Romans 5:1-5
If you look at verses 1 and 2, Paul is what I like to say "setting the stage". He is getting the reader ready by giving a standard, basics upon he further argument will be based. He had just went into detail in chapter 4 about how great Abrahams faith was, and now in chapter 5 he is going to take it a step further.
Starting in verse 3 he begins with the words "more than that" and this will be the start of the first point.
I. We rejoice in our suffering
1. What is suffering?
-Torment and pain various situations
2. What are these situations/areas?
3. How can we rejoice?
-Referr back to verses 1 and 2
-hope in Christ
-Knowledge of being at peace with God
II. Endurance produces character
1. We must wait throughout trials and tribulations-suffering
-while we wait we can pray, give thanks, help others, etc, continue to give God glory honor and praise, not for the suffering, but despite it
-By doing the above we begin to grow in "Godly" character, the fruit of he spirit be one evermore evident Galatians 5:22
III. Character produces HOPE
- as we can see HOPE comes full circle.
- we grow in our relationship, and our HOPE grows stronger
IV. And this HOPE does not put us to shame
- it all came back to Christ crucified, the holy spirit being given to us, if it is givento us by God, it is by grace. Gods love has been poured into our hearts...that's why, and how we can rejoice even while suffering!!!
V. Closing comments and prayer
Jesus died for us so we could be at peace with god, then God gives us His love, pouring out His love in our hearts by the holy spirit, all from His GRACE
I pray that if you are suffering that you rejoice remember the hope you have. Endure,while waiting cling to christ and grow closer to Him, this will build His character in you. As this character is being strengthened and build, your hope will increase, this coming full circle, glory to God for our hope in Him.
So it is possible to rejoice,He is faithful, and He will deliver you from your suffering. Amen.
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