Thursday, August 2, 2012

"Heart of Gratitude"

"4 I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers, 5 because I hear of your love and of the faith that you have toward the Lord Jesus and for all the saints, 6 and I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ"
(Philemon 4-6)

Paul is writing to Philemon (and others) about Philemon's runaway slave (Onesimus) and how he should handle him once he returns.

Paul is in prison at this time, but that he  is still doing what God has called him to do, even in his old age-its never too late to start to do what God has called you to do

This is the shortest book New Testament.

It is also different in that it is highly personal. Written by Paul to Philemon for Onesimus.

Luther refers to this letter and how it is presented as "Holy Flattery" for how well it is written by way of its presentation in defense of what the reader should do in response to Paul's argument for Onesimus.

I.  Thanks God
  1. Look at Paul's humbling of himself, and exalting of God "I thank..."
  2. His prayer is personal " God"
  3. He maintains constant communication with God "always"

II.  Remembers Philemon
  1. Love towards Jesus and all the saints
  2. Faith towards Jesus and all the saints

III.  Prays for effectiveness of Philemon's faith
  1. For full knowledge of every good thing
  2. For the glory of God
Keeping in mind that this letter was written to Philemon, asking him to do something ( which Paul hasn't even gotten to yet) We can see Paul's "Heart of Gratitude" overflowing towards Philemon.   Although Paul does use this structure of prayer and thanksgiving in some of his other letters, it is not the fact that they are used, but that they are directed towards Philemon personally that is so encouraging, inspiring and good for instructing.  We, by looking at how Paul is speaking to Philemon through this letter in just those few verses, get a get picture of how to pray and have a "Heart of gratitude" towards others. (Recap 3 main points)  

Finally, as a bonus I want to add on the end, as Paul does, what benefit he gets from Philemon. 
Paul's entire letter up until this point has not been about him or what he wants, rather he has praised Philemon for everything he has been doing for Christ.  But in verse 7 Paul ends this section with what he personally gets from Philemon...

I have recently have been encouraged as Paul was by way of My Father and what he just recently went through I have been refreshed by you and your prayers, thank you.

Thank God in your prayers
Pray for others
Pray that we grow to know God more and give Him all the glory.

I pray that in these things you too will find comfort, joy and are refreshed. 

It all begins with a "Heart of Gratitude"

Let us Pray

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