Forgiveness is an option...but as we look closer at what the bible says about this topic, I pray that you allow God to move upon your heart so much so that you don't view as such.
Matthew 6:14-15
"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will you Father forgive your trespasses."
To begin with we actually need to look back at verse 12 which reads "and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors."
Verse 14 seems to go into greater detail, thus leading me to believe that Jesus wanted to needed to explain forgiveness further for those listening to better understand. With that being said, lets look at how verse 14 actually starts...
"For if"
I. The choice is yours
A. He obviously states that it hinges upon us either doing, or not..."if"
II. Let's not deceive ourselves, because He was not deceived
A. This does not in any way say that is "okay" for us NOT to forgive
B. He knows everyone hearts, thus some as he knows will not choose to forgive
So since we have a choice... what are these trespasses Jesus is speaking of?
III. From what I have gathered trespasses is anything and everything that may happen to you by way of others.
A. Emotional
B. Physical
C. Mental
D. You name it, etc...
*Lets be open and honest for a moment, you have trespasses against someone...
just admit it, even if you don't know who or when, you have, deal with it.
All joking aside, it is true, so remember Gods grace and forgiveness is for everyone...
Moving on
You do not have the strength or natural human desire to forgive, BUT as you grow in your relationship with God, His word says that you can and should forgive and in doing so He will give you the strength and power to do it.
So "if" you forgive, what are the benefits? good question
1. Your relationship with God grows and you are humbled and His word exalted, peace comes
2. You become a walking and talking living example of Gods grace, peace, mercy, and love
3. It also shows Gods right and proper Word of Grace and Truth
But this is all the "IF" but what about the "Then"?
IF you forgive others, THEN God will forgive you, in His forgiveness is rest, grace, mercy, peace and love.
But what about IF you do NOT, THEN...He does not forgive you and the relationship becomes strained(in humam terms mind you)...It is that fellowship that God begins to show you lead you anad guide you and give you the strength to do His...If you love Him, then you will obey Him.
A few quick points:
He didn't say when you feel like it
He didn't say if you feel like it
He said "if you forgive"(do it)
He didn't say it would happen instantly
He didn't say it would be easy
He said "if you forgive" (do it)
There is a reason why He is called our saviour, we need saving.
From the heart the pain and the anger, "if you forgive"
I pray you address that person or thing that needs forgiveness, go to God, ask Him for help, He will help you!!! Start with prayer...
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