credit, it's God, and God alone"
INTRODUCTION: All too often I have heard people ask, or just plainly state that they don't feel like they are supposed to preach, teach, or whatever...and for the longest time I too thought this, BUT, as I continue to grow, God continues to show me my errors in thinking that before I had felt were true. I am not condemning wrong thinking, only that it is wrong if we never get past immature thinking. I humbly am going to try to tonight to present an overview of Paul and Apollos and his defense logically to "our" requirements to the kingdom. That may seem like a daunting task, but I promise that in my basic understanding and presentation, that I believe the Holy Spirit will take these words and give all of us a greater insight and all the way comfort us be the revealing of His word. We are all called to give God praise, honor and glory. We are not all called to "Preach, teach, or whatever" now those things are very important, but your loving cultivating relationship to God is top billing if you will. Paul was a "planter", but he did not brag about that, in fact he most strongly Preached Christ crucified and everything else was meaningless to a certain degree. Apollos stayed and watered the seeds that Paul planted(church folk), but Paul once again, states that was Apollos calling. Will the third, but again, not any less or different was the field, that were to grow. Not all people will be like Paul...and that's okay! Not everyone is going to be like Apollos, or insert any big named preacher(something that I have personally struggled with)...and that's okay! and sadly but truthfully not everyone will receive the word of God...that's not okay, because if you're hear tonight, than you can and should, but honestly...it is okay...God knows, loves and judges. Moving on. My first question and statement, is which one are you? are you in the field and your growing? GOOD! are you called to start talking to more people? GOOD!, and finally are you called to go and plant seeds and let others help water? GOOD...if you are a Christian your calling is one of those, I assure, ask God,...let us pray.
I. The Lord assigned to each
a. I planted-Pauls job...What's your job/ministry?
b. Apollos watered...Maybe you're called to do this?
II. God gave the growth
a. points (a and b) previously actually mean nothing, they are strictly God given graces
b. Only God can give growth
III. Both (a and b) have the same value
a. Both should get their wages
b. The wages are according to their labor
IV. There are 3 main things we can draw from this text.
1. There are workers
2. There are planters
3. There are the field("regular people" and there is NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!)
CLOSING: I hope that I have by God grace shown you and encouraged you, and that you are not condemned...GOD does have plans for you and all of them involve you growing closer to Him. Start there, don't ever think that you should be like someone else, unless that person is Christ. Which one are you? You are one of those if you are a Christian, so be glad, you are a vital part of Gods family, and you do have purpose, even if it doesn't seem like much, or even if it seems improbable God loves you. So when you start to walk and talk and realize that you are a child of God, remember you do have purpose, find out what you are to do, and do it by His strength and power and then gladly say
"I can't take credit, it's God, and God alone"
I must end this with a simple statement, no sinners prayer, but that if you feel that God is calling you to Him and you don't know what to do or where to start, ask me, I can lead you closer but it will be up to you to choose Him. You don't have to say a prayer with me tonight, but if you want to I will first make sure that you really understand what all it implies. BUT you can talk to Him anywhere and ask Him at anytime from your heart and He will enter, after that I pray you continue to seek council, seek help and guidance, seek Him. I love you, God loves you, have a good night.
I had my son pray in closing and for everyone to have a safe journey home:)
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