Sunday, September 23, 2012

We are the church

I am not saying it is wrong to invite people to church, but we are by definition the church itself. Invite them to fellowship, become their friend of for no other reason then to be there as a true example of love in action. John MacArthur says it this way and I like how he puts it "I am convinced, by the way, that friendships provide the most fertile soil for evangelism. When the reality of Chri...
st is introduced into a relationship of love and trust that has already been established, the effect is powerful. And it seems that invariably, when someone becomes a true follower of Christ, that person's first impulse is to want to find a friend and introduce that friend to Christ.". I know many have said this and it may be cliche, but you may be the only bible people read...I hope and pray that this is encouraging to you, to talk to those you love because if you do love them, you will want to talk to them:)

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