Sunday, August 26, 2012

Don't be scared to share

For the most part I find us, myself included, being very passive because some how, for some reason when it comes to sharing the love of God, and the gospel. I think maybe its because we don't know it all yet, maybe its because we don't feel that we have a firm enough grasp on what we believe, I'm not sure, but I know we stay timid. All the while struggling to accept His love, This in turn hurts our capacity, our willingness to share what we do know with others. 
2 Timothy says that "God has not given you a spirit of fear but a spirit if power, love, and a sound mind.".
I've said it before and wholeheartedly agree that you don't need to be the most eloquent of speakers, you don't have to be a pastor, preacher or master of all things biblical, all you need is a growing and loving relationship with God. Start there, He will give you words to say, He will help you along the way, and He will never ever runaway. I pray you have a wonderful day.

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