The rain falls on the just and unjust unlike...Gods grace even to the smallest degree provided, provides and will continue to provide. But what strikes me as odd, is that so many people seem to take it for granted. We can look at the "rain" if you will, and when your child it's beautiful and filled with wonder, sometimes scary, but still fascinating. Then we become adults and gain a little understanding of the process and what's involved, some are still amazed, while others only become annoyed. As both child and adult, the rain is still a gift, it still is a wonder of epic proportions. The question then becomes do you enjoy it, and receive it gladly? or are you the later, which only tries to explain but in doing so still cannot explain the how or why? See scientifically I know it takes pressure, hydrogen, oxygen, etc...but even taken to its end, I have yet to find out how or why, but as a Christian I can tell you who provided it...and again either way, I'm left going "wow, God is amazing". He sends the rain on the just and unjust unlike, but can and will you accept it? I pray you understand what I am trying to convey. God sent His son, full of grace and truth "the rain" if you will, for everyone... the question then becomes will you accept Him? He has been given freely to all, he is beautiful, filled with wonder, sometimes daunting and all together fascinating. So whether childlike faith, or scientific intellect...we can not deny the rain, only question, and either way it does not take away from the truth, it only clearly points more to God and His presence. I hope you are encouraged to know him more, to draw closer, and if only beginning, discover him and his grace and love for you.
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