Sunday, October 28, 2012

I will praise Him, no matter what!

If I were to post that I've been sick all weekend, it would be the truth physically. Yet spiritually I have been more active and alive then ever before. Despite my current circumstances, I can, and have, and will continue to praise The Lord. I have been posting to "stay strong, and hold on, God is good", I feel as though I need to revise it to say; let God "stay strong" in you, and your flesh weak. "Hold on" to His word which is truth, and let go of what you know in the natural. "God is good" because that is all He can be. I pray that makes sense, if not, think about it, pray about it, study the book of Romans and see the glaring difference between flesh and spirit, then praise Him just as I am, as we all should.

The "gift" or the "gift giver"?

I spent time this morning praying and looking for a passage of scripture, a biblical quote, something, anything that would inspire and lead others to the feet of Christ, and it was in this searching that The Lord so gently reminded me, if I am not seeking Him, if I am only seeking something from Him, I have missed "it". That hit me hard. He wants you and I to desire Him, hold on to Him, not just...
His "gifts". "Don't love gift, but love the gift giver". If you were to ask me "are you saying that we shouldn't ask, pray, believe or receive gifts from Him then?" Of course not! My question for myself and others, are simply; "Are you searching for more of Him, or the gifts from Him?" "Do you want the gifts, and just some of Him?" "What is it that your heart truly longs for?". That is why it has taken me this long to update this morning, I had to pray, ask forgiveness, to chose to seek Him and love Him above all else...even if I don't find the perfect quote or scripture for what you are going through. I want you to find Him, then the scripture will be there. I hope and pray that this does help you, but in such a way that you are drawn closer to Him, not just what He can do...that's loving God.

"It is finished"

"It is finished" in those three words a child of God, you and I, place all of our hope. The law fulfilled, His love completely revealed. Pray, ponder, and praise for what these three words truly mean to the believer.

One word

One word, just word from God will change your life. Problem is, He has already said it, and people don't want to hear it. Lets pray for them, pray with them, show them how to pray and believe. One word changed our lives, gave us hope, love, peace, joy...just one word. Maybe you've forgotten, today be word.

Why are we here? (Thank you )

Just needed to clear the air about my post last night. First I am not depressed or anything of the sort. Second I do my best to relay and relate to what others may be feeling. Third to encourage myself and others to realize that we are not alone. We are in this world together as family, meant to love, encourage, discipline, rebuke, show mercy and grace, and also receive mercy and grace. So to t...
hose that posted sweet replies, thank you, I did need the encouragement. To those of you that may have read and wondered, there's my explanation, I hope it helps. We have so little time, and yet I, probably like you ind yourself doing so many things outside of what we actually know God has called us to do. Loving your family, praying more, complaining less(none), praising an thanking God more for what we have, listening more, talking less...allow God to change you, rearrange your attitudes, comfort and establish you in His truth, and as always, hold on, stay strong, God is good.

Precious Time

David Brainerd said "Oh, how precious is time, and how it pains me to see it slide away, while I do so little to any good purpose." This is how I feel at times, posting on Facebook, sharing the Gospel and what God has done in and for me, and my family. It's as though at times my work is of little value. Oh evil, the ever present liar and accuser of brethren...If your heart has been changed, th...
en your walk with God is of the utmost importance, don't ever think or believe otherwise. Keeping growing and going with God, and call the liar, a liar, because that is all he is, and all he can do. Good is still good, faith and works are linked, but it is all because of grace that you and I can live, love and give God the glory. Time is precious, it is God given, honor him with it, and find comfort and rest in Him, not in your works. Be encouraged. Hold on, stay strong, god is good.

Encourage others

We are told to encourage others, bottom line. Why wouldn't you is the first thought that entered my mind? Encouraging others does three things biblically I believe; first and most obvious it lifts up those that are down. Second it reminds you of Gods goodness in your own past, and thus adds once again to your current position. Finally it honors and glorifies Him, you trust in Him, prove your fai...
th, believe His word and are now a walking talking testimony. So if you have an opportunity(which you will) share what God has done for you, encourage them and see if the other benefits I've said don't also happen. Bonus: encourage yourself, remind yourself daily, hourly, minutely of Gods past goodness and grace toward's a great way to start your day too.

Hope in God

As a Christian I place all of my hope in God. I choose, or rather consider, to look at my life and my various sufferings as so small when I put them in Gods light of Glory. I hope that makes sense? Listen, the bible never says life is going to be perfect or that we won't have issues that arise; by our own accord, because of the fallen world, or simply because God is showing us something that needs to be fixed by drawing closer to Him(discipline/training us) In any case, you choose how to view it. If you are a child of God you have the distinct honor and privilege to look at and towards Gods glory promised (actually better than promised) by his word. This is what I spoke on tonight at our bible study. I pray you take it, test it, try it and apply it, and if it is true(I believe it is) then share it with others.

As taken and read from Romans 8:18

Spirit Vs. Flesh

I've been reading through the book of Romans, studying actually, and it's amazing the absolute certainty dividing the fleshly nature and the spiritual, regenerated heart nature. To clearly see where you are personally in regards to your relationship with/to God. Long story longer, where are you with your relationship with God? Close? Grower closer? Far away wondering if you can and should go back? Or rebelliously turned away, heart harden...where ever, what ever, He is still there, still waiting...I pray you grow closer...I sincerely hope you do. I'm praying for you, let me know if there is anything I can do to help you along or your journey. Please pray for me, I always accept donations in heavenly currency:)

When God doesn't feel like He's there

Even when God feels distant, he is still here. By His own word to I hold fast to that truth, because you like I sometimes feel that way. What do you do then? You pray, study and continue to praise , more so not for the feeling of his absence, but for the abundant blessing he has already provided. Don't give up, don't give in, hold on, stay strong, God is good.

Debate comment-PRAY

Since most will be watching the last debate tonight I thought I would update my status early. Up until this point I have remained quiet about politics, and in all honesty I only have one thing to say. Pray. Contrary to what people say or think the bible does speak of politics, both in Old Testament and New Testament. Pray. No matter who is elected, is not God still God over all? I am not say...
ing that who you pick is irrelevant, more importantly it is crucial that you go to God and seek his will for whom, it is the utmost importance to yours and His relationship. He can and does move on the hearts of men and kings(presidents) alike. Pray.

I want to end with this, not an attack, but a call to righteousness. How do you know Gods word? Not by reading, but by studying and prayer. I hope this encourages you and brings you comfort, but above all else draws you closer to Him.

Do you want to believe?

"23 They only were hearing it said, "He who used to persecute us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy." 24 And they glorified God because of me."

I have never actually tried to destroy the faith, but I have done countless things in the past that were...well pretty awful. And yet here Paul is writing the Galatians and makes no mistake about his past (it being much worse by his own admission) and now people are seeing the change God has made and are giving God the glory. Have you tried to destroy the faith? Maybe you have argued adamantly against it, maybe you still question it, maybe you even want to believe but are held back by what you have done. Let Paul, inspired by God to write this letter be an example. When you turn to God and give your life to him, the previously mentioned things are covered by his grace, the reason His son died for you, the enmity against God forgiven, His spirit will bear witness of the Truth, and questions will be answered. The end result, you'll be free, have a testimony, and others will give God the glory. Go to God, pray, wherever you are at in your life right now, pray.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Common misconception

It almost amazes me the misconception that has apparently been presented to some. But I found a very relevant quote that I pray helps you as it does me. "The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, 'O God, forgive me,' or 'Help me.'"

While in this world there will be "struggles and troubles",...
I have never painted it any other way, nor has God, BUT through His son we have hope. I have a hope unshakeable, a peace indescribable, and a love that comforts, corrects and draws me closer. I do not idolize any man or possession, I only allow what God has done to them or through them to inspire me closer to Him and his Son by his Spirit, and I pray you do the same. Be encouraged, stay strong, hold on, God is still in control.

Loving your spouse

My wife. God has entrusted me with another persons welfare, and not only that somehow I convinced her that I could do it.(thank God she trusted in Him knowing that I am a work in progress and that he is constantly helping me) Men we can not do it, at least not by our own strength and intelligence. This is not a knock on men, but a man of God knows this, and in this knowledge strives all the mor...
e to trust and hope in Gods word that He will honor his word which we should so desperately cling to. By doing doing just that my wife CAN believe that I will do my very best for her(even when I mess up) because she has that same assurance in God, in me, for me, in her, and for her, all for the glory of God. Men we have a great responsibility, believe and trust in God and do his will, women like wise, and even to the unmarried the same is true. One is not better than the other, and all should be giving glory to God...but in my case and possibly yours, you have a cherished and honored blessing, treat it as such, love one another as they need to be loved. I love my wife, and more importantly she knows it. Even more important than that she knows that because I love God and am growing in Him, so I can and will only love her more and more, better and better, amen.

Secret to happiness, His perspective

Paul says one o the secrets if happiness is being content, I like to look at it this way; "Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor."
- Benjamin Franklin

Sadly you won't find historically that he was a Christian, but Ironically his quote is biblical truth, thus Christ like in nature. Think about it, pray about it, test it, are you content, or discontent? Why? If you're lacking in an area, why? I submit that you don't have a godly perspective on that area.
Pray for his perspective, for satisfaction in him, and watch contentment be there.

Examples usually talk about money, and how if you have 100 dollars you're richer than 90% of the rest of the world. But what about looks? Are you content there? do you take your opinion about them, or Gods? Whatever it may be, have you looked at it from His perspective? I pray today you stop and look, pray for strength...pray

You can tell a lot about a person

You can tell a lot about a person by what they pray for. Moreover you can tell more about a person IF they pray. The person that prays acknowledges they can not accomplish anything fully by their own strength, and accordingly live by the Spirit trusting in Gods goodness. While the person that refuses or doesn't pray spends all their time and energy trying to get which can only be given by grace...
unwilling to humble themselves only getting what will soon perish. I speak of higher things though, spiritual blessings, Godly fruits of which only God can give. These are the fruits of His spirit found in Galatians 5:22, the things which no man can steal, no devil can destroy. Let us pray by seeking His face at His feet. Be encouraged, stay strong, hold on, God is good.

Straight and narrow

The Christian life is found on the straight and narrow road, but that does not mean it is a lonely road. In fact I would like to think and do believe that the smaller the road, the closer the company, the truer the friend. You're not alone, you have those that do love you and are encouraging you on your journey which is life. I pray you are on the straight and narrow, going and growing in Him.

Blood sweat tears and prayers

Blood sweat tears and prayers I humbly ask in my closet that those struggling with sin, pain, hurt, regret would give it ALL to God. He is the ultimate comforter in your time of need, the problem is though that rarely do we go to Him first. Rarely are we so grounded an rooted in His words that any storm shakes our foundation and we are left rebuilding...friends, family, build your relationship with Him, strengthen your foundation and in doing so watch the storms come and go and you stand strong! Not only that you'll be able to help others in word and deed, people will come to you and you'll be able to point the way, give them the ultimate blue print...pray, study, read grow and share with others.

Living life

How many out there are living life, and how many are just trying to stay alive. Take it any way it applies. That coworker who always seems down, the one that always so negative and pessimistic, or how about the wife or husband who is just trying to hold on and not lose it? This isn't even going into those of you who feel pain or sorrow about other worldly issues. But the question remains who a...
nd how can we help? The first thing I encourage and am personally doing is devoting more time for prayer, even for myself as things feel like they are closing in around me. The next is share with those in need, whether a kind word or nice deed...this is not just a feel good message this morning, but a call back to righteousness...back to pointing people back to God and His love, back to His life, and love for us in Him.

Unforgiveness, devil's design

Unforgiveness is one of the devils designs, don't be fooled! Read 2 Corinthians 2:9-11. Pray and ask God for the strength to forgive. We can't be ignorant of the hurt and pain that unforgiveness causes others and ourselves. Pray, you have family praying for you, with you...keep praying for peace in your heart, mind and soul.

No room for rubbish

"In all these things we are more than conquerors." You know, very often we get so discouraged. We get so earthbound. We lose sight of the majesty of God. We forget this: that God has branded you as a child of God. He lives in you. His Spirit lives in you. Christ lives in you. And we let little rubbish around us upset us? -RAVENHILL

I pray that you and I would be greatly encouraged and strengthened in that knowledge of Gods word. From your family to your job, keep Gods word in you, if you are filled with it you don't have any more room for rubbish. Let us pray.

Prayer is crucial, vital even

Leonard Ravenhill says"Your prayer life denotes how much you depend on your own ability, and how much you really believe in your heart when you sing, "Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling...." The more self- confidence you have, the less you pray. The less self-confidence you have, the more you have to pray." How powerful is that?! Talk about truth cutting to the heart! I don't know about you but as painful as that was to admit about myself, it also almost seemed to supercharge me...I pray it does the same to you. Prayer is crucial, nay, vital to the life of a Christian, of a man or woman of God. It began with prayer leading to salvation, then continues on, it must continue on, in humble expectation of our assured salvation.

Hard to be a Christian

Be good isn't that difficult, be a Christian, now that's hard. See being good means that there are certain things you can justify on the grounds of equality or because "you deserve it". Where as the Christian constantly denies themselves and puts others first, whether it is fair and equal or not. This may be challenging but consider if you are just trying to be good, or stringing to be a Christian...I pray you and I both receive the strength to walk in the manner worthy to be accused a Christian:)

Don't be afraid to ask when in trouble

It's difficult to hear bad news and know all that you can do is pray, but also how comforting it is to know that you can pray. So much can be said OF prayer, but let us spend more time IN prayer. I know personally I could always use a little more encouragement through prayer, even if I never knew that you prayed for me, once a share a good testimony, know that your prayers were apart of the effort. I likewise am praying for you, don't be afraid to ask in times of trouble, but let us remember to share the times of victory also, so that we all may rejoice.

Faith filled heart

Andrew Murray said the following and I after careful an prayerful thought like it a lot. "Do not strive in your own strength (but) cast yourself at the feet of the Lord Jesus, and wait upon Him in the sure confidence that He is with you, and works in you. Strive in prayer; let faith fill your heart-so will you be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might." I fear at times that I might sound redundant, or repetitive, but am quickly learning that my fear is not warranted because we all need constant reminders of Gods goodness, grace, and mercy. As the father loves the child, so does He love you! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Forgiveness, don't be fooled

2 Corinthians 2:9-11

I. Paul felt a great personal attachment to all the churches he started and/or visited

we know this by all the letters he wrote, and which we are reading now:)

II.  Out of this desire/need he writes these letters for a reason

1.  Test
     a.  show what you know
     b. show where you need more training/discipline

2.  To know whether you (they) are obedient in EVERYTHING
     a.  He then must, by logic, presented them the RIGHT WAY, THE WAY
     b. He expected them to be obedient in EVERYTHING

III.  Forgiveness is the Focus
1. You forgive, I forgive
2. What I have forgiven is for your sake
    a. Instruction
    b.  Faith in Action
3.  In the presence of Christ

IV. Don't be fooled
-"My people perish for a lack of knowledge"
1.  We are in this together (family)
2.  We are taught/trained to watch for Satan's designs
3.  Not to be outwitted by Satan

1. We are family
2. unforgiven hurts not only you, but all whom you are apart of, i.e. you family and friends
3. Knowing and being Obedient will keep you from being fooled!
4. ALL of this points to the cross of Christ

The relationship, the knowing him (relational) is vital to our present state and eternal salvation, there is noway around it, be encouraged, not discouraged

Unforgiveness, harshness on those that have hurt you, even are getting outwitted by Satan!  Don't be fooled, if he can pull you away from Christs forgiveness of your sins, by tricking you to hold on to unforgiveness, of yourself and others, DON"T LET HIM!!!  unforgiveness can do that, Christ crucified redeemed us...forgive others even as you have been forgiven.

You now KNOW, now be OBEDIENT, He will give you the strength, let us pray.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Keep eating

Can I be so bold as to confront some of you with a truth that I have had to face before? Some of you went to church this morning and were fed a really good message, but no matter how good the message it won't, can't, and isn't meant to feed your soul for the week. Take what you heard today, test it, apply it (if it is true) and share it with others. But continue in growing your relationship with Him by you constantly staying in His word, and not just on Sundays. Convicting? Maybe. A call back to righteousness? I pray so! Be encouraged, stay strong, hold on, God is good.

Perfect love casts out fear

You know, I believe that sometimes the devil can't actually get you (I know that sounds a little country) so he tries to get at you by attacking your family. Guess what though? Im prayed up, fed up, and looking up to my dad in heaven and asking for a blessing of epic proportions! Not for me, but for my family! Because guess what? I'm not scared! "Perfect love casts out fear". I know this isn't ...
as eloquent as some "preachers" or " pastors" would speak, but asks us to speak from the heart, so that's what I'm going to do. Whatever situation you may be facing today, go to God, pray, have faith that He will deliver you and your family from whatever you or they are going through, and keep praying! The fervent prayers of a righteous man (or woman) "work"! Stay strong, hold on, God is good!

restless or restful

I don't know how many of you have ever been restless like me, but this proverb speaks of wisdom and discretion, and it is this;"If you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet." There is a blessed insurance of sweet sleep knowing that you are living for God. Think about it, no matter what your circumstances are right now, if you go to God an stay there in His presence in prayer and praise, His word says that you can have sweet sleep. Could you have anything less knowing that the God of the universe, and your Father...for lack of better words, is on your side! How could you not rest sweetly knowing that? I pray you experience His love and comfort...there is nothing else like it. Have a sweet restful night, amen.

What if?

What if...what if you prayed for that person that hurt you so bad and God turned their heart, what if? What if you drew closer to God and really started living for Him, what if? What if God used you at your work because you finally walked boldly, what if? What if your husband/wife saw you devoting your time to them because God is using you to love them as they have never been loved, what if? The life of a Christian though should not be a series of "what ifs" but one of "I am, and I am getting better all the time". Are there struggles with this? If course, but that is the sole reason God states that we can do all things by Christ who gives us strength, it is never in our own capacity, but that which God provides to overflowing even to others. I pray you are encouraged to live a life of "what ifs" but one of "I ams". Even if you are starting now, coming back, or are just continuing, be encouraged.


There's a level of honesty and sincerity when a person prays from desperation, that I believe I so often truly fail to acknowledge and experience. In my comfort it occasionally takes something tragic to remind me that my worldly blessings are temporary and are only evidence of Gods goodness. While the "bad things" also lead me back to Him out of their demonstration of that which is evil...I pray that if you are "comfortable" that you remain thankful, and if you are struggling, that you pray and run to Him. In Him is goodness and life.

The happy man of God

No man in the world should be so happy as a man of God. It is one continual source of gladness. He can look up and say, "God is my Father, Christ is my Saviour". What beautiful words spoken by DL moody. Took look up and to a loving father and also to a loving savior whenever we are in need. Yes I too hold fast to that, and I pray you do as well. If you don't or haven't decided to yet, pray, if for the first time, or the hundredth time, because to know those two truths will bring love grace peace unspeakable...

Father forgive them?!

When He said "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do". Who was he referring to? Everyone. But how could he say that they didn't know what they were doing? I submit that they didn't fully understand just how deep, how much, the full ramifications of their choice actually we are to echo his words when others hurt us "Father forgiven them" and again the second part is also true, "they know not". They don't know how much they hurt or are hurting you, even if they say they do, they really don't. Yet we are still to ask "Father forgive them". Ask him for strength to utter those words, ask for the power to forgive yourself, ask. I pray this helps you as it is me...

So you had a bad day

Bad day, I'm not ashamed to admit it, it's not wrong to admit it, BUT the days not over, and I still have so much to be thankful for. I am happy to be home, happy to see my children sick though they may be. My beautiful wife, so much. But these things only make me happy, the joy I still cling to is in God, in His word, because by those two He grace and love has been poured out in and onto my heart. Family, if you like me had a rough day, as the old saying goes "count your blessings", I suggest you may want to look around and keep counting until you realize just how blessed you are! Please pray for me and my family, I'm not ashamed to asked I am humbled and honored that I can even ask you, and I will do the same for you.

The facts of life

You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the Grace of God...I know the lyrics are supposed to be "the facts of life", but I have to cling to God because at times, most of the times the facts don't bring hope. That is why I pray, and you should too, not to change the facts per se, but that Gods grace is even more abundant. Prayer.

God given peace

A little early I know, but I must. I received an amazing compliment from an old friend that I can't and wouldn't take credit for. I have to give all glory, honor and praise to God because He is the only one that can take credit for the compliment I was given. Wanna know what it was? He said that he had been reading these posts and that he could just tell I was at peace...simply amazing. With all the trials and tribulations I have faced, am currently facing, yes, I am at peace because I hold fast to my confession of faith in Christ( my constant hope in my time of need) He is the only one that can and does give peace like that. Check Phillipians 4:7.

Don't live confused

How many times have you cried out "what have I done?! Or what am I supposed to do?!" when talking to God on your prayers? Paul in his letter to the Phillipians says this; 18 What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice. To Live Is Christ Yes, and I will rejoice, 19 for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of ...
Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance,". I know this is not the complete context but a few simple truths can be pulled from it. First He asks and comes to the conclusion that He will choose to rejoice in God, and second that he knows that by others praying for him he fully expects deliverance. So whatever you're going through choose to rejoice, and second ask others for their prayers for your deliverance. Don't live confused, turn to God and ask for help. Be encouraged!

Rub the wife's feet

A double post? Yuuuup! I just wanted to let everyone I know that I truly love and appreciate every kind word you've encouraged me with, and also the prayers in private that you e said on my behalf, "thank you". I am praying for you also.  Time to go rub my wife's feet after a hard day of work...yes it may be humbling, but should love ever be selfish? Didn't The Lord wash his disciples feet as well?! Humility, putting others welfare before you're own, don't be afraid that you'll be walked on, love will make them walk with you hand in hand. Men be men and love your women as God would have you love them, not just in WORD, but also in DEED. (Cant say you love and not do anything for/with them) Women be women and love your husband, not just in DEED but in WORD(you cant just do things for them, and run them down with your words)...when you put the other first constantly the bond that is formed and maintained is ordained by God and kept to rub some feet:)

Weep becuase He died for you

This quote from Spurgeon I believe is biblically backed, and first cut me to the core, so I am posting it in hopes it draws all men and women to Him. With that be said the quote is this; "Weep not because the savior bled, but because your sins made Him bleed." The sweetest sound is the humble tears of a person that has given up in their own strength to seek the Lord in their time of need. Whether sinner or saint, The Lord beckons all to himself...come, those that are heavy burdened, that they would know Him. Know love, know peace, know grace and mercy... You are loved, don't stay bound by your sins, know Him.

Pursue righteousness and kindness

"Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor." I wondered to myself how much I actually pursued those two things...then once again had to immediately pray for forgiveness, then they wisdom and strength now to pursue them as I should have been doing all along. It's going to be a good day now that my priorities are in order. Starting the day off with pray, can one ever get off on the wrong foot if you hit your knees first?!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Today is the day that The Lord has made (you can and should) rejoice and be glad in it. Whatever struggles or troubles you're facing, or have been dealing with you can still recognize Gods grace and love towards you by the simple fact He created another day, opportunity for you to draw closer to Him. It is in that that you can rejoice and be glad, I pray you do.

Sin did Him in

I just read this and was immediately taken"it was sin that murdered Christ, I would will you to not be apart of that". It is not that I have ever taken sin lightly, so to speak, but I now don't believe that I have taken it that seriously, or rather to that depth. I pray those words convict your heart as it did mine, back to righteousness in light if what the cross really did. We are not supposed to just try to e good, being good is only the reflection of the true good that is in us, don't let sin cloud that which longs to shine. Let us all pray

Preaching to yourself

I know I already posted, but I felt lead to share this. Has any one else out there had to talk to one of your kids(or any kid for that matter) and by the time your done God has pointed out not only how to help them in their error, but now somehow you have preached to yourself as well? I laughed at that this morning, then humbly prayed and asked God to help me with what I had just previously told my eldest son...God is good like that, but we must be receptive to His instruction, live it, don't just talk it.

Truth and the world

For the world the truth is sometimes too hard to actually believe. For the Christian, the true child of God, the truth although difficult at times to believe, is still the truth which we cling to. It is the realness of evil, and the greater good of Gods grace, peace, love and mercy all founded on Gods word. Whatever you may be going through, whether extremely good, or a horrendous suffering of some sort, if you are a child of God you can and should find comfort in His arms...pray, read, believe, receive, amen.

Tricky temptation

I wish at times I had a "who had seen this" little thing at the bottom of these posts, I know it's only my flesh wanting to be gratified and made proud...I read this tonight and I wonder who on a Friday night (a beautiful one at that) will see it; "Sin gets its power by persuading me to believe that I will be happier if I follow it. The power of all temptation is the prospect that it will make me happier." It is not a son to be tempted, but as the author if this quote states it tries to convince you that you'll be happier once you given in to it. Pray for strength, rely on what Christ had already done...I pray you like this, not in the Facebook way, but in the truth has set you free type of way.

The car and faith

This may be a slight stretch, but faith is knowing something is wrong with your car, I mean you see all the warning signs, and you may or may not know what happened or if you know you did it,( which you probably did) something is wrong and you know you are going to need help so you take it to a mechanic and here is where the faith part comes in. Let me start by saying I could take my car to my very own father and odds are I will automatically be suspicious of what he will tell me is wrong. Then I take it to a certified expert, and instead of being comforted, no, I get even more suspicious of what's going to be said... Ahhhh, but while I'm waiting, hoping, I begin to pray, to put my trust in God, and not solely the mechanics, and peace is like that too. Go back and now picture yourself as the car if you will...can you see all the metaphors and analogies that could be drawn from that. The point being that your life at times will be difficult and you may be on the verge of breaking down, but glory to God their others out here to help you, and even in your trial and tribulation you can and should draw closer to God...your family is praying for you, with you, and while we can't always be there, God is and he can give you a peace that surpasses the problems fears.

The whole truth

Is it better to know you're going to be tempted to do something wrong, bad, sinful, or that Hod has given you the power to have the victory over it? Trick question, they are inseparable if you are a child of God. I can't present the truth without telling you the entire Truth! You have already probably been tempted, but glory to God He has given you the victory...but even if you slipped this time, repent quickly an sincerely, restore your fellowship with Him, and now walk ready and willing to fight and over come the next temptation, because we both know you will have an opportunity soon encouraged, wise, walk even more closely to Him.

Rest tonight

I pray you rest easy tonight after a long day He can and will give you rest, go to Him, give thanks, apologize (repent if you messed up) maybe even to you wife or family, strive for peace espically at home...don't know who that was for, but God loves you, you are His most beautiful child...have a goodnight

Grow with God

James 3:17 says "But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere." You must be growing with God, in Him, to receive His wisdom but look at what comes from it! That's a beautiful picture of Christianity, not just good morals as some would like to classify. Yes we should be "good" but any, and all my goodness, good words, deeds, thoughts, etc. all come from Him. His grace allowed those who are His, who have chosen to receive His calling to walk in His wisdom. In and of myself I would have never been able to be what I have become, and more importantly, am becoming. I pray you KNOW the Father, accept His grace, His loving sacrifice, and if you already have, then glory! You now have access to His throne of grace, you can have his wisdom an all that that encouraged, i pray you continue to grow in godliness and holiness.

Pray double

I have so much to do, and so much to be thankful for, that I better pray double, stay humble, and not grumble.

Pray for strength

If you're anything like me you've started off today praying for strength because you know you're about to have a battle on your hands. Whether kids and trying to get them I listen, maybe it's coworkers, maybe you're just at war with yourself, PRAY. Keep praying, don't stop praying, pray for them, pray for your self, pray for God to hear and help. I know I said it before, but sometimes that's all we can do, we should be doing it all the time, but sometimes that's the only thing we can pray. I am praying for you, please pray for me.

Pray without ceasing

Pray without ceasing. Asked of us in scripture there must be a reason! Why would we be asked to do something akin to breathing? Could it be that as important as breathing is to our physical being, praying is just as vital to our spiritual well being? I believe so. Prayer should not only be a one time "Help me father!" type of occasion, although there will be times when that's all that can be uttered and is needed. But for the vast majority of the time I find that we are asked, commanded even to stay in constant fellowship with our the question then becomes not "did you pray today?" But "are you continuing to pray all day long?" I ask that you also encourage me with this question, as I am now encouraging you. Remember this is not insulting if you haven't been, but a gentle loving pleading back to righteousness.

I can't love money, or be jealous of those who have it

"He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity." I have known the rich, I have befriended the poor, and at sometime I have been both. Both looked up to, and looked down upon, but it was not until I viewed myself as rich (in God love , grace, and mercy) that I no longer was concerned about my status. Conversely it was again not until I viewed myself as poor (I didn't need or have the material things I thought I did) that I was no longer jealous in heart. Contentment, the true secret to happiness. When you work today, work not for the money or stays but rather as unto The Lord giving Him thanks, glory, and honor. Learn to be content, but learn to love God above all else. I pray you have a great day, but whether good or bad, rich or poor, let God be your strength and comfort...content in your position and status as a child if God.

Is God big enough?

An old but often asked question that should cause us to humbly admit our short term memory, "Is God (big enough, strong enough, wise enough, willing) able to help you?" Are your problems too much for the God of the universe? Did they catch Him off guard? Off His game so to speak? Of course not! Then why do we as His beloved children so quickly forget or discredit His word and track record? I too am guilty of this, but give thanks to His patience in my ignorance. I pray you ask for help, ask according to His will. I find that several things happen when we do. First we can recurve comfort in knowing that He has heard us. Second that in hearing, we have humbled ourselves this exalting Him, proving our faith in Him. Lastly that no matter when the answer comes that until our deliverance He is by outside, strengthening us as we grow with Him. God is willing and able, if you are His child you have His word. Ask in faith, stand strong on His word, and continue to fight the good fight of faith. I hope this has encouraged you to ask, or at the very least challenged you to ask why you haven't or won't.

So you had a bad day

If you had a bad day yesterday what would a good and loving father say? "I'm sorry. What happened? What can I do to comfort you? What did you learn from it? Was any of it your fault? Remember I'm still here, your family is still here and we love you". Even if you never heard these from your earthly father, God our Father, I am convinced, will say those. The question then turns to you, have you gone to him and told Him? Will you? You can. I pray that whether or not yesterday was good or bad that you go to Him, in his presence is goodness and fullness of life.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

"One of the most difficult passages of scripture to believe, accept, and live"

Romans 8:28
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose"
How can we at times face Hell here on earth and still know that GOD is in control and some how in some way it is working for GOOD?  We first must KNOW, what GOOD is, and then out of our LOVE for God KNOW once again it will work together for GOOD...let us pray
I.  "And we KNOW"
  1. Paul is presenting his case on the basics of "we"
  2. other witnesses and participants in Gods grace will verify what he is saying is the TRUTH

II.  "for those who love GOD"
  1. obey His commandments
  2. strive to grow in godliness and holiness
  3. not that we are perfect, but that we are growing closer to the one that is:)
  1. GOOD and BAD
    1. ALL things, whatever you can think of, the extremely good and the extremely bad...ALL THINGS
      1. *Can a man or woman get better or grow closer to God through their afflictions?
IV.  "work together"
  1. Think of a watch with all of its pieces, big small, some turning this way, others turning that way, almost as if they are fighting against themselves...think about it the randomness of the pieces apart from the whole...think
V.  "for good"
  1. What is "GOOD"?  from Pauls argument and standpoint
  2. Temporal good, ie
  3. Spiritual good
  4. Eternal good
  5.  Points 3 and 4 speak of Gods character, the ULTIMATE and only TRUE "GOOD"
VI.  "for those who are called(invited)"
  1. How do you know that you are called?
  2. My question would be, "who has NOT been called?"  didn't Jesus die for everyone?!
  3. Many are called, but those that choose are few
  4. God called you first, and out of His calling by grace, you have access to His love, to return to Him
VII.  "according to His purpose"
  1. His perspective of your eternal salvation
  2. His plan  reconciling you back to Him
  3. His passion, point and purpose of Jesus dying for you and I, everyone
1 Since you are called of God , and I hope that you have chosen
2 Now that you LOVE Him and are growing closer to Him by hearing, walking by faith, saved by grace
3  You now, RIGHT NOW can and should know that ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD, FOR THOSE that LOVE HIM.

I pray tonight whatever you struggles or troubles that you can receive this word from the Lord and although you may not fully understand the WHY, you can KNOW that it will work for the GOOD.  AMEN