Sunday, November 25, 2012

Be still

"Be still and know that I am God". Sounds like an order doesn't? As it should, I could say commandment but its not quite the same. A few quick beautiful points: be still, it would seem that we have a tendency to hustle an bustle about and not remember to just stop. But stop and do what? Why? First is to KNOW, have you ever heard someone say you're too smart for your own good? Again, with all the hustle and bustle I believe we end up having the mentality of "yeah I know I know" type attitude, so God wants us to be still, know, an here's the kicker, that HE is GOD! He tells us not to lose sight of that, of Him. I will go more into detail on that later:) but for now my encouragement for you and me is to prayerfully stop and remember that He is God.

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