Do not get discouraged when you mess up, when you let yourself down, when you feel like you just can't live up to Gods standards. He does expect perfection, but not from you, He expected and received it from His son.
He only asks us to accept His son as our only source of redemption. So when you mess up, and we all do, don't be condemned, but rather ask for forgiveness, realize it a sure call back Him, to righteousness and live again. Being held down by condemnation is a suffering that will keep you away from God, from his love grace and mercy.
Ask forgiveness return to Him...every time, don't stay away from Him because you think you're not worthy, you're not, that's why we ask Him to see His son in us. I pray you have a day in which you grow closer to Him, don't be deceived by anything that may keep you from
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